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Ja sam jedna potpuno drugacija cura koja razumije sve,ali mene nitko. Zovem se Tena,idem u IV gimnaziju i imama namjeru orobiti sve cd shopove na kugi zemaljskoj. Žile režem za dobru muziku,a moji favoriti su Punk,rock i nešto alternative. Moje frendice kažu da se volim praviti pametna,ali šta ću kad jesamnut. Šalim se,a mislim da moja trojka iz matematike objašnjava sve! Zaradila sam nadimke "The Brain" i Čuna, zbog Hladnog piva i nekontrolirane želje mojih najfrendica da me zbrukaju. Kad smo vec na temi frendica,red je da ih vividno okarakteriziram;Nikakiss je pristojna luđakinja koja me zna nasmijati do suza. Moja družica u gljivarenju pred telkom sa dobrim filmovima i hranom za prehraniti malo selo. Navukla me na nekoliko dobrih bandova i za to od stca zahvaljujem!!!
Dodanut zvana Đubronije...zapamtite to ime jer će uskoro žarit i palit pozornicama. Moja vijerna kompanjonka u izrugivanju profe iz talijanskog(Rokica!!) i protivnik u singstaru!!!!
Ivana thumbup ja cura koju sam upoznala u srednjoj. Cura je zakon,iako se uz nju u zadnje vrijeme zna zaljepiti mnogo nadimaka... Luda za Clashom-što,naravno,nikad nije loša stvar.
Anazubo je moja partnerica u zbunjenim pogledima na satu,ali mislim da to ipak malo radi za mene. Duboko sam uvjerena da je cura genij i njene ocjene potkrepljuju moju teoriju. I,naravno,sliša zakon muziku!
Esterawave je također cura iz srednje koja nema dlake na jeziku. Trenutno je na putovanju u USA-i i jako mi fali. Ocekujem kad ce se vratiti sa amerom za mene!!!
Možete zamisliti iz priloženog da nam nikada nije dosadno. Mi smo većinu vremena same sebi dovoljne,ali ipak primamo i pridošlice


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I sad druga najbitnija stvar u mom mizernom životu;

GLAZBA! Što reci osim-OBOŽAVAM je. Ok, ne baš svu glazbu... Može se reci da sam prodala dušu Punku. Moji neupitini heroji su Sex Pistolsi i bezuvjetno volim Rottena. Tu su dakako i
The Clash,
Sham 69
Dropkick Murphys
Alice Cooper
The Slits(znam da vecina ljudi ne zan za ovu grupu,ali ženske su prejebene i da nije bilo njih vjerojatno ne bi bili niti jedne all girl grupe)
Fuck ups
Arctic Monkeys
Public Image limited
Cockney Rejects
Iggy & The Stooges
The Vibrators
a volim i Magdu,Bojanu,Niku,Ivanu,ali to je vec gore napomenuto....a magda voli tenu
. Nisam veliki ljubitelj novijih stvari te se rađe držim kvalitete iz ´70-ih. Ne mogu ni cuti za Roling Stonese,cajke,tehnjavu i pop. Sto još reci osim PUNK IS NOT DEAD!!!!!

NiŠtA BeZ DoBrE GlAzBe

"Perhaps Vampires Is A Bit Strong But..."-Arctic Monkeys

I've seen your eyes as they fix on me what is he doing what on earth is the
Plan has he got one
You better give me some pointers since you are the big rocket launcher and
I'm just the shot gun,
I ant got no dollar signs in my eyes that might be a surprise but its true
I'm not like you and I don_t want your advice or your praise or to move in
The ways you do

All you people are vampires
All your stories are stale
Though you pretend to stand by us
Though you're certain we'll fail

I've seen you're eyes as they fix on me full of confusion your snarl is just
So condescending
Trying to explain that we're on to a win if the fee we get in near recoups
What we're spending
He said I can't believe that you drove all that way well how much did they
Pay ya how much did they pay ya, You'd have been better to stay round our Way
Thinking about things but not actually doing things

lGive Me One Good Reason -Blink 182
Mom and dad they quite don't understand it
all the kids they augh as if they planned it
why do girls want to pierce their nose
and walk around in torn pantyhose, oh yeah

I like the ones who say they listen to the punk rock
I like the kids who fight against how they were brought up
they hate the trends and think it's fucked to care
it's cool when they piss people off with what they wear, oh yeah

So give me one good reason
why we need to be like them
kids will have fun and offend
they don't want to and don't fit in

Hate the jocks, the preps, the hippie-fuckin' scumbags
heavy-metalers with their awful, pussy hair bands
counting seconds until we can get away
ditchin' school almost every single day, oh yeah

So give me one good reason
why we need to be like them
kids will have fun and offend
they don't want to and don't fit in

Give me one good reason
why we need to be like them
kids will have fun and offend
they don't want to and don't fit in


I could be desperate
I think I'm brave
Could stay and watch you

You gave me nothing
An early grave
I'm vegetating I want more, more, more
I want everything in 1981

Any place will do
I'm leaving England
We're near the ending
You gave me nothing
No more pretending
I'm looking forward
To our parting in 1981

We're near the ending
I'm just pretending
It's all been said before

I want more, more, more in 1981
You gave me nothing
I want more, more, more
I want everything in 1981

I'm leaving England
We're near the ending
You gave me nothing
No more pretending

1981 (repeat)
I want everything in 1981
1981 (repeat)
I want everything in 1981

"We Want The Airwaves"-Ramones

9 to 5 and 5 to 9
Ain't gonna take it
It's our time
We want the world
and we want it know
We're gonna take it anyhow

We want the airwaves
We want the airwaves
We want the airwaves, baby
If rock is gonna stay alive

Oh yeah-well all right
Let's rock-tonite
All night

Where's your guts
And will to survive
And don't you wanna
Keep rock n' roll music alive
Mr. Programmer
I got my hammer
and I'm gonna
Smash my
Smash my

We want the airwaves
We want the airwaves
We want the airwaves, baby
If rock is gonna stay alive

"Poison Heart"-Ramones

No one ever thought this one would survive
Helpless child, gonna walk a drum beat behind
Lock you in a dream, never let you go
Never let you laugh or smile, not you.

Well, I just want to walk right out of this world,
'Cause everybody has a poison heart
I just want to walk right out of this world,
'Cause everybody has a poison heart.

Making friends with a homeless torn up man
He just kind of smiles, it really shakes me up.
There's danger on every corner but I'm okay
Walking down the street trying to forget yesterday.

Well, I just want to walk right out of this world,
'Cause everybody has a poison heart.
I just want to walk right out of this world,
'Cause everybody has a poison heart,
a poison heart, a poison heart, a poison heart ... yeah!

You know that life really takes its toll
And a poet's gut reaction is to search his very soul
So much damn confusion before my eyes,
But nothing seems to phase me and this one still survives.

I just want to walk right out of this world,
'Cause everybody has a poison heart.
I just want to walk right out of this world,
'Cause everybody has a poison heart,
Well, I just want to walk right out of this world,
'Cause everybody has a poison heart.
a poison heart, a poison heart, a poison heart.
a poison heart, a poison heart, a poison heart.

Problems-Sex Pistols

Too many problems oh why am I here
I don't need to be me cos you're all too clear
And I can see there's something wrong with you
What do you expect me to do
At least I gotta know what I wanna be
Don't come to me if you need pity
Are you lonely you got no one
You got your body in suspension
Problem problem problem
The problem is you
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
You don't do what you want then you fade away
You won't find me working 9 to 5
Too much fun being alive
I'm using my feet for my human machine
You won't find me living for the screen
Are you lonely all needs catered
You got your brains dehydrated
Problem problem problem
The problem is you
Problem problem problem
The problem is you
I'm a death trip I ain't automatic
You won't find me just staying static
Don't give me any orders
For people like me there is no order
Bet you thought you had it all worked out
Bet you thought you knew what I was about
Bet you thought you solved all your problems
But you are the problem
Problem problem problem
The problem is you

Submission-Sex Pistols

I'm on a submarine mission for you baby
I feel the way you were going
I picked you up on my tv screen
I feel your undercurrent flowing
Submission going down down dragging me down
Submission I can't tell you what I found
You got me pretty deep baby
I can't figure out your watery love
I gotta solve your mystery
You're sitting it out in heaven above
Submission going down down dragging me down
Submission I can't tell you what I found
For a mystery
Under the sea
Under the water
Submission going down down dragging me down
Submission I can't tell you what I found
'cos it's a secret under the water under the sea
You got me pretty deep baby
I can't figure out your watery love
I gotta solve your mystery
You're sitting it out in heaven above
Submission going down down dragging me down
Submission I can't tell you what I found

"All The Young Punks (New Boots And Contracts)"-The Clash

Hanging about down the market street

I spent a lot of time on my feet
When I saw some passing yabbos
We did chance to speak

I knew how to sing
y' know an
They knew how to pose
An' one of them had a Les Paul
Heart attack machine

All the young punks
Laugh your life
Cos there ain't much to cry for
All the young cunts
Live it now
Cos there ain't much to die for

Everybody wants to bum
A ride on the rock 'n' roller coaster
And we went out
Got our name in small print on the poster
Of course we got a manger
Though he ain't the mafia
A contract is a contract
When they get 'em out on yer

You gotta drag yourself to work
Drag yourself to sleep
You're dead from the neck up
By the middle of the week

Face front you got the future shining
Like a piece of gold
But I swear as we get closer
It look more like a lump of coal
But it's better than some factory
Now that's no place to waste your youth
I worked there for a week once
I luckily got the boot

"I Love You, You Big Dummy"-Buzzcocks verzija

[Originally by Captain Beefheart]You think I'm a lame duck
I don't give a blue f***
I'm living like crazy
driven to be lazy

I blush like a tomato
pale as a chipped potato
you're a real peach
just out of reach

We're all cooking the same goose
a recipe of fiction
I stew in my own juice
in another kitchen

You think I'm a lame duck
I don't give a blue f***
I don't give two hoots
you're too big for your bossy boots

"Just Lust"-Buzzcocks

There's bed in your eyes
But there's nothing there to trust
Just lust, just lust
You're telling me lies
When you say that it's a must
Just lust, just lust

You shattered all my dreams
And my head's about to bust
Is it all real - that's how it seems
But it all comes down to dust

Your hands feel a need
I don't know if it's too much
Just lust, just lust
It seems it's only greed
To taste all that you touch
Just lust, just lust

You shattered all my dreams
And my head's about to bust
Is it all real - that's how it seems
But it all comes down to dust

You're driven to possess
It hurts it's so unjust
Just lust, just lust
If nothing matters less
Then I wouldn't make a fuss
Just lust, just lust

I was slow to catch on
And that just makes it worse
If passion is a fashion
Then emotion is a curse


I was slow to catch on
And that just makes it worse
If passion is a fashion
Then emotion is a curse

You're driven to possess
It hurts it's so unjust
Just lust, just lust
If nothing mattered less
Then I wouldn't make a fuss
Just lust, just lust

It's my imagination
To see things as I choose
Love has a reputation
That it can only lose

"Love's Not A Competition (But I'm Winning)"-Kaiser Chiefs

I won't be the one to disappoint you anymore,
I know, I've said all this and that you've heard
It all before,
The trick is getting you to think that all this was your idea.
And that this was everything you've ever wanted out of here,
Love's not a competition but I'm winning.
I'm not sure what's truly altruistic anymore,
When every good thing that I do is listed and you're keeping score,
Love's not a competition but I'm winning
Love's not a competition but I'm winning
At least I thought I was but there's no way of knowing,
At least I thought I was but there's no way of knowing,
You know what it's like when you're new to the game but I'm not,
I won't be the one to disappoint you,
I won't be the one to disappoint you anymore

"Keep The Dream Alive"-Oasis

Four Seasons.. seconds flick and flash... I'm alone
A lonely scream provides the scene
It's no home
Every night I hear you scream,
But you don't say what you mean
This was my dream, but now my dream has flown

I'm at the crossroads waiting for a sign
My life is standing still, but I'm still alive
Every night I think I know
In the morning where did he go
The answers disappear when I open my eyes

I'm no stranger to this place
Where real life and dreams collide
And even though I fall from grace
I will keep the dream alive

ponedjeljak, 08.10.2007.

Šta je to što moje misli krade,pitam se ima li za nas nade

Danas imam jedan jako cudan osjecaj. Ne mogu ga definirat. Možda bi osjecaj velike praznine bio blizak opis? Nesigurnost? Nemirnost? Ne znam. Jednostavno je osjecaj...necega ali i nicega. Nekako mislim da sam se potpuno iskljucila svijet oko sebe-a to nikako nije dobro. Boby kaže da imam problema sa živcima. Vjerojatno imam. Cesto sam živcana i to vecinu puta bez razloga. Ko neka bomba koja samo ceka sekundu za "Buuummm".Danas sam probala slušati klasicnu glazbu. Svidjelo mi se. Potrebno je puno više mašte nego kod ostatka muzike. Nekako je baš uzbudljivo to slušati-ispuni me cudnim osjecajem. Energijom? Jazz. Jazz je zanimljiva glazba-izgleda(barem u mojoj poluludoj glavi)kao tanak oblak dima koji pleše po maloj sobici. Tako jednostavno,ali opet mocno. Punk je moja prva ljubav i prilicno sam sigurna da ce tako i ostati. Možda ne toliko zbog melodije,punk volim zbog rijeci. toliko su jake da sam ponekad uvjerena da bi mogao oživiti i mrtve. Najiskrenije to mislim. Bog zna što bi bez te glazbe...prilicno sam sigurna da bi izludila. Nisam imala namjeru citav post napisat o glazbi,ali eto-tako je ispalo. Mislim da je sutra važan dan. Ne znam zašto,vjerojatno još jedan od mojih osjecaja. Prestaje li to s vremenom?

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