Danas mi je bio jedan izuzetno zanimljiv dan iako je tek prošlo podne.

Izravni razlog toj činjenici moj je, nikako se nebi moglo reći trijezan susjed koji mi je, na neki način i uljepšao jutro.

Dogodilo se to ovako:
Oko 11 sati susjedi iz prizemlja počeli su postavljat klima uređaj za koji se već dugo hvale da će ga napokon imat. 10 minuta kasnije čujem udaranje nekog tupog predmeta u zid iz stana dotičnog, ne baš trijeznog susjeda kojeg je baš to postavljanje klime probudilo iz spokojnog sna nakon cijelonoćnog pijančevanja u vlastitom stanu i kuglanja s pivskim flašama kao čunjevima. Što je bio taj tupi predmet, mogao sam samo nagađati, no 10 minuta nakon toga čujem zvonjavu na vratima. Otvorim vrata, kad ono razjareni susjed sa krvavom glavom (tada sam dobio par ideja o onom tupom predmetu) počne galamit da kaj ja radim u stanu i da će zvat murju ak odmah ne prestanem. Naime, bio sam sam doma, pa sam mu bio jedini kandidat za napadat, iako ga se nisam bojao jer je pijan izuzetno slab i nesposoban u što sam se mogao nebrojeno puta već uvjeriti gledajući ga kako se raspada na ulici ili po stepenicama u stubištu. Na njegove optužbe samo sam zalupio vratima jer sam morao čitat Odiseju i nije mi se više dalo zajebavat s tim luđakom. Čuo sam da se vratio u stan i moje su brige, ako ih je uopće i bilo, netragom nestale. Ali, tu dolazimo do najzanimljivijeg trenutka. Za 20 minuta vidim kak policija dolazi pred našu zgradu. Da me krivo ne shvatite, to me uopće nije zabrinulo jer nisam učinio apsolutno ništa protuzakonito. Nakon što su se parkirali cijelu vječnost, dolaze do mojih vrata i priopćavaju mi kako su dobili prijavu da stanar/i stana s imenom Kuzman remete javni red i mir! Na to im odgovorim priopčivši im kako je pravi remetioc javnog reda i mira jedan, ne baš trijezan susjed koji lumpa po cijele noći i zbog kojeg noćas nisam uopće spavao. Napominjem da su u međuvremenu susjedi završili s postavljanjem one klime i da je bila savršena tišina kako bi se moglo čuti hrkanje iz stana tog glupog, ne baš trijeznog susjeda (neznam jel možda zakrmio pred vratima il jednostavno hrče ko medvjed) Na to mu oni pozvone na što se čuje zavijanje iz stana (na što su me oni začuđeno promatrali vidjevši moj savršeno mirni izraz lica nimalo prožet čuđenjem na životinjska glasanja iz susjednog stana). Zatim sam ih ostavio da se oni zajebavaju s njim da mogu napokon pročitat onu retardiranu Odiseju do kraja. Za par minuta samo sam vidio kako ga gotovo iznose iz stana i odvoze sa sobom na triježnjenje.

A ja sam ipak odlučio ić napisat novi post umjesto pročitat Odiseju, na čemu ste mi, nadam se, zahvalni.

Eto, to bi bilo to za danas, sam da napomenem da ću u nedjelju sasvim slučajno na biciklu proć oko pol pet kraj Lucijanke kako bih se mogao grohotom nasmijat Ivi u živim bojama.


petak, 11.05.2007. u 12:15 ][ 15 ][ P ][ # ][ ^ ] [

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You`ll never walk alone

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
Walk on walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone


Is it getting better
Or do you feel the same
Will it make it easier on you
Now you got someone to blame

You say
One love
One life
When it's one need
In the night
It's one love
We get to share it
It leaves you baby
If you don't care for it

Did I disappoint you?
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth?
You act like you never had love
And you want me to go without

Well it's too late
To drag the past out
Into the light
We're one
But we're not the same
We get to carry each other
Carry each other

Have you come here for forgiveness
Have you come tor raise the dead
Have you come here to play Jesus
To the lepers in your head
Did I ask too much
More than a lot
You gave me nothing
Now it's all I got
We're one
But we're not the same
We hurt each other
Then we do it again

You say
Love is a temple
Love a higher law
Love is a temple
Love the higher law
You ask me to enter
But then you make me crawl
And I can't be holding on
To what you got
When all you got is hurt

One love
One blood
One life
You got to do what you should

One life
With each other

One life
But we're not the same
We get to carry each other
Carry each other




High, higher than the sun
You shoot me from a gun
I need you to elevate me here

At corner of your lips
As the orbit of your hips
You elevate my soul

I've got no self control
Been living like a mole now
Going down, excavation
I and I in the sky
You make me feel like I can fly
So high

A star
Lit up like a cigar
Strung out like a guitar
Maybe you can educate my mind

Explain all these controls
Can't sing but I've got soul
The goal is elevation

A mole
Digging in a hole
Digging up my soul now
Going down, excavation

I and I in the sky
You make me feel like I can fly
So high

Lift me up out of these blues
Won't you tell me something true
I believe in you

A mole
Digging in a hole
Digging up my soul now
Going down, excavation

Higher now
In the sky
You make me feel like I can fly
So high


Never made it as a wise man
I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing
Tired of living like a blind man
I'm sick of sight without a sense of feeling
And this is how you remind me
This is how you remind me
Of what i really am
This is how you remind me
Of what i really am

It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time i'm mistaken
For handing you a heart worth breaking
And i've been wrong, i've been down,
To the bottom of every bottle
It's the words in my head
Scream "are we having fun yet?"

Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no
Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no

It's not like you didn't know that
I said i love you and i swear i still do
And it must have been so bad
Cause living with me must have damn near killed you

And this is how, you remind me
Of what i really am
This is how, you remind me
Of what i really am

It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time i'm mistaken
For handing you a heart worth breaking
And i've been wrong, i've been down,
To the bottom of every bottle
It's the words in my head
Scream "are we having fun yet?"

Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no
Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no
Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no
Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no

Never made it as a wise man
I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing
And this is how you remind me
This is how you remind me
This is how you remind me
Of what i really am
This is how you remind me
Of what i really am

It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time i'm mistaken
For handing you a heart worth breaking
And i've been wrong, i've been down,
To the bottom of every bottle
It's the words in my head
Scream "are we having fun yet?"
Yeah yeah
Are we having fun yet [3x]


I am so high
I can hear heaven
I am so high
I can hear heaven
No heaven, no heaven don't hear me

And they say that a hero can save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wait
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles
Watch as they all fly away

Someone told me love will all save us
But how can that be, look what love gave us
A world full of killing, and blood-spilling
That world never came

And they say that a hero can save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wait
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles
Watch as they all fly away

Now that the world isnt ending, its love that I'm sending to you
It isn't the love of a hero, and that's why I fear it won't do

And they say that a hero can save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wait
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles
Watch as they all fly away

And they're watching us
(Watching Us)
As they all fly away


[It starts with]
One thing / I don’t know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It’s so unreal
Didn’t look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on / but didn’t even know
Wasted it all just to
Watch you go
I kept everything inside and even though I tried / it all fell apart
What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when I tried
so hard
One thing / I don’t know why
Doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I’m surprised it got so [far]
Things aren’t the way they were before
You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me
In the end
You kept everything inside and even though I tried / it all fell apart
What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when I
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I had to fall
And lose it all
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter
I put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this
There’s only one thing you should know

Shpaolin temple