forgive yourself

utorak, 26.09.2006.

Shallow depressing hollow

I tako neki upravo propuštaju koncert, i nakon nastave su bili na pivi da malo zaborave, i sad pizdiju mami doma i čekaju da ih natira iz stana... mad a da je glupača malo mislila i šparala prek ljeta nebi sad tu jebala tipkovnicu samo da... ma, neznam, samo da nekaj... ma, oko više stvari je mogla prije misliti, al nije, pa bolje da serem tu nego da budim susjede treskanjem glavom u zid headbang headbang headbang headbang headbang nek mi neko veli dal je normalno da osobe s 17/18 godina vide na televiziji (neki doumentarac na satu... tek da se zna), dakle, da vide konja i odapnu od smijeha... dobro, drži me popizditis, al svejedno... ma, neda mi se više, morala bi si malo posložiti kockice (čitaj nahraniti paukiće) u glavi, pa dok se to dogodi možda napišem nekaj suvislog... previše me neke stvari muče da bi mogla još i o pisanju razmišljati...

She dont wander in...dont wander in here, she...
She dont wander in here...dont wander in here...

The direction of the eye, so misleading
The defection of the soul, nauseously quick
I dont question, our existence
I just question, our modern needs

She dont wander in...dont wander in here, she...
She dont wander in here...

I will walk...with my hands bound
I will walk...with my face blood
I will walk...with my shadow flag
Into your garden, garden of stone...yeah...

After all is done, and were still alone
I wont be taken, yet Ill go...with my hands bound
I will walk...with my face blood
I will walk...with my shadow flag
Into your garden, garden of stone

I dont show...i dont share...
I dont need, yeah...what you have to give...

Oooh, I will walk...with my hands bound
I will walk...with my face blood
I will walk...with my shadow flag
Into your garden, garden...oh...

I will walk with my hands bound
I will walk into your garden, garden of stone...

I dont know...i dont care...
I dont need you for me to live...

26.09.2006. u 20:53 • 5 KomentaraPrint#

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