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nedjelja, 21.02.2010.

Wholesale Educational and Learning Toys for Your Babies

Parents want the best for their babies and baby toys are no exception. Every parent wants their baby to be intelligent. Toys that are the most popular for young babies include toys for looking, listening, sucking or fingering. Right from the time the baby is born, it is beneficial to introduce to the baby new sights and sounds that develop the baby's hand-eye co-ordination and visual skills.

These educational baby toys are one of the best ways to make your baby learn and have fun at the same time. Here are some of the Top Educational and Learning Toys that are ideal for babies from Wholesale Toys of TradeTang.com. Toys offered at this site are light, soft and easy for your baby to handle. Toys that respond to baby's actions are more popular.

Begin Baby's education early! A great way to get babies and infants started on Educational Toys is plush baby toys. This range of toys develops babies and infant's visual, motor and independent play skills. Here is a list of popular developmental and educational learning toys that are good for your baby from TradeTang.com.

Zhu Zhu Pets

I'm sure you've heard of this hit toy, which is this thing called the Zhu Zhu Pets. It's turning out to be the must-have toy for your baby. Zhu Zhu Pets Hamsters are a type of electronic friend for kids, and maybe even for you and me if you're the type who likes toys. Powered by batteries, the Zhu Zhu Pets scoots around a track that's a little like a Habitrail, drives a miniature hamster sports car, and spins in a wheel just like a real hamster.

One of their selling points: they have a bit of artificial intelligence to them, which helps them understand which room of their little hamster habitat they're in, and they make appropriate sounds.

For example, when they're in the bathroom, they make sounds as if they're flushing the toilet or brushing their teeth. While in the bedroom, they make alarm-clock sounds and sleeping sounds.

Your baby can read

Your Baby Can Read! is an early language development system for infants and toddlers. The DVDs employ whole reading and some phonics to help babies learn language patterns during an optimal time when their brains are developing rapidly and are intensely focused on picking up language patterns.

Babies can learn the patterns of written language just as naturally and easily as they learn the patterns of spoken language. Often though, babies are not exposed to enough written language for this learning to occur.

Baby Einstein

Every parent wants their child to start learning at the earliest possible stage. Studies have shown that watching stimulating content like baby DVDs and listening to baby music aids in the development of baby's brain. So, how do you find out which baby DVDs and baby music to go in for? Just look for the baby Einstein at TradeTang.com.

Baby Einstein is one of the pioneers in the Baby DVD industry. Along with its DVDs and videos, Baby Einstein has a wonderful range of toys in the market today. Some of you may have noticed the Baby Einstein toys, which are quite frequently featured in the Baby Einstein DVDs! The Learning Sounds Piano is a nicely designed musical toy for young babies and toddlers.

Want to buy these toys mentioned above? Visit TradeTang.com and select the right toys for your cute babies.

More at review blog.

21.02.2010. u 08:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#^

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