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hOčEŠ*nEčEš by:plushrOOms :))


Something about me:

ime: Petra
a.k.a. 53, 53ch itd.
grad: Rijeka
drugi razred gimnazije matematički smjer

ljude frendove frendice
more, ljeto, Jadranovo
slatko, sladoled(pistacio)

Ne volim:
ima toga, ali neda mi se nabrajat.

Billy Talent,
30 Seconds To Mars,
AFI (A fire inside) ,
Sum 41,
My Chemical Romance,




Boki =)
Romanci =)

free image hosting



Symapthy Billy Talent

A slap in the face,
And I can't erase,
These things that you say,
Don’t make it all okay, it’s not okay

When push comes to shove,
I’ll put on the gloves,
Intentions are cruel,
I ain’t nobody’s fool you know

It hurts, my pride, step aside,
'Cause I don't need your...

Won’t get the best of me!
That’s what you’re giving me!
It’s just like trickery!
Breaking me down

A fistful of lies,
Dressed up in disguise,
And make no mistake,
I know they’re all so fake, they’re all so fake
My self-righteous friend,
I just can’t pretend,
Your words are the truth,
Sincere only when they suit you

It hurts, my pride, step aside,
'Cause I don't need your...

Won’t get the best of me
That’s what you're giving me
It’s just like trickery
Breaking me down

Won’t get the best of me!
This shit is killing me!
It’s just like trickery!
Breaking me down

Breaking me down

Won’t get the best of me
That’s what you're giving me
It’s just like trickery
Breaking me down

Won’t get the best of me!
This shit is killing me!
It’s just like trickery!
Breaking me down

Breaking me down

Breaking me down

This Suffering Billy Talent

Like a target drawn across my chest,
She's a bullet in russian roulette
You said you'd never turn your back on me?
Rescue me, rescue me!
Would you stand by me, or bury me?
Bury me!

Why don't we end this lie?
I can't pretend this time
I need a friend to find,
My broken mind, before it falls to pieces...

Every time,
(This suffering!)
You tried to leave me blind
(This suffering!)
You'll never close my eyes,
(This suffering!)
You'll never close my eyes and watch me die!

And when she spins the bottle round and round,
Everytime it leaves me gagged and bound,
You said you'd never turn your back on me?
Rescue me, rescue me!
Would you stand by me, or bury me?
Bury me!

Why don't we end this lie?
I can't pretend this time
I need a friend to find,
My broken mind, before it falls to pieces...

End this lie
(This suffering!)
I can't pretend this time
(This suffering!)
I need a friend to find
(This suffering!)
My broken mind, before it falls to pieces.

Every time,
(This suffering!)
You tried to leave me blind
(This suffering!)
You'll never close my eyes,
(This suffering!)
You'll never close my eyes and watch me die!

Misery won't get the best of me,
'Cause now I'm calling, yes, I'm calling on your bluff
Misery won't get the best of me,
'Cause now I'm calling, yes, I'm calling on your bluff
Don't turn the cards, I've had enough.

Why don't we end this lie?
I can't pretend this time
I need a friend to find,
My broken mind, before it falls to pieces...

Every time,
(This suffering!)
You tried to leave me blind
(This suffering!)
You'll never close my eyes,
(This suffering!)
You'll never close my eyes and watch me die!

End this lie,
(This suffering!)
I can't pretend this time
(This suffering!)
I need a friend to find,
(This suffering!)
My broken mind, before it falls to pieces.

Every time,
(This suffering!)
You tried to leave me blind
(This suffering!)
You'll never close my eyes,
(This suffering!)
You'll never close my eyes and watch me die!

petak, 25.01.2008.

di je nestala prava glazba?, rukomet

di je nestala prava glazba... svaka cast pojedincima...

ali Viva Germany, MTV Germany i još da ne nabrajam ocito su bez sluha i stavljaju neke retard pjesme i promoviraju njemačke bendove ili pojedine pjevače, koje bi se moglo slušati jer su samo lijepi u licu, a riječi pjesama a i njihov glas su bezveze...
Jimi Blue(tip nezna repat, pokusava nesto pop ni to mu ide ali ipak kolko ima para moze ocito potkupit bilo koga pa da mu snime pjesmu- opet pjesme su očajne... Blue mu je srednje ime.. pa da se promisli malo), neki tamo Mehdi s pjesmom When will i be famous????? koji k.... i onda pjeva da ne moze rec kada cete biti famous i onda kaze sigurno se pitate kad cete biti poznati... i onda kaze da on moze rec kada ce oni bit famous?????jbt... mislim gluposti, a da ne spominjem jos neke bendove, mislim živa glupost, a popularnost im se ne bazira na pravoj glazbi koju se stvarno da slušat i uživaš pri tome, nego na imidžu koji daju, ono lebdeća kosa natapirana s 5 limenki spreja... i pri tome neznaju ni kako su oštetili atmosferu.. ma ide mi to sve na jetra.. ali jbg, postoji jos dosta bendova koji imaju svoj štih i koji su stvarno dobri..
primjer onaj ko voli poslusat dobru elektroničku glazbu Prodigy je prema meni najači...
a tu je VHI kanal pa se strava smanjuje oni barem imaju normalne pjesme...

a jučer tekma protiv norveške, bila je za gledat, kako smo se borili protiv lakavičastih rukometaša(stalno su mlatili laktom) i protiv nepravednih sudaca koji su se očito uzasno jako bojali publike koje je bilo 6000, no Hrvata kolko je bilo tamo bilo je dovoljno... damn stvarno se izivciras na tim utakmicama a pogotovo ako vodis 2 razlike i onda negdje sj.... i izgubis sve, ali dobro smo prošli i idemo u polufinale... aaa zakon..
niš ae pozzdravi

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