twisted mind

26.04.2006., srijeda

sa jednog foruma također moje djelo

PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 2:04 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
evo ovo sam napisala prije par minuta a inspiracija je trajala cak 5 minut:
found my self
standing under desk
realised im not alone
sitting here on the flore
i know
it's my imagination
but i don't care
as long as he's there
nobody could took away
imagination from my head
i'm watching the wall
i see some spot
it's just a sain
stain that i made in pain
doesn't make any sence
it's some cind of case
but i must learn to face it
how to face and replace it
lurn to get used to
the pain that gnaws my brain
it's all just like a stain
i'm cind in a film
don't see anything real

20.04.2006., četvrtak

to someone

Do you really care
Would you leave me
when i make mistake
Or you'll stay
To tell me it's wrong

Would you be that strong
To take me away from bad things
To turn off the sad songs
Or you are just like others
Pretending,but who really cares

Are you just another bad thing
That happened to me
Or you realise
That i'm fucked up

Would you help me to survive
To start a new life
Maybe i will forget the pain
If you don't leave me in vain


There is no meaning
Nobody has discovered
What is purpose of the life
Why are we alive

People destroy everything
And God has nothing with it?
It's real caos
Can't you see
You are ruining it

Could i run away from evel
Because it's getting bigger
There is no after
You got what you asked for

You become just meat and bone
Where did you left your soul
Nobody could forgive you
Fuck look what you done
You killed your own child

I cry i yell
But it's to late
Child is dead
They are looking at it
Like it's a thing

You all make me sick
Nobody really cares
You are all fucking fake

17.04.2006., ponedjeljak


is it entertainment
for those who are fucking with us
can't thay see we are hurt
they don't care if we drop dead
how fucking stupid i am
to take all that shit
and say nothing
thought i had friend
insted it's mistake


i need someone
someone who would understand me
i know that i'm fucked up
maybe i could change it
if someone just help me
or you think it's to late
to make my life better
is it mistake everything i do
is it getting worse
because i'm getting weeker
can't take enymore
can't live with this stone
can't be unhappy
suffer,do you think i love it
or need it
do you think i can't live with out it
you fucking wrong
if you think so
then just leave me alone
i don't need your fucking bulshit
don't need to listen to that crap
everybody has problems
yes , i know that
i know i'm not alone
it could be worse
but how it seems now
it will be
cause there is nobody to help me


can't grow up
need to be child
forgot my childhood
i'm trying to live it again
but it's not the same
i'm lost in time
there is no going back
you told me i'm childish
must i change it

10.04.2006., ponedjeljak


i always think first about others
where am i in story of my life
do i realy have friends
or they just pretend

why can't i think about my self
others are on the first place
everybody is useing that
i can't change that fact

is anybody there just to understand me
simes there is nobody and nothing
realised that i'm fucking sick
what's hapening with my mind

i am loseing conection with real world
am i starting to belive
there is something else
bether than this

will i start liveing in ilussion
my mind is in confusion
maybe it's only my imagination
but right noy it's conclusion

they are useing me
they don't care
but i can't stop it
i'm too weak to face with it

they won't stop
i know that
but this is how i am
i never think about my self
and i don't get nothing back

05.04.2006., srijeda

nešto o bodomima

What is there to say about CHILDREN OF BODOM that hasn’t been said yet? That they have the songs AND the skill? That very few come even close to what C.O.B. is doing? That they ARE state of the art? In the last six or so years, the band that darted to international fame with their debut, 1997’s ‘Something Wild’, has gone from being “this amazing band from Finland” to a household name in the metalscene. And that, of course, is obvious given the intensity, sheer quality of their material and the flawless execution. Make no mistake, CHILDREN OF BODOM do not play around. They’re here to kill.
Alexander is not a member of COB anymore. This was written by Alexi on the official Children of Bodom site:

So...unfortunately it is true that Alexander is no longer part of the Hatecrew, and we just wanted to make the point clear that there is absolutely no bad blood between us, what so ever. We really try not to make a big deal out of this, and since it`s not our place to talk about Alexander`s personal affairs, we have to be brief about this. Alexander realized he couldn`t take this constant touring life anymore and felt that he was holding us back by not enjoy doing this anymore and that it was better for him to bail out than not giving the whole 100% and making himself unhappy. His exact words to me were ”It`s not fair to me, to you, or to our fans to pull an act in front of you all and just do it for money” We understand that some of you might feel that it`s not COB without him, and it is true that he was a huge part of us just like every other member, but we hope that YOU understand that this has not been easy for us, but, god damn, we will carry on with a new guy(which we`ll let you know about later),cuz after all, the fact is: CHILREN OF BODOM AIN`T READY TO FUCKING DIE YET!

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