Želim imati prijatelja - I'm but a poet who failed his best play - Blog.hr

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Ever felt away with me... design by: Nox Arcana - Fade Angellica

†Upoznajte autoricu†

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rođena: 15.01.1989.

horoskopski znak: jarac

mjesto prebivališta: Slavonski Brod / Zagreb

zanimanje: studentica molekularne biologije na zagrebačkom PMF - u

sviram klavir

ovisnica o kavi (turskoj ne nesici)

najdraže boje: crna, siva, plava

najdraže grupe: Nightwish, Within Temptation, Epica, Visions of Atlantis, Inkubus Sukubus

najdraže knjige: Životinjska farma (George Orwell), Sidhartha (Herman Hesse), La vita Nuova (Dante), Divni novi svijet (Huxley)

najdraži anime: Sailor Moon, Jeanne Die Kamikaze Dieben, Vision of Escaflowne

najdraža serija: Star Trek Voyager

najdraži film: Nešto posve osobno

najdraži filmski serijal: Star Wars

mjesto koje želim posjetiti: Japan - Kyoto

Ničega se ne treba bojati, već samo razumijeti. Vrijeme je da više počnemo razumijevati kako bi se manje bojali.
Marie Curie

Tri puta vode do mudrosti: razmišljanje, ono je najplemenitije; odgoj, on je najlakši; iskustvo, ono je najneugodnije!

When Souls Really Touch, it is forever. Then space and time disappear, and all that remains is the consciousness that we are not alone in life."
- Joan Chittister

Možete vidjeti je li čovjek pametan po njegovim odgovorima, a je li mudar vidjet ćete po njegovim pitanjima.
Naguib Mahfouz

Veliki umovi raspravljaju o idejama. Srednji umovi raspravljaju o događajima. Sitni umovi raspravljaju o ljudima.
Eleanor Rooselvelt

†Blogići i linkovi koje pratim†

najbolji frend na svijetu




Everybody Lies

Love is the harmony of two souls


In the shadows

Half of Nightwish

red evil bitch is back...call me Kathryn

službena star trek stranica

službena nightwish stranica


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Nightwish blog-posjetite


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Dobri stari Nightwish, Tarja je jedina prava pjevačica

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Najbolja serija svih vremena

Najdraži likovi iz serije Star Trek Voyager:
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captain Kathryn Janeway

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commander Chakotay

Star Wars:
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Najdraži negativac-Darth Vader

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Najdraži anime: Sailor Moon

Najdraže Sailor Scouts:
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Sailor Moon

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Sailor Mercury

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Sailor Saturn

Ostale grupe:
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Within Temptation




Nightwish - Slaying The Dreamer

I'm a priest for the poorest sacrifice
I'm but a raft in a sea of sorrow and greed
You bathed in my wine
Drank from my cup, mocked my rhyme
Your slit tongues licked my aching wounds

Put a stake through my heart!
And drag me into sunlight
So awake for your greed
As you're slaying the dreamer

Swansong for the Wish of Night
God it hurts, give a name to the pain
Our primrose path to hell is growing weed


Blame me, it's me
Coward, a good-for-nothing scapegoat
Dumb kid, living a dream
Romantic only on paper

Tell me why you took all that was mine!
Stay as you lay - don't lead me astray! X2

Wake up, mow the weed
You'd be nothing without me
Take my life if you have the heart to die

You bastards tainted my tool
Raped my words, played me a fool
Gather your precious glitter and leave me be
The Great Ones are all dead
And I'm tired, too

I truly hate you all!

Within Temptation - Memories

[Whisper] Memories, memories, memories

In this world you tried
Not leaving me alone behind
There's no other way
I'll pray to the gods: let him stay

The memories ease the pain inside
Now I know why

All of my memories
Keep you near
In silent moments
Imagine you'd be here
All of my memories
Keep you near
The silent whispers, silent tears

Made me promise I'd try
To find my way back in this life
I hope there is away
To give me a sign you're okay
Reminds me again
It's worth it all
So I can go home


Together in all these memories
I see your smile
All the memories I hold dear
Darling you know I love you till the end of time


Nightwish - Escapist

Who's there knocking at my window?
The Owl and the Dead Boy
This night whispers my name
All the dying children

Virgin snow beneath my feet
Painting the world in white
I tread the way and lose myself into a tale

Come hell or high water
My search will go on
Clayborn Voyage without an end

A nightingale in a golden cage
That's me locked inside reality's maze
Come someone make my heavy heart light
Come undone bring me back to life
It all starts with a lullaby

Journey homeward bound
A sound of a dolphin calling
Tearing off the mask of man
The Tower my sole guide
This is who I am
Escapist, paradise seeker
Farewell now time to fly
Out of sight, out of time, away from all lies

A nightingale in a golden cage
That's me locked inside reality's maze
Come someone make my heavy heart light
Come undone bring me back to life
It all starts with a lullaby

subota, 13.10.2007.

† Želim imati prijatelja

Sjedim sama u sobi
Po tko zna koji put.
Ni danas nisam našla
Piatm se zašto se
Ne mogu uklopiti
I zašto nikamo ne pripadam.

Umjetnici i znastvenici
Ne prihvaćeni od drugih.
To je naša sudbina.
Ali jesam li i jedno od toga?
Pripadam li barem u taj svijet?
Ili me ni ovdje ne trebaju.

Imam samo jednu želju.
A to je:
Želim imati prijatelja.
Želim osjetiti kako je to
Imati nekoga da ti pomogne
A ne uvijek biti onaj koji pomaže.

Želim imati prijatelja . . .
Ili je i to mnogo? . . .


Come out, come out wherever you are [44]

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