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Jednom davno imala sam blog. Ne znam čemu mi je služio… Ne znam ni čemu mi ovaj sada služi… Prvi blog koristio mi je kako bih svima pokazala da nešto znam, da nešto umijem… Bilo mi je važno da svi znaju za mene i da svi znaju kako nešto značim. To je bilo prije 3 godine. Moje mišljenje o blogu je sada drugačije. Nije mi više bitan identitet, nije mi više bitno mišljenje drugih ljudi o meni, nije mi više bitan publicitet niti broj komentara... Jedino što mi je bitno jest to što bih htjela sa Vama podijeliti svoju iskrenost i svoju unutrašnjost. Iako se svima doimam kao vesela, vedra i uvijek nasmijana osoba bez problema, ja to u zbilji nisam... Ja sam obična djevojka sa mnogobrojnim pitanjima na koja mi nitko ne može dati odgovor, pa tako te odgovore ne mogu dati ni sebi sama. Jedino što mi je u moći jest razraditi ih i možda si ih pojednostavniti, no nikako otkriti... Osoba sam koja se voli izražavati i koja sluša i poštuje mišljenja drugih ljudi. Smatram da smo svi različiti i svako je sam po sebi pojedinac, no svima nam je zajedničko jedno – želimo da se čuje i naš glas.

01.08.2007. | 14:07 | 0 K | P | # | ^

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da ili ne?

Alice in her wonderland,
her world is big but it's just pretend,
is there a day when we will understand,
this circus we call life

I keep on heading time and time again
If we won't listen
then our world will end,
we don't say it just to make amens,
listen through the script of prayers

It's not necessary for an eagle to be a crow,
the circle of life is here
and respect we must show

Earth, wind, water and fire,
seems like we've lost our desire,
to fight for what we know is right,
lost in our way of life,
Earth, wind, water and fire,
seems like we've lost our desire,
to fight for what we know is right,
the Elements of life

Would you believe there are better ways,
to justify what the people say,
nothing seems unique these days,
in the circus we call life

I've heard the line that I'm just a man,
nothing changes we must make a stand,
and if that means to fight we can

it's not necessary for an eagle to be a crow,
the circle of life is here
and respect must be shown

Earth, wind, water and fire,
seems like we've lost our desire,
to fight for what we know is right,
lost in our way of life,
Earth, wind, water and fire,
seems like we've lost our desire,
to fight for what we know is right,
the Elements of life

Colours and fountains and mountains and trees,
take just a second to stop and to think,
God was an artist painted pictures to see,
look how beautiful life can be

Colours and fountains and mountains and trees,
take just a second to stop and to think,
God was an artist painted pictures to see,
look how beautiful life can be

Earth, wind, water and fire,
seems like we've lost our desire,
to fight for what we know is right,
lost in our way of life,
Earth, wind, water and fire,
seems like we've lost our desire,
to fight for what we know is right,
the Elements of life

Colours and fountains and mountains and trees,
take just a second to stop and to think,
God was an artist painted pictures to see,
look how beautiful life can be

Colours and fountains and mountains and trees,
take just a second to stop and to think,
God was an artist painted pictures to see,
look how beautiful life can be

"Sam sebi idem na sprovod u jesen u sumrak magleni! Kroz Grad, ja nosim Cvijet kroz Grad! I to je to : ja nosim Cvijet kroz Grad i taj moj Cvijet sja k'o fosfor krijesnice! Blatno je, svijetli oblaci gasnu u daljinama. Jutro je pred svitanjem, a pijetlovi udaraju krilima i viču : Sve je brodolom u tmini. Ja umirem "

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I bez obzira je li to Vama jasno ili ne, svemir se razvija točno onako kako treba. Zato, budite u miru Božjem, ma što on za Vas bio, i ma kakvi bili Vaši zadaci u ovoj ludnici, sačuvajte mir u svom srcu. Sa svim svojim prijevarama, sa svojom istrošenošću i promašenim snovima - ovo je još uvijek predivan svijet. Čuvajte sebe. Uložite sve što imate i što jeste i budite sretni.

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Ovaj život nije samo kratkotrajna epizoda dostojna prezira i osude mistika, nego ozbiljna djelatnost koja čovjeka u potpunosti angažira i čini dostojnim nagrade na drugom svijetu.