blog moje sekice

još trenutno jako nov blog,i ne uređen,ali bit će :)


I have a problem that I cannot explain,
I have no reason why it should've been so plain,
Have no questions but I sure have excuse,
I lack the reason why I should be so confused.

I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
Around you.

Left a message but it ain't a bit of use,
I have some pictures, the wild might be the deuce,
Today you saw, you saw me, you explained,
Playin the show and running down the plane.

Pjesme koje su mi trenutno naj:
-Soldier side
- Roulette
- Wings of destiny
- Under the gun
- Will they die for you
- Bring me to life
- Wherever you will go
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Will they die for you

How many niggaz that'll die for you
How many get the keys like so they can fly with you
I ain't talkin' 'bout those that get high with you
Niggaz know, infrareds on ya head and they ride with you

How many niggaz that'll die for you
How many get the keys like to ???
I ain't talkin' 'bout those that get high with you
Niggaz know, infrareds on ya head and they ride with you

Verse One (Puffy):
While I'ma ride for you, would you ride for me?
While I'ma die for you, would you die for me?
Obviously, we all know your type of cats
Let they man get struck, never strike back
Stay in the streets, seven days a week
Shit get hot, you never glaze your heat
Stupid motherfucker wanna play me sweet
So I keep 'em on his toes, that way he never sleeps
Bigger than the king and the Pope, sling no dope
Call me anything but broke
When it's on, I guarantee my team don't choke
Wanna war, you niggaz better bring yo 4
And when I say we won't quit, believe this shit
When I talk about a Benz, let you see the 6
And when I'm talkin' to a hoe, let you meet my bitch
When Puff talk, you niggaz take ??? of this
How many niggaz that'll die for you
How many get the keys like to ???
I ain't talkin' 'bout those that get high with you
Niggaz know, infrareds on ya head and they ride with you

Verse Two (Mase):
Yo, if you down to act, we can to scrap
We beef '89, still watch your back
A nigga smack me, I'ma smack 'em back
If it lead to the guns, then that be that
And lately, niggaz that snake me, just make me
Wanna send 'em heat without AC
Thinks I'm sweet, taste me
How much you really want it?
Enough to put a mil on it or your deal on it?
This year, Cancun, guess who I'm goin' with
My own niggaz, see I pay my own trip
Make my own chips, I copped my own 6
I knock my own shit, like I'm on my own dick
My day be short, ???, raid the fort
I'm knocked by the cops, come blaze the court
And though niggaz ???
Disrespect ???
Like a ???
Me, I always have, so I never go for self
Had thousand dollar bills with Teddy Roosevelt
Better slow down, tellin' you now, ???
Kick your door down, surround the block
Where you go now?
Fifty shot spit at you and that is not a whole round
Way I leave the furniture, think it was cold found
Here's the low-down, messin' with Mase gotta go down
What more could I say but hey, guess you niggaz know now

How many niggaz that'll die for you
How many get the keys like to ???
I ain't talkin' 'bout those that get high with you
Niggaz know, infrareds on ya head and they ride with you

Verse Three (Lil' Kim):
Motherfuckin' right I'ma roll with my motherfuckin' dogs
'Cause bitches ain't around when it's time to go to war
This shit here, nothing to fuck with
I'm the same bitch all y'all wanna try y'all luck with
Little Kim spread like syphillis
You think I'm pussy?
I dare you to stick your dick in this
Chrome .44, inconspicuous in the 6-0-0, shit's ridiculous
Speak when you're spoken to and only with permission
Like E.F. Hutton, when I talk, niggaz listen
So don't y'all be mad at me, 'cause I'm the Q to the B
To the motherfuckin' E-E
Popped my CD, now y'all wanna be me
See me on the TV, ??? Peep the steedy, chromed out and phoned out
My shit is paid for, your shit is loaned out
I keeps it on, money keep growin'
Ice fully glowin', plus I'm bad to the bone
In the danger zone, I hold my own when the pain is gone
Like a splinter ya enter
So why should I throw my blows and ???
Do a bid upstate and take the weight for your troubles
My nigga BIG, I'ma ride for
But it ain't too many niggaz that I'd die for

How many niggaz that'll die for you
How many get the keys like to ???
I ain't talkin' 'bout those that get high with you
Niggaz know, infrareds on ya head and they ride with you

How many niggaz that'll die for you
How many get the keys like to ???
I ain't talkin' 'bout those that get high with you
Niggaz know, infrareds on ya head and they ride with you

Wherever you will go-The Calling

So lately, been wondering,
Who will be there to take my place
When I'm gone, you'll need love
To light the shadows on your face
If a great wave shall fall
It would fall upon us all
and between the sand and stone
Could you make it on your own

If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high, or down low
I'll go wherever you will go

And maybe, I'll find out
The way to make it back someday
To watch you, to guide you
Through the darkest of your days
If a great wave shall fall
It would fall upon us all
Well then I hope there's someone out there
Who can bring me back to you

If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high, or down low
I'll go wherever you will go

Runaway with my heart
Runaway with my hope
Runaway with my love

I know now, just quite how
My life and love might still go on
In your heart, in your mind
I'll stay with you for all of time

If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high, or down low
I'll go wherever you will go

If I could turn back time
I'll go wherever you will go
If I could make you mine
I'll go wherever you will go
I'll go wherever you will go

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Soldier side-S.O.A.D

Dead men lying on the heart of the grave
Wondering when savior comes, if he is gonna be saved
Maybe you're a sinner into your alternate life
Maybe you're a joker, maybe you deserve to die

They were crying when their sons left
God is wearing black
He's gone so far to find no hope
He's never coming back

They were crying when their sons left
All young men must go
He's come so far to find the truth
He's never going home

Young men standing on the top of their own graves
Wondering when Jesus comes, are they gonna be saved
Cruelty to the winner, bishop tells the king his lies
Maybe you're a mourner, maybe you deserve to die

They were crying when their sons left
God is wearing black
He's gone so far to find no hope
He's never coming back

They were crying when their sons left
All young men must go
He's come so far to find no truth
He's never going home

Welcome to the soldier side
Where there is no one here but me
People all grow up to die
There is no one here but me

Welcome to the soldier side
There is no one here but me
People on the soldier side
There is no one here but me

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Svoje ja

nedjelja, 12.02.2006.

No more sad songs...

Eto...još jedan post. Nemam sada nikakvu temu za pisati pa ću samo ovako općenito..Hvala na komentarima,drago mi je ak ih čitate,jer pusa i nice blog mi nisu potrebni....,ali hvala..Neć vas zamarat sad svojim glupostima,evo samo slika...,koja je i glavna točka ovog posta....,jer,slika vrijedi više od tisuću riječi.....Pusa..

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subota, 04.02.2006.

Be my friend forever.....

Sad treba ispast pametan na ovim temama....,odnosno mudar..Što je prijateljstvo??Recimo kad bi me netko pitao koliko imam prijatelja,vjerovatno bih rekla puno što nije baš jaaako realno.Pošto ne živim u velikom gradu,poznam eto otprlike pola ljudi s kojima sam na bok,znači ak ne brojimo njih ostaju mi moji prijatelji iz razreda i ovak po vani.Naravno da sa svima nisam jednako dobra,znači i tu pola otpada.Ostaje mi možda desetak(čitaj:deset) prijatelja s kojima sam si super.No kad malo još razmislim ne znam kak bi s kim mogla onak pravo,al stvarno pravo pričat o nekim ozbiljnijim temama.Tak da se obacuju svi.I ostajem ja,i tak je najbolje,sam sebe najbolje poznaš.Ak imaš problema sam znaš kak si najbolje pomoć,eto moje mišljenje.Jer i ak postoji nekolicina kojoj bi se mogla stvarno povjrit uvijek bi postojalo pitanje "šta ako..."(čitaj:šta ako nekom kaže).A ak si sam u tom,znaš da nitko neće saznat.,i tak je najbolje.Prijatelji su tu za zezanciju i tak,to stoji, al što se tiče malo ozbiljnijeg.....,vjerovati je najlakše samom sebi.. Ionako nismo potpuno sami,Bog je s nama,i ne ne dostaje mi ništa više.Eto.,
Znači,kad me netko bude pitao koliko imam prijatelja.,ja odgovaram puno...,ali...... :))
Nadahnuće od Moje sekice :)
(čitaj:Anje)pa si i to pročitajte...
Možda se nećete baš složiti sa mnom,ali eto cijenite bar moju realnost....,puss Iva

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O meni
*~Zovem se Iva.
*~Imam 15 godina.
*~Živim u jednom malom gradu u Slavoniji.
*~Idem 1. razred Gimnazije.

Ovo je link na moj blog

Under The Gun

You don't have to say you're sorry
To look on further down the line
Into the sun
Too close at heaven
Love is fine
But you can't hold it like a...
Two worlds apart two together
Into that good night kiss away
One takes the hard, one the other
Kiss away

Are you living for love?
Are you living for love?
When the road gets too tough
Is your love strong enough?

Are you living?
Are you living for love?
Are you living for love?

Do you feel your head is full of thunder?
Questions never end?
Empty nights alone?
No wonder
It all comes back again

Are you living for love?
Are you living for love?
I've been under the gun
I've lost and I've won

(two, three, four)

Forget the many steps to heaven
It never happened and it ain't so hard
Happiness is a loaded weapon and a
Short cut is better by far
Explosive bolts, ten thousand volts
At a million miles an hour
Abrasive wheels and molten metals
It's a semi-automatic, get in the car
Corrosive heart and frozen heat

We're worlds apart where we could meet

Where the street fold round and the motors start
And the idiot wields the power
Where the chosen hold the highest card
On the field of honour where the ground is hard
So the highest hand is joking wild
And the house soon fold and no one stand
I put my finger on and dialled
The tower, the moon, the gun and
Nine nine nine, singer down
Cloudburst and all around
The first are last, the blessed get wired
The best is yet to come
I put my finger on and fired
Heat-seeking, out of the sun
You can set the controls for the heart or the knees
And the meek'll inherit what they damn well please
Get ahead, go figure, go ahead and pull the trigger
Everything under the gun

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Eternal glory

Echoes of terror in this old land
I see the result of their quest
Skulls of old heroes lie everywhere
in this mystical place
Dust in their eyes, dust on my pride
in this infinite journey to the ancient sword

I can hear their lament between these rocks
the whisper of an angry ghost
he speaks for them all trapped in this lost world
I am their very last hope
to ride from hell free once again
to break the chains from a bloody past for my victory

Eternal glory ride fast to me
pound in my heart for the Algalord kings
Eternal glory spread your wide wings
fly and forever lead my holy steel

I'll fight, I'll cry for your silence your name
You'll live through me I will end all your pain
for the swan in the lake the bird on the tree
the peace for my beloved lands
The black king is near and Algalord calls
so heroes of the lost valley raise all your voice

Eternal glory ride fast to me
pound in my heart for the Algalord kings
Eternal glory spread your wide wings
fly and forever lead my holy steel

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Run away-Linkin Park

Graffiti decorations
Under a sky of dust
A constant wave of tension
On top of broken trust
The lessons that you taught me
I learn were never true
Now I find myself in question
(They point the finger at me again)
Guilty by association
(You point the finger at me again)

I wanna run away
Never say goodbye
I wanna know the truth
Instead of wondering why
I wanna know the answers
No more lies
I wanna shut the door
And open up my mind

Paper bags and angry voices
Under a sky of dust
Another wave of tension
Has more than filled me up
All my talk of taking action
These words were never true
Now I find myself in question
(They point the finger at me again)
Guilty by association
(You point the finger at me again)

I wanna run away
Never say goodbye
I wanna know the truth
Instead of wondering why
I wanna know the answers
No more lies
I wanna shut the door
And open up my mind

i'm gonna run away and never say goodbye
(gonna run away gonna run away gonna run away gonna run away)
i'm gonna run away and never wonder why
(gonna run away gonna run away gonna run away gonna run away)
i'm gonna run away and open my mind
(gonna run away gonna run away gonna run away gonna run away gonna run away gonna run away gonna run away gonna run away)

I wanna run away
Never say goodbye
I wanna know the truth
Instead of wondering why
I wanna know the answers
No more lies
I wanna shut the door
And open up my mind

i wanna run away
and open up my mind
i wanna run away
and open up my mind
i wanna run away
and open up my mind
i wanna run away
and open up my mind

Pretty fly-The Offspring

Untem, gliben, glaussen, glauben

Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
And all the girlies say I’m pretty fly for a white guy

Uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinquo, senco, ses

You know, it’s kinda hard just to get along today
Our subject isn’t cool, but he fakes it anyway
He may not have a clue and he may not have style
But everything he lacks, well, he makes up in denial

So don’t debate, a player straight
You know he really doesn’t get it anyway
Gonna play the field, and keep it real
For you, no way, for you, no way

So if you don’t rate, just overcompensate
At least, you’ll know you can always go on ricki lake
The world needs wannabes
So hey hey, do that brand new thing

Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
And all the girlies say I’m pretty fly for a white guy

He needs some cool tunes, not just any will suffice
But they didn’t have ice cube, so he bought vanilla ice
Now cruising in his pinto, he sees homies as he pass
But if he looks twice, they’re gonna kick his lily ass

So don’t debate, a player straight
You know he really doesn’t get it anyway
Gonna play the field, and keep it real
For you, no way, for you, no way

So if you don’t rate, just overcompensate
At least, you’ll know you can always go on ricki lake
The world likes wannabes
So hey hey, do that brand new thing

Now, he’s getting a tattoo, yeah, he’s gettin’ ink done
He asked for a 13, but they drew a 31
Friends say he’s trying too hard and he’s not quite hip
But in his own mind, he’s the, he’s the dopest trip

Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
Give it to me, baby, huh huh, huh huh
Uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinquo, senco, ses

So don’t debate, a player straight
You know he really doesn’t get it anyway
Gonna play the field, and keep it real
For you, no way, for you, no way

So if you don’t rate, just overcompensate
At least, you’ll know you can always go on ricki lake
The world needs wannabes
The world loves wannabes
Let’s get some more wannabes
And hey hey, do that brand new thing

Seni kendime sakladim-Unknowm

onu bunu anlamam
kim ne derse desin lan
arkanizdan yol almam
onlar ister alinsin
isterlerse darilsin

onu bunu bilmem karişmam
kim ne derse desin lan
ben alinip satilmam
onlar ister alinsin
isterlerse satilsin

wwoooooooooooo seni kendime sakladimmmm
wwoooooooooooo hepsini ben hesapladim

onu bunu bilmem karişmam
kim ne derse desin lan
işte meydan işte can
onlar ister kapişsin
isterlerse barişsin

wwoooooooooooo seni kendime sakladimmmm
wwoooooooooooo hepsini ben hesapladim
wwooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo die gidiooo kopardi beni bu şarki bittimm bittimmmmmmmmm!!!!


Sweet berries ready for two ghosts are no different than you.
Ghosts are now waiting for you.
Are you...
Sweet berries ready for two ghosts are no different than you.
Ghosts are now waiting for you.
Are you...
Dreaming! Dreaming the night! Dreaming all right!

Do we! Do we know, when we FLY?
When we, when we go
Do we die?

Sweet berries ready for two ghosts are no different than you.
Ghosts are now waiting for you.
Are you...
Sweet berries ready for two ghosts are no different than you.
Ghosts are now waiting for you.
Are you...
Dreaming! Dreaming the night! Dreaming all right!

Do we! Do we know, when we FLY?
When we, when we go
Do we die


Do we, do we know
When we fly
When we, when we go
Do we die

Wings of destiny

Day has gone but I'm still here with you
my sweet rose my green hills
beloved sea, lakes and sky
beloved mother earth

Silent land erase my thoughts
I wanna lose myself in you, all in you
caress me and my soul while I close my eyes

On wings of destiny
through virgin skies
to far horizons I will fly

Dear peaceful land, dear mother earth
caress my soul while I close my eyes

On wings of destiny
through virgin skies
to far horizons I will fly

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Gazing through the window at the world outside
Wondering if mother earth will survive
Hoping that mankind will stop abusing her, sometime

After all there’s just the two of us
And here we are still fighting for our lives
Watching all of history repeat itself, time after time

I’m just a dreamer, I dream my life away
I’m just a dreamer, who dreams of better days

I watch the sun go down like everyone of us
I’m hoping that the dawn will bring a sign
A better place for those who will come after us this time

I’m just a dreamer, I dream my life away, oh yeah
I’m just a dreamer, who dreams of better days

Your higher power may be God or jesus christ
It doesn’t really matter much to me
Without each other’s help there ain’t no hope for us
I’m living in a dream, a fantasy
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah

If only we could just find serenity
It would be nice if we could live as one
When will all this anger, hate and bigotry be gone?

I’m just a dreamer, I dream my life away, today
I’m just a dreamer, who dreams of better days, ok
I’m just a dreamer, who’s searching for the way, today
I’m just a dreamer, dreaming my life away
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah

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