body I just wanna be... - Prints of rain. In my life. - body

srijeda, 10.09.2008.

I just wanna be...

Prvi tjedan je prošao, tak tak. U drugome smo na polovici. LoL. A već imamo test iz matematike u petak. Krasno. Također nas već hoće pitati iz svakog mogućeg predmeta. Iz vjeronauka još nismo ni dobili knjige.

So who am I now?
Who do you want me to be?
I can forgive you
But I won't relive you,
I ain't the same scared kid I used to be

U posljednje vrijeme me puca neka Bon Jovi faza. Sam mi se on sluša. Vidi se i u lyricsima.
Također se prisjećam nekih stvari. Onak. Olovka i Jaffa. Samo što ja još uvijek koristim taj svoj nadimak. I opravdavam ga. Jučer sam s Anom pila čokoladno mlijeko i jela Jaffa kekse po ulicama. Al to nije bitno trenutno. XD
Možda smo (O&J) u boljim odnosima nego ikad. Barem se više ne svađamo više toliko. My twin. Poznajemo se već negdje godinu i pol. Ove godine je planiram dovući za zimske praznike u Požegu pa ćemo rasturati grad. Jedino s njom biti onakva kakva doista jesam negdje duboko u sebi. Otkačena. Luda. Pervezna ak treba. I neograničena. Gledam svijet svojim očima, a ne tuđim.

And tuesday just might go my way
It can't get worse than yesterday
Thursdays, fridays ain't been kind
But somehow I'll survive
Hey man I'm alive I'm takin each day and night at a time
Yeah I'm down, but I know I'll get by
Hey hey hey hey, man gotta live my life
Like I ain't got nothin but this roll of the dice
I'm feelin like a monday, but someday I'll be saturday night

Također sam odlučila da me ne treba biti za glasine za koje znam da nisu točne. Zapravo, boli me što drugi misle. Ja sama znam što je u mojem mozgu. I zadovoljna sam s time. Ja znam. To je jedino bitno.

It comes down to this
I wouldn't exist
Without you it ain't worth the grind
I'd fight for one kiss
On a night like this
You make me feel I could fly, like
I could save the world
Since the night your love saved me
Maybe I can't save the world
But as long as you believe
Maybe I could save the world...

Jučer sam dovršila čitanje Prvorođenog. Knjiga mi je predobra. Sam je smiješno što imam neku smiješnu sposobnost pogoditi što će se dogoditi pa se onda iznenadim kad se to stvarno dogodi. Tj. nemam je uvijek. Katkad i sanjam te stvari pa se ostvare (a da prije toga nisam ni čula za to). Tako sam tjedan dana prije mog 12. rođendana sanjala da sam dobila crno bijelog psa. I onda sam stvarno dobila dalmatinera za rođendan (a tad nisam ni bila naišla na onaj oglas). Ili kad sam ovo ljeto sanjala da sam vidjela novi kompjuter kad sam se vratila s mora, no da su mi se pobrisali dokumenti na onom starom. I stvarno me dočekao, a nakon tjedan-dva sam skužila, da kad sam prebacivala stvari na ovaj novi, nisam baš My documents slučajno presnimila, a zbrisala sam ga. Krasno.

They can say it's blind love
But it's a fool who don't believe
That I'd fly all the way to the moon
Just to walk you down your street...

Uglavnom, post je dosta dugačak, al pola njega su lyricsi XD Koje ne morate čitati. Al govore o meni. Na neki način.
Dakle, čujemo se.

Oh, if there is one thing I hang on to,
That gets me through the night.
I ain't gonna do what I don't want to,
I'm gonna live my life
Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice,
Standing on the ledge, I'll show the wind how to fly
When the world gets in my face,
I say, Have A Nice Day!

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One Star in The SkY

Yesterdays a memory
Another page in history
You sell yourself on hopes and dreams
That leaves you feeling sideways.
Tripping over my own feet
Trying to walk to my own beat
Another car out on the street trying to find the Highway
Yeah, Are you going my way?

This is the story of my life
And I write it everyday
I know it isn't black and white
And it's anything but grey
I know that no I'm not alright, but I'll be ok cause
Anything can, everything can happen
That's the story of my life

I'm gonna write the melody
That's gonna make history,
And when I paint my masterpiece I swear I'll show you first
There just ain't a way to see who and why or what will be
Till now is then
It's a mystery, it's a blessing and a curse
Or something worse

This is the story of my life
And I write it everyday.
I know it isn't black and white
And it's anything but grey.
I know that no I'm not
alright, but I'll be ok cause
Anything can, everything can
I've been thinking
and baby you can
help me write the story of my life
What do you say?

This is the story of my life
And I write it everyday,
And I hope you're by my side
When I'm writing the last page...

The Lines AbouT Me

You can't tell me who I am.


picture: deviantart
base code: sugarmeemee