**NEsHTo o MEni:
datum rodenja
mjesto stanovanja
>samoborska gimnazija
...volim... frendove&&frendice, obitelj, svog peseka, VaNSiCE
♥, gitaru, muziku, ljeto&&sunce
♥, izlaske, sladoled, smijanje
=)=),, uglavnom punooo toga
...ne volim... dvolichne&&sebichne ljude, ljude koi vole biti u sredishtu paznje, kukce-eww, cajke...
♥, parsiche, elemental, alice in chains, hp, bob marleya, cranberries, gunse, jack johnsona, srpski rap
...kuchanice, tree hill, crtiche, zGoDNe DecHKe
¤¤LiFE isN'T EAsy.
LoVe HuRTs. BoyS Lie.
FRienDs sTaB. PEoPLE dIe.
pArEntS yeLL. YoU aLWays tRY.
y0u'rE neVer g00d En0Ugh.
& Y0u d0N't kN0w wHY...
¤¤a girl only needs 3 things in life:
love to make her weak
alcohol to make her strong
&& friends to pick her up when the first two make her hit the ground
¤¤I'M 17, i'm SuPPoSed 2 geT 0Ut of coNTRoL!!
as we grow up, we learn that even the one person that
wasnt supposed to ever let you down probably will.
you will have your heart broken probably more than once,
and gets harder everytime.
you'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken
you'll fight with your best friend.
you'll blame a new love for an old one did.
you'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love.
so take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love you've never been hurt.
because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
¤¤EvErY s0Ng eNDS BUt tHerE's No rEASon n0T 2 enJoY tHE MuSIC...