utorak, 21.02.2012.
Easter cards, part 3...
- 18:03 -
Komentari (11) - Isprintaj - #
petak, 17.02.2012.
Easter cards, part 2...
Ovdje sam se usudila isprobati Philippine razrezane namotaje.
I dared to use Philippa's cuted coils.
- 16:10 -
srijeda, 15.02.2012.
Easter cards
- 16:28 -
Komentari (11) - Isprintaj - #
subota, 11.02.2012.
Easter project...
Većina jaja je quillana beehive tehnikom koju je osmislila Susan. Ovo je samo dio Uskršnjih ukrasa...
(Most eggs are Quilled with beehive technique that was developed by Susan. This is only a part of the Easter decorations...)
Sve ovo možete vidjeti i u Quilling Cafe
(All this you can olso check out at Quilling Cafe )
- 14:41 -
Komentari (16) - Isprintaj - #