Punk's not dead (it just deserves to die)

07.03.2006., utorak

Saturday Night Fever

Papilon 4.3.2005. Nakon cjelodnevnog mukotrpnog rintanja krenuo sam put Papilona. Ekipa se sasvim neočekivano, nadasve začuđujuće, pa čak bi se usudio reći neshvatljivo, oblokavala ispred tog velebnog zdanja, sklepanog od par odbačenih fosni. Ja bi to od milja zvao diskom! Došao sam solo i družio se sa svima i s nikim. To obično ne prakticiram jer moram razgovarati s 5 osoba odjednom, a već sljedeći tren nema nikoga tko bi s samnom podjelio radost ispijanja tekućine koja život znači. Solo sam došo i na Subse, al tad sam bio mortus onolko kolko sam ovaj put bio straight edge, tako da sam tad bio dovoljan sam sebi! Nisam baš pri pari jer trebam riješit još 2 mala ispita s 1. godine pa bi se trebo isprsit za poduku, kod sisate dame u zrelim godinama ili muške varijante tog bića, između 75 i 100 ćuna (jasno po školskom satu) a nebi se ni čudio da zatraže još penezi. Pa ti pij! A ono ne volim baš žicat pa sam odlučio bit trijezan. Ovo kaj sam napiso da ne volim žicat je u pravilu točno osim ako nisam pijan i žedan, tad svaki vaš smješak upućen meni shvaćam znate već kako. E da mala napomena svim kojima je promiskuitetna Žikk dao prišivak: brijem da se nemre prati jer sam ga ja držao u džepu i zaljepio mi se onaj crni natpis i boja mu se malo skinula. Kaj ja znam ja bum ga stavio na jaknu il tak nekaj kaj se ne pere svaki čas. Kaj se koncerta tiče neznam kolko je bendova sviralo, ja sam gledo Šabane i bili su mi dosta dobri, Absint – odradili su solidan posao, te No More Idolse kojima ova svirka (po mom skromnom mišljenju) nije baš najbolja u životu. Najviše su mi zasmetale one pauze koje su trajaleee i trajaleee. Al nije bend kriv! Ljudi koji su pogali nerijetko su padali po 30 centimetarskom stage-u pa bi bilo svega. Od udaranja nastupajućih story super nova zvijezda do iskapčanja i raštimavanja instrumenata. Baš šteta sad kad je bilo prilike pjevat s njima rijetko ko je išao gore. Tko ima sreće pogledat će jednog dana i live video snimku svirke NMI-ja. Znate i sami koga bute morali ljubit da to dobite. Hehehe. I to je bilo to. Fala jednoj maloj pički i pol (they call her Maja, dirty slut Maja), koji me zvao na cuganje dalje al fakat nisam imo ni snage ni volje. Dobar dio večeri sam bio trul. Bumo se našli skoro da mi više daš te dvd-ove. Pozdrav svima!
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Dead Kennedys:

punk's not dead it just deserves to die
when it becomes another stale cartoon
a close-minded self-centered social club
ideas don't matter, it's who you know
if the music's gotten boring it's because of the people
who want everyone to sound the same
who drive bright people out of our so-called scene
'til all that's left is just a meaningless fad
hardcore formulas are dogshit
change and caring are what's real
is this a state of mind or just another label?
the joy and hope of an alternative
have become its own cliche
a hairstyle's not a lifestyle imagine Sid Vicious at 35
who needs a scene scared to love and to feel
judging everything by loud fast rules appeal
who played last night? "i don't know, i forgot
but diving off the stage was a lot of fun."

so eager to please peer pressure decrees so eager to please peer pressure decrees
make the same old mistakes again and again chickenshit conformist like your parents

what's ripped us apart even more than drugs
are the thieves and the goddamn liars
ripping people off when they share their stuff
when someone falls are there any friends?
harder core than thou for a year or two
then it's time to get a real job
others stay home it's no fun to go out
when the gigs are wrecked by gangs and thugs
when the thugs form bands look who gets record deals
from new york metal labels looking to scam
who sign the most racist queerbashing bands they can find
to make a buck revving kids up for war
walk tall, act small only as tough as gang approval
unity is bullshit when it's under someone's fat boot
where's the common cause?
too many factions safely sulk in their shells
agree with us on everything or we won't help with anything
that kind of attitude just makes a split grow wider
guess who's laughing while the world explodes
when we're all crybabies who fight best among ourselves

so eager to please peer pressure decrees so eager to please peer pressure decrees
make the same old mistakes again and again chickenshit conformist like your parents

that farty old rock and roll attitude's back
"it's competition, man, we wanna break big."
who needs friends when the money's good?
that's right the '70s are back
cock-rock metal's like a bad laxative
it just don't move me, ya know?
the music's ok when there's more ideas than solos
do we rally need the attitude too?
shedding thin skin too quickly
as a fan it disappoints me
same old stupid sexist lyrics
or is satan all you can think of?
crossover is just another word for lack of ideas
maybe what we need are more trolls under the bridge
will the metalheads finally learn something?
or will the punks throw away their education?
no one's ever the best once they believe their own press
"maturing" don't mean rehashing mistakes of the past

so eager to please peer pressure decrees so eager to please peer pressure decrees
make the same old mistakes again and again chickenshit conformist like your parents

the more things change the more they stay the same
we can't grow when we won't criticize ourselves
the '60s weren't all failure it's the '70s that stunk
as the clock ticks we dig the same hole
music scenes ain't real life they won't get rid of the bomb
won't eliminate rape or bring down the banks
any kind of real change takes more time and work
than changing channels on a tv set

so why are we so eager to please peer pressure decrees so eager to please peer pressure decrees
make the same old mistakes again and again chickenshit conformist like your parents

pojedini posjetitelj od 17.3.06.
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