Tomorrow will take us away far from home...No one will ever know our names

30.06.2006., petak

Some may wish never to be born, wastin' the dawn
Like a rose growin' from the christ's thorn
Wastin' the dawn...

Beskrajno plavetnilo prosu se preda mnom, posljednji uzdisaji sunca iznova tonu u morsku masu, rijeke grimizne krvi teku kroz noć....zakljucih da je predivno u sumrak na plazi slušat dissection (maha kali) pa probajte....
Evo prezivila sam i zadnji pogled na moju ljubljenu školu (danas je bila podjela izvješća....)..hmmmm još tri godine (place mi se kad se sjetim da još uvijek to moram trpit...) Dosadila mi je ova pozadina, pa sam je htjela promjenit (ali ja sam takav idiot da ni to ne znam no ..)
Makla sam puritaniu (za sada!!!), mjesecima sam slušala samo black, pa se sada malo vracam na dobri stari gothic...falio mi je.... (da se malo odviknete od borgira na mom blogu...=) zato sam htjela stavit gothic girl (od the 69 eyes) ali naravno nešto steka (ili sam ja stvarno preglupa sta se tehnologije tice) tako da niš od sada.....
Pa evo vam Nightwish (iako ja to ne smatram gothic bandom...ali...)

- 12:28 - Komentari (24) - Isprintaj - #

25.06.2006., nedjelja

50 cent je moj idol!!!

E ljudi....Danas ja biti na more...i ja se vracati sa more i usput svratiti u jedna rupa od kafić....Uglavnom visim ja tamo nekih sat i pol i cijelo vrijeme slušam radio maestral (dakle osoblje pusta radio maestral...) odjedamput sat otuca 19.30 sati i upravo pocinje jedina radijska emisija koju ja slusam (a u kojoj pustaju metal...) ali naravno konobar (ili ko vec...) iste sekunde kad cuje rijec metal prebacuje radio stanicu i zato ja još nekih pola sata nastavljam slušat Justina Timberlajka (kako se do vraga pise to prezime???) Što se da zakljucit iz toga? -metal nije IN, a ja uvijek moram biti IN (jer je to tako Kul i fenci!!!) zato prestajem slusat metal i prebacujem se na rap i hip-hop...
Da vas uvjerim u to evo slike(zanemarite ove brkove i koncentrirajte se na kapu!!!)

Nemojte mi niš govorit znam da pretjerujem sa njegovim slikama...

Ljudi!!! danas je 26.lipanj (dakle dan nakon sto sam objavila post) i sada MORAM napraviti neke korekcije...izgleda da je previše vas ovu moju zajebanciju shvatilo ozbiljno! Pa da ponovim još jedanput_post je bio samo i jedino dobra zajebancija.....

- 20:42 - Komentari (24) - Isprintaj - #

21.06.2006., srijeda

Uzaludan pokušaj da iskažem svoju inteligenciju....

Znate ono kad voditelji pitaju misice što zele promjenitii na svijetu?-odgovor glasi: zelim mir u svijetu...
Dakle ne zele rat....ja sam ponovo pokusavala razmišljati pomoću ove šupljine u mojoj lubanji-zakljucak glasi: ratovi se vode iz dva razloga proširenje utjecaja i teritorija i vjere!!! Prvi razlog je u stilu ljudske prirode, ali drugi-pa vjera propagira mir i blagostanje-ajme kako seru!!! Da to dokumentiram, tu su bili: križarski ratovi-masovni pokolji sa ciljem proširenja kršćanstva, pa razni progoni kršćana za vrijeme cara konstantina i dioklecijana (koji su se nakraju pokajali za svoje grijehe i priznali kršćanstvo al' kako to pomaže???), drugi svijetski rat-hitler je pogubio milijune židova (nemam komentara na ovu imbecilnost), a ni komunisti nisu bas mazili crkvu... dalje, svi ovi ''nazovi sitni'' ratovi na podrucju azije-također za prevlast jedne od mnogobrojnih religija....

Pa onda nek netko meni objasni šta ti ljudi zapravo žele??? oni ne mogu bez Boga, dobro sad imate svoga boga, imate vjeru i slobodno se koljite zbog nje, u ime vasega stvoritelja-jahve, alaha, bude, brahme,...samo birajte....

Ja ne zelim imati nikakve veze sa tom utopijom...ovo je bio uzaludni pokušaj oplemenjivanja svijeta....

Evo nesto ''sretnije''...

Jedna slika:

Baaaa, ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha......
Ajoooooj-na sta ovo cudo lici...hebote, hebote koliko mu je vremena trebalo da sve to pokopca.....
Da našla sam i komentar ispod slike-zašto blackeri nose svijecnjake-misle da ce im prosvijetliti pamet....ha uludo zavaravanje....
Al' evo da vas utješim (sve vas koji izgledate ovako)uvijek ima nade za trideset mozete izgledat božanstveno....dakle ovako:

Za sve one koji ne znaju o kome se radi DA na oba dvije slike je naš Shaggy (na prvoj je bio mali decko...ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha.....)
- 21:13 - Komentari (35) - Isprintaj - #

16.06.2006., petak

Ne volim vigor od dinje.....

Gotovo je, gotovo, a hvala vragu, bilo je i vrijeme.....
Ponovni izlazak iz Pakla je naravno trebalo proslaviti, a za najbolju fešto potrebno je puuuuno ljudi+alkohol u neogranicenim kolicinama+plaza i more!!!! Dakle poceli smo pit tocno u 9.30 u jutro (citaj samo ja, ostali nisu htjeli...) i tako nastavili......jedina banalna nesuglasica je bilo to sto je ekipa kupila vodku od dinje (koju ja smrc ne volim,...) tako da smo to hitno morali ispravit, al smo se posvađali ko ce ic kupit nesto uglavnom svi (o.k. ne svi 99%)su bili veseli...vjerujem da ce tako ostati jos otprilike tri mjeseca.... na vecer je u gortanovoj tradicjionalno bila cijela gimnazija (ajde hvala bogu da se i štreberi slože oko neceg....)
I tako bilo je fakat, full, fancy, cool (ajme kako me nervira kad ljudi umanjene inteligencije počnu tako govorit, izgleda da ne shvacaju da stvarno nisu ono honey odfakaj...)
JA vec naveliko luuuudim sa ovim svetskim prvenstvom (nemam ja niš protiv nogometa, al' ljudi.... prestanite radit takvu euforiju, ionako cemo spušit.....)
Rekoh da mi cof ide na jetra, sad me dimmu zadovoljio....neka netko kaze Shagrathu da mu ova suknjica ne stoji, nek obuce minicu (ma zamislite to...=PPPPP)

- 22:21 - Komentari (22) - Isprintaj - #

13.06.2006., utorak

još 6 sati!!!!!!!!

Do kraja!!!!... zadnji dan nastave, napokon i moje sunce sija i anđeli lete nebom.... Danas službeno prestaje tiranija (a ja danas -pazi zadnji dan!!!!- moram pisat matematiku za malu, mizernu trojku zakljucnu.....iako sumljam da ce mi to uspijeti....) i tak, moji zivcane, vriste i tuguju u smjenama jer se više ne mogu hvalit mojim pohvalnicama,a mene boli Hmm neka stvar.... dok oni cvile kak su razočarani...a sta cete oni nikad zadovoljni...

Bas me raspizdio ovaj zadnih nekoliko dana (nije se htio otvarat!!!! ne mozes to radit....)
Stavila sam cof da pjeva, al mi sve to vec pomalo ide na jetra, budem je skinula......
Ajde...idem ja vjezbat matis (aha ma odmah.......)POzzzzzzzzzz

- 09:49 - Komentari (23) - Isprintaj - #

05.06.2006., ponedjeljak

Sympathy For The Devil

Prvo da vas pozdravim (ma vidi kako sam ja brižna!!!) iz moje toplo-hladne okolice prepune vrtoglavih iluzija na rubu svijesti...
Otkrila sam novu (nedoreceno isfuranu) temu za pisanje....
Shvatila sam da mrzim, prezire i zalim sebicne ljude!!!! One egocentricne i nestrpljive, mrzim lazne sebicne prijatelje (koji su mozda dobre osobe, ali hajde, Osvrnite se oko sebe niste jedini na svijetu, nisu samo vaši problemi bitni, nisu vaši ''ljubavni jadi'' povodi i uzroci treceg svijetskog rata) Prezirem ljude koji vjecito traze nesto od tebe, a kad ih zamoliš da obave najjednostavniju stvar... oni to naravno zajebu!!!! ( a onda sljede one isprike, kao ma nema veze, obecavam da cu drugi put, ionako nije bilo bitno...Meni je bilo bitno, može li tvoj mikroskopski mozak to pojmit?) Ako se netko prepoznao u ovom ja ga molim da ne cvili i dalje, ne zelim cut komentare, boli me... za tvoje misljenje!!!

O.K. dosta je osobnih pozdrava i poruka....
Evo jos imamo osam dana nastave, ja nesto manje jer trenutno visim doma sa cajem, septoletama, pola tone ostalih tableta i nekoliko litara raznoraznih ljekovitih cajeva ciji okusi neodoljivo podsjecaju na srtonosni otrov,a istrosene maramice nicu posvuda oko mene poput tratincica .... Na MTV-u se vrti rock am ring... I neki spotovi, valjda Stonsi, malo su mi mutni aj idem stavit lece.....

E jesu Stonsi, nevjerojatna dosada,.... Volim ovu pjesmu (iako mi je bolja Gunsova obrada...)

Sympathy For The Devil

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul and faith

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game

I stuck around at St. Petersburg
When I saw it was a-time for a change
Killed the czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain

I rode a tank
Held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
Ah, what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, ah yeah

- 18:10 - Komentari (26) - Isprintaj - #

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Autor je puko... zato biž' ča... ajde...daleko, daleko...DALEKO... trči!!! e vidiš da ne fumaš sad biš brže trcoooooo

Viktoria Faust -Forum za sve obozavatelje...slucajno sam ga pronašla pa rekoh da širim dalje...
i moj msn (za slucaj da vam hitno zatreba donator krvi, bubrega ili slobodnog vremena...) :

Sunrise Over Locus Mortis

The dark and cold wastelands of
Grey dust softens when my downturned
triangular teardrops covers the ground
This secret got lost to the shepherd's flock
My burning skin connects with the sands of time
and thus the holy angels appear...
"Drag THEM through the mud" I cried
"Instead of me"
"This is not the death I choose -
your christian trials are wrong!"
I speak of what I want
And my heart lies therein
Blackened you say -
Then black is my way
And call me an Enemy -
I shall only stand proud
Awaiting the rise of the DarkSide
Surise Over Locus Mortis

Incipit Satan

Ridin' blind from heaven high
from volvy the chain
if hate sudden children
why repare the choke of unchances lierin' worm
through a new bladin` in
tired to raped your lair
write the janata decive
blessin' in dark heaven
run tied from hell
run chain of the hebrow
rechain the proved new earth
when blood rages in the sky
chaos head destruction
incipit satan
incipit satan
destroyed of all
god along destruction
destroyed of all
rise of pop hell
incipit satan
incipit satan

Buried Alive

I'm alive but dead, awake but asleep
As friend gather round and mourners they weep
My mind thinks of all the things I have done
My body is cold but my heart beat goes on
And on................and on

As they lower me down into that hole in the ground
I scream out for help but they hear not a sound
I fear at the lid, my fingers they bleed
Is this happening to me or is it just a dream
Summon the dead..........
Baphomets call...........
Blood on my hands........

"Let me out of here"

My bones are decayed, my flesh it doth rot
I'm lying in silk, take the lid off this box
My lungs gasp for air, my eyes scream for sight
I promise the rise of my body this night
Summon the dead..........
Baphomets call...........
Blood on my hands........
Screaming in torment.....
I'm felling you all......
Take heed of my plea.....
Answer my call...........
I'm gonna be free........

Black Winter Day

This is how the lucky feel
How the blessed think
Like daybreak in spring
The sun on a spring morning

Like the flat brink of a cloud
Like a dark night in autumn

But how do I feel
In my gloomy depths?

A black winter day
No, darker than that
Gloomier than an autumn night

To Enter Your Mountain

Blind fools who see only what they tell you to
Open up your eyes you might see it too
See there is a lot to see within you too
Don't be like the rest and let them take it from you

Dumb fools who say only what they tell you to
Speak up and find that there is more truth within you than you knew
Somewhere someday you will stand before it too
Trust me there is a never ending mountainside to climb for you too

To enter your mountain
Go into your mountainside
To enter one's mountainside
Will take its man

Who enters his mountain
With or without sword in hand
Who enters his mountainside
He will learn

Deaf fools who hear only what they tell you to
Open up your ears you might hear it too
Listen there is a wild storm within you too
Burst out use its powers don't be a

Damn fool how can you follow paths not made by nor for you
The only way you will ever need to walk is right there for you
Somewhere someday you will stand before it too
Trust me there is a never ending mountainside to climb for you too

To enter your mountain
Go into your mountainside
To enter one's mountainside
Will take its man

Who enters his mountain
With or without sword in hand
Who enters his mountainside
He will learn

Unorthodox Manifesto

The memories far beyond the reckoning
Have begun to lurk in the distance
Like visual objects dearly known
The grace of devils hands

As they walk with me like a medium
When I choose and require a burn-out
Resting in expanded malicious force
Drained for murderous weapons

Knowing where you stand
In the magnitude of this thought
Looking at the spirit of fire and flames
Enduring on the throne of the black heart

A bringer of evil I am
And therefore also a carrier of light
As I use this focus through the dark
And face the sunshine in the dead end

Limitations do not exist
When you are ahead of the crowd
With the art of confidence
I reign at the throne of my soul

The value of this darkness unwinds
Travelling the other path
A hidden triumph
But obvious to the strong and wise

By understanding this reality
I remain in a twice-coloured cloud
With feet connected solid in the ground
And thus I get peace of mind

A bringer of evil I am
And also a carrier of light
As I use this focus through the dark
And face the sunshine in the dead end


Been standing here for ages
Watching the valleys blossom and burn
The pyres of yesterday smells of losing you
Preserved we are, portraits (in the glassy depths)
I picked up the shattered mirror, put them in water
Cold as my dreams

Isa: Still - Standing - Empowered
Isa: Watching you die, with tears of ice
Isa: Detached - Silent - Ecstasy
Isa: We are the dead

We arrived here from different spaces
Bidding the wooden shrines farewell
Concealed within dead lips lies the rope
That forged us and then tore us to shreds
Distant opposite assembly at the shores
They're telling me it's time to let go

A time to burn, a time to build
With your own hands a room within that room
Bring it all towards the centre and tremble
Bring her back from the shadows and kiss her
Retrieve the sword from the abyss
Hold back the tidal wave

Isa: Still - Standing - Empowered
Isa: Watching you die, with tears of ice
Isa: Detached - Silent - Ecstasy
Isa: We are the dead


Unchain my heart!!!

Thy tide defrock I am guilt and I am god
the lecture that crap your flesh
the whores that trace you
the blood reflecting white
the curse of your heart
unchain my heart
defrock the flashin' deciyin' the due of evil twoele
pure direst fear and devilish speechin' devilish taker and devilish take
the curse of your heart
the curse of your heart of eternity ...
enjoyin' let me burn in the kingdom of flesh



High in the sky where eagles fly Morgray the dark enters the throne
Open wide the gate friend the king has come
Blow the horn and praise the highest lord
Who'll bring the dawn he's a new god in the palace of steel
Persuade the fate of everyone The chaos can begin let it in

So many centuries, so many gods
We were the prisoners of our own fantasy
But now we are marching against these gods
I'm the wizard, I'll change it all

Valhalla - Deliverance
Why've you ever forgotten me

Magic is in me I'm the last magic man
Never found what I was looking for
Now I found it but it's lost

The fortress burns Broken my heart

The Crossing

I no longer struggle
No longer see
Nothing remains, burning anxiety
Darkness came forth
Gave birth to me
Certain death is all I see

I see you weep
I see you suffer
I've seen kingdoms rise and fall
I've seen all that's supposed to be

Earthbound forces, united with sorrow
The path was given in ancient times
Embraced by hunger, forgotten by will
The wisdom is hold up still

Break the chains, come forth to see
Cross the abyss not meant to be
Cross the river, find the key
Kill the queen of anxiety

Within The Dark Mind

The dark nights landscapes and only me
Seas and rivers high
Deeps and waterfalls
Massive mountains
Powerful mountains
Still only me
Where bergs and peeks throne
Cold beneath the moon

At the works of my gods
I glaze my heart to be
The nature of dark
Awake my soul to see
At the works of my gods
I glaze my heart to be
With an evil mind
...flamed my heart will be

My quest reverse the time... within the dark mind
Strength in it I find... within the dark mind

The dark nights horizons and only me
The shunning moonlit lights
The paths to forests wild
Massive sky powerful sky
Still only me
Epic and diabolic... swallowing the gloom

At the works of my gods
I glaze my heart to be
The nature of dark
Awake my soul to see
At the works of my gods
I glaze my heart to be
With an evil mind
...flamed my heart will be

The dark minds landscaped and only me
Walls of time benight...
A world I realised
Massive thoughs powerful thoughts
Still only me
A deepening of a shadow
By the dimmening of the sun

Između krajnosti

Uci ce
u moju sobu
kao vojnik privatno
na rubu ocaja
trazeci krv
s vatrom u ocima
crvena tocka na zalasku karijere
tik ispred smrti
mozes li me cuti
ja sam samo tvoje roblje
koje putuje u stanicu bez imena
i mogu vidjeti sto ces uciniti
ali ne mogu se pridruziti tvojoj prokletoj kopiladi
između krajnosti

Sleepless Nights

I cannot sleep at night
That's what the day is for anyway

And as the clock strikes midnight
I hear "THEM" dancing at the graves
singing to My mind
killing the pain...sleepless nights...sleepless nights

I cannot sleep at night
That's what the day is for anyway

And as the clock strikes midnight
only "THEY" can let us meet
even though she's dead now
I gotta see her again...sleepless nights...sleepless nights

I cannot sleep at night
I will do anything to see Missy again

"Then let us make You an eternal deal
You will attend to the graves
You'll give us the house back and keep in mind
that we only come here at night".

So we made the deal under the starry night and
"AMON" belongs to "THEM" now...
I feel the dawn coming My way

And as the sun breaks up the dark
I can't hear "THEM" dance no more
There's no voices
killing the pain...pain...pain

Suicide Note Pt. I

Cheap cocaine, a dry inhale, the pills that kill and take the pain away
Diet of life, shelter without, the face that cannot see inside yours and mine

When I'm hiding, when I need it,
it lets me breathe,
for our handle on this life, I don't believe
this time

Would you look at me now?
Can you tell I'm a man?
With these scars on my wrists
To prove I'll try again
Try to die again, try to live through this night
Try to die again.....

Forever fooling, free and using,sliding down the slide that breaks a will
Mothers angel, getting smarter, how smart are you to regress unfulfilled?
It's a damn shame, but who's to blame?


Mistress Of The Bleeding Sorrow

So dark...Im facing my destiny
As far as pleasure led my disciple was me
For ages I have been searching for my bride
Since she passed away grief became my guide

As darkness falls above
- It will be there for centuries
My mistress of sorrow she will hear my call

I sort of entered the other side...
when those words were called up to the sky

As darkness falls above
- It will be there for centuries
Mistress of sorrow, please hear my call

As darkness falls above
- It will be there for centuries
No mistress of sorrow ever heard my call

Dedicated to life


Lady In Black

She came to me one morning
One lonely Sunday morning
Her long hair flowing
In the midwinter wind
I know not how she found me
For in darkness I was walking
And destruction lay around me
From a fight I could not win
Ah ah ah...

She asked me name my foe then
I said the need within some men
To fight and kill their brothers
Without thought of love or God
And I begged her give me horses
To trample down my enemy
So eager was my passion
To devour this waste of life
Ah ah ah...

But she would not think of battle that
REDUCES men to animals
So easy to begin
And then impossible to end
For she, the mother of all men
had counselled me so wisely then
I feared to walk alone again
And asked if she would stay
Ah ah ah...

Oh lady lend your hand I cried
And let me rest here at your side
Have faith and trust
In me she said
And filled my heart with life
There is no strength in numbers
Have no such misconception
But when you need me
Be assured I won't be far away
Ah ah ah...

Thus having spoke she turned away
And though I found no words to say
I stood and watched until I saw
Her black cloak disappear
My labor is no easier
But now I know I'm not alone
I find new heart each time
I think upon that windy day
And if one day she comes to you
Drink deeply from her words so wise
Take courage from her
As your prize
And say hello from me
