petak, 21.12.2007.

Negative Entity Phenomenon

by Dr Barbara Young

The belief in possession or entities ruling over a personality is found in religious writings since the beginning of history.

Unacknowledged as reality in the fields of psychology, possession symptoms are treated as various forms of schizophrenia or illness.

During the 1960s I was developing and teaching a Divine Meditation into the Light of God. And, during the meditation sessions, I noticed small black entities leaving either the mouth or genital area. Taking notice, I began to centre interest on all data of possession I could find, and centred part of my efforts on the psychological profile of a typical host.

I discovered that patient backgrounds varied, but consistently contained similar themes - extended periods of combat, abusive use of drugs or alcohol, prisoner of war accompanied by torture, child abuse, and spousal abuse. I theorized that lower biological and spiritual frequencies acted like a beacon to attract any black entities in the general area of the person in question. At the time an entity chooses its host, it "flies" as it were into an orifice. The host may get a glimpse of the entity entering into, say the mouth, which is felt like a swelling sensation after it lodges itself at the base of the brain or spinal column. Shortly there after, the host is driven into increased anger, negative behaviour, or substance abuse.

As soon as the black entities have anchored themselves onto the spinal column or at the base of the brain, they project telepathic patterns of pure evil that activates and add intensity to the already present negative emotions the host has accumulated. And, with each amplified explosive action, the memory of the incident is increased in intensity feeding upon its self, over and over.

Entity Removal

As a matter of physics - the entity repelling mechanism is a matter of crating opposite polarity fields of energy.

The Frequency of God's Light Energy, while surging through the body, has been measured using a Galvanic Skin Response Test. Measured on a scale from 1 - 10 in frequency measurement, it was found that 2 is the normal range for the body's frequency. Once the Light Energy fills the body, the numbers showed a marked increase. The Light Frequency measured between 8 to 10 and might have even been higher.

The polarity of Light Energy is High, while the black energy of the entity is in the negative range creating opposite polarities. Therefore, to set up a field of opposite polarities in the human body, one simply needs to achieve a meditative state of visualization into a country scenario. Once the country scene is stable, the host pretends to look up at the 'Sun', which is, in reality, God's Pure Light.

The Light, once witnessed in the area of the brain, instantly runs down through the neuronal system and out to all biological tissue. As soon as the black entity is "hit" with the energy, it feels extreme agitation or pain if one wants to describe it that way. The entities only recourse is to interfere with the host's concentration. For example, if it is attached to the base of the brain, it begins to irritate the nerves in the throat, or its close proximity that produces a stinging and burning sensation. The host must hold firm and "will" its self to override the stinging feeling in order to sustain the Light Frequency. If the Light is sustained, the black entity is forced to flee the "pain". It leaves out through the orifice it entered, leaving the host with a feeling of swelling and movement as it exits the body orifice.

Case Example

After the Vietnam War, I was lecturing in California when I was approached by a group of five military men all from the same unit. One of the men stated that he had had a dream that I would be lecturing in the area and that I could help them. My lecture briefly covered the area of entity intrusion, but it prompted them to approach me after the lecture. I asked each of them to relate their experience and the circumstances prior to and at the moment they felt the entity enter their body. Common to all of them they had experienced heavy combat for two years.

Each of them were aware of the moment the black entity entered them and stated it felt like swelling sensation followed by emotions of disgust combined with fear. A few days later, they described inner emotions of intense anger, uncontrolled temper, abusive drinking accompanied by a lot of hate, an over whelming desire to kill, as well as being in constant trouble with the MPs. No matter how hard they tried to "will" themselves to be good, it seemed like an impossible effort. Not knowing how to get rid of, "what ever it was," they settled into trying their best to control their anger once they were state side.

I stated that I wanted all of them, plus their wives to come to my hotel the next night. When they arrived, I explained the procedure, which followed by suggesting they lay on the floor about two feet from each other and face up. Their wives were to sit in chairs around the room. I then guided the men into a state of inner visual meditation followed by verbal guidance into their country scenario. Settling into the scenario, as soon as I suggested they "look up at the Sun or God's Light, the entities retaliated by making their throats sting. Fighting the sensation, their eyes were tearing as they fought the need to cough. I tried to support them by reminding them "to hold on to the Light and do not give into the throat or body irritations. You have to fight to keep the Light and bring it down into your body".

Holding onto the Energy, the men began to experience neuronal spasms and an increased intensity of the stinging in their throats. After about 2 minutes, their wives and I witnessed small black entities, about the size of large black marble, leave their mouth and genital areas. Their wives pointed and watched them fly up and out through the ceiling. As the men felt them leave, the stinging in their throats immediately stopped that was followed by a quiet peace for the first time in years. I suggested they remain in the Light for a minute or two and just settle into its Warmth, Peace, and Contentment. Upon ending the session, each stated they felt a remarkable difference and for the first time in years, completely at peace. I suggested that each continue to bask in God's Light, as often they felt comfortable doing so.

Dr. Barbara Young has lived and studied Christian Mysticism for thirty years. To help achieve her destiny and gift to earth, she experienced external Apparitions of Light Figures since childhood. Her mind-consciousness education began with pre-medicine, branched into psychology, the study of altered states of consciousness, parapsychology, parapsychology and medicine, world religions and the psychology of social change. After achieving her higher degrees, she set about in 1977 on a twenty year walk-a-about to educate the public about its true purpose in life, the evolution of its spiritual nature and its Divination. In her twenty years on the road, she has appeared on many radio and television interviews, a guest speaker at Universities, and general public lectures.

Visit Dr. Young's website: www.templechryses.org or email her at templelight@earthlink.net

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Negative Entities by Helen Fatir

For centuries the ritual for exorcism was one of Roman Catholicism's most closely guarded secrets. What had changed in the spirit world to make banishing evil spirits something that not just priests, but the average Giuseppi needed to know?

With all the channelling, hauntings and possessions going on it seems the earth's getting overpopulated by a variety of spooks, ghosts, demons and sundry creatures that go bump in the night. Some students of abnormal phenomenon theorize that the number of spirits is not really on the rise. They've been around a long time. But the modern belief system has only recently expanded to allow for the possibility that non-physical beings may exist and even impinge upon human affairs.

Believing is seeing. It is quite difficult to see something one doesn't believe is possible. The mind will restructure or camouflage "impossible" events so that they comport with one's belief system.

The lifestyle since the '60's has eroded some of the barriers between this actuality and others so that people are so often encountering the bizarre and paranormal that the materialist paradigm can no longer explain people's experiences. By entertaining the notion that "maybe there's more" the senses have opened to the point that more and more people are experiencing non-physical reality.

Oddly enough, in acknowledging spirits the West is coming into accord with most of the world's cultures and with the ancient paradigm which held that spirit beings existed and could teach, guide, assist and harm human beings.

Those people gifted with the ability to see or otherwise sense the spirit realm -- shamans, medicine women, pirs, walis, mirs, psychics, witches, seers et al -- were prized and cherished by their countrymen as gifts from heaven.

Helen Fatir, formerly Helen Labovitch, is a psychic seer of astounding ability who happens to be not only my wife, but at expert at identifying and dispatching unwanted spirits from people, houses, babies and even animals.

The Good, Bad and Ugly

Helen has encountered various categories of non-physical beings. She generally refers to negative spiritual beings as "entities." "They don't have our best interest in mind," she says.

Among entities there are low-level, not very intelligent ones whose sole purpose seems to be to suck energy from people. This can be stressful, debilitating and perhaps lead to illness. But those larval types aren't completely stupid. "They know how to push our buttons," Helen says, "to cause us to give energy. They push anger buttons, fear buttons or sex buttons -- anything to provoke us to generate the energy they need."

One signal for the presence of entities is the aggravation and exacerbation of negative emotions. An entity can make a mountain out of a molehill. A minor irritation can mount and mount until it becomes utter rage.

Higher up the spook food chain are reptilian looking entities which are much more intelligent and which can be both manipulative and domineering. Helen says, "The reptilian entities have a sharp cunning intelligence. They are tenacious and don't give up easily, and are as obsessive as they are manipulative and seem to see us as inferior and subject to them."

Equally lethal are the humanoid ones which can sometimes masquerade as guides teachers and even goddesses and gods, a trait that reptilian beings are also capable of.

"Some of these have a good deal of knowledge," says Helen, "but never as much as they pretend to have. They're experts at echoing your knowledge back to you, perhaps slightly altered, to make you think they are beings of vast wisdom."

The advanced humanoid kind may appear in ornate robes and other trappings of splendour to produce the image of grandeur.

Dead humans also interact with living humans. Some such beings often are "lost," having died suddenly or violently, or under medication such as morphine. Often they don't know they're dead. They tend to haunt the same place for long periods, trying to make sense of their situation.

More positive spirits include light workers, guides, healers and energy-providers.

Helen says "Light workers are beings that work through and for us, they can remove entities and negative energy, however only that which we can see and pinpoint accurately.

Guides teach and instruct people according to their capacity to learn.

Helen is mostly self-taught. All her life she was sensitive and saw things her mother, Rita, told her did not exist.

"When I was a little girl, there was a being in my room at home. I told my mother, but she said that there was no-one there.

Because she's self-taught her perspective is fresh and she doesn't spew the same platitudes most New Agers repeat ad nauseum. Yet, occasionally, Helen encounters traditional spiritual phenomena without having read of them or heard other teachers expound upon them.

"One of my early guides told me, 'Develop your 'feelings, they are your best guide, even better than me.'"

Helen's first guide called himself her "Knowledge Tree Person". He showed her a different way of looking at astrology, which was to shrink down onto the chart, planet and planet's position, and 'feel' what that meant. Mainly he opened the door to understanding guidance and its availability.

After a while, "He stopped being available. He said I'd learned all I could from him," Helen explains.

Helen's next guide referred to himself as "Tibetan." At the time Helen was unaware that a similar guide had communicated with Alice Bailey and perhaps others.

Helen isn't sure if her guide is the same "Tibetan" or from the same school of organization. The Tibetan taught Helen in the ways of employing energy in the awesome and spectacular way that she does. This writer has never encountered anyone who can project, receive, and conduct energy like Helen does.

Guides, Helen explains "have no personality. They are not subject to the same imbalances in their energies that we have, and therefore are unlikely to have a personal agenda other than the development of all. They are more impersonal than personal, although there is often a sense of unconditional love and patience. They don't manipulate or tell us what to do. They answer questions in such a way that opens our mind to further questions, they assist in our learning and development.

Sex Demons

Throughout antiquity, stories of incubi and succubi (male and female sex demons) have persisted. Helen explains that sex spirits prey on our sexual energy, trying to get us, and sometimes succeeding, to interact sexually with them. Sex energy creates a powerful bond or energy link, between people as well as entities. Once a strong energy link is formed with an entity, it allows the entity control to its victim. The sexual link also makes it more difficult to remove them.

Energy Vampires

Many negative entities are able to attach themselves to chakras to suck off energy like spirit vampires. The run off of energy depletes the human energy system so that the depleted victim becomes vulnerable to serious illness.

Helen and I are currently exploring whether all illness is, in fact, entity related. Many healings that Helen has accomplished included locating and removing entities which were feeding upon the client.

"The Tibetan told me that true insanity is very rare," states Helen. The vast majority of the people considered insane are actually possessed by a negative spirit.

Helen helped a client with Tourette's syndrome and found that the poor man had an entity attached. The embarrassing words issuing from the man's mouth were actually those of the entity.

Modern medicine, unfortunately, would drown the man in drugs, treating the symptoms, instead of eliminating the problem at the root. However, this type of entity removal can take a very long time, with gradual improvement as the process takes place.

Despite their dependence on human energy, occasionally demonic spirits will try to make a person commit suicide. One lady said "Years ago, on several occasions I felt an overwhelming compulsion to throw myself in front of an oncoming train, as I resisted this unwanted compulsion and clung to the wall, the ground seemed to slant down toward the tracks triggering a great fear that I would fall helplessly in front of the train. During that period of time in which I was having to visit the dentist, I was also having to resist an equally unwanted compulsion to put my tongue in the path of the drill. Those compulsions lasted approximately three months, after which time they left as suddenly as they had arrived, and were totally out of character".

Houses can indeed be haunted by either dead humans or entities. For 16 years Helen was aware of a presence in her family home that her mother denied existed. She subsequently found out that a woman had remained locked in that room all of her life during a time when people hid relatives that were unbalanced in some way.

One of Helen's cases involved a house which had been built in a place where the barriers between planes were not as defined as is usual. Consequently the energies were particularly uncomfortable to anyone living there who was sensitive, though all would be affected in different ways. Such energy "fault lines" result in entities being able to come and go more easily. The daughter of the family, who was particularly sensitive, had grown up strongly affected by an entity which resided in what could be described as an energy corridor that ran diagonally through the house. The centre point crossed through her room and was where the entity was lodged. She experienced feelings of despair and suicide from an early age, which left her when she eventually moved away. Subsequently another member of the household, Spencer, became affected by this being, and he gradually became aware that something non physical was causing his feelings and experiences.

At this point, Helen was consulted, and with the help of the guides with whom she works, found this proved to be the case. Improvement resulted when the being was removed and the corridor sealed off.

Then another entity, angry at the closing of the corridor, started to ferociously attack Spencer causing him physical pain and psychological distress. Each time the entity was removed, it fought to return so that Spencer was unable to remain in the house and had to leave, after which all of his symptoms immediately disappeared. The entity then left and further work with the guide enabled Helen to use a particular method of closing openings between planes, and the house became safe, Spencer was able to return and now lives there free of any attack.

Helen can see entities with her eyes open, though sometimes she meditates to locate them. When necessary she calls upon her light workers, guides and even deceased relatives to assist.

"I have to do everything in my power before they will help me. Usually, I have to see and identify the entity and then, if I can't, my light workers will help me remove it," Helen says. The exception to this is when the entity is particularly powerful and dangerous, then Helen works with a guide from a protected place, which disables the entity from being able to locate her energy.

Helen often wraps energy around an entity to get rid of it and, years ago, she use to drag the entity onto train tracks where the electrical energy of an oncoming train would drag it away.

She's since learned easier methods. Helen's able to remove entities long distance. She doesn't have to be near the person she's helping.

"All I need is the person's name," Helen says, "and I can tune into them any place in the world."

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