small dictionary...croatian/polish :P with NEW WORDS :-D
sviđaš mi se=lubie cie
nedostaješ mi=brakuje mi ciebie
volim te=kocham cie (sounds even better when u hear it)
koristim pivo za opit se=uživam piwo za opić sie :D
draga=kochanie :-)
kako?=jak? rofl
bog=ćeść! thumbup
desno=pravo! nut
ja sam julije cezar=jestem julije cezarheadbang
možda=może (strasno!)
čelo=ćowo (ovaj mi je najbolji)headbang
kokoš=kurćak mah
vrata=dżwi (prebolesna ric, dvostruki prijelom jezika)
najbolji=najlepśi lud
volim pivo=kocham pivoparty
studeni (mjesec)=listopad (svasta covik vidi dok je živ!)
tastatura=klawiatura smijeh
sat=godzina bang
godina=rok cool
godine=lat lud
(i moja omiljena)
daj mi pivo=daj mi piwo party
mamurluk=kac burninmad
sranje!=kurde! rofl ili cholera
ne znam nista=nie wiem nicsmijeh
odjebi od mene=spjerdalaj!!! (pogadate.moja omiljena) yes
kako se osječaš?=jak se czujesz?zujo
(neman vise komentara na ove rici..nema smisla :0 )headbang
koji kurac oces?-=czego kurwa hceś?
jebač policije=jebać policje :P
promaja=pśećonk (najdraza mi je ova)

nima Splita do Kielcea do Kielcea

09.05.2006., utorak

Kielce party and lots of other stuff...

did i said i started drinking with kielce alumnies....yep! that was it party barbicue was excellent and plus all new faces of aiesecers from kielce just made that night amazing...this conference was just next to the lake with sandy beach and big forrest around it...reminded me of Split and marjan forest...njami

i must be honest and say that there is a part of the night i really don't remeber quite clearly but sure it was fun party....polish people welcomed me as i was their own and i really appretiate it rofl all i m sure of it is that i like their way of giving suger cubes...each times u get one u get a hug also...and i did get a lot of them.....guess i made some kind of a impresion on them wave on the way back to Kielce, coz conference was a bit outside of the city somehow (niko nije siguran kako smo svi stali...mislim da je bilo par iscasenih zglobova) 4 of us manged to get inside pegla (malu) and exactually drive back to kielce smijeh

since then i manged to get around dorm quite easily (s obaveznim zaustavljanjem ljudi na ulici i pitanja di je sta=co?) managed to buy myself a cd player , speakers, and betteries for about 150 kn...which made me really happy and confident in ma budget :P

i was almoust overrun by tractor (s prikolicomlud)near the faculty near dorm...coz the bloody driver was speeding like 50km/h next to all the studnets who were just (non salantno) jumping aside...guess it's quite boring event for them...ah, almoust forget....kielce traffic lights are so funny...they also got some sounds for deaf people, but it sounds more like some dicso pop song on which u can acctually dance and have a party around when the light is green thumbup

for now i would just like to thatnk god that i was matched to kielce and not katowice coz this is so much nicer city to live in...kielce is green with lots of grass, trees and playgrounds and katowice is grey street next to the other grey street (ima boga!) mah

i m going to do some work and keep in touch for more action from urs truly

bacite jednu na picigin i za menezujo

- 09:53 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

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O čemenzi je ovaj de tu blog...
sta mi se zbiva i pricinja :) sta radin i kako se salim...s kim se salim i kako to...eto sto!
izjave za pamćenje
"Ne brinite o mogućem smaku svijeta danas. U Australiji je već ionako sutra!" (Charles Schultz)

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars." (Les Brown)

"Samo glupi i mrtvi nikad ne mijenjaju svoje mišljenje." (tko li je?)

"Today (2.5. 2006.) is really the first day of the rest of ma life" (ja)

"Jeben ti mater" (slucajni prolaznik)