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Apsolutno normalno

Ovo je prva stranica moje nove priče, koju san započela pisat na engleskom. Sad je već lagano počinje privodit na hrvatski, vadit ću je dio po dio vjerojatno. Priča je pod zaštitom autorskih prava, pripada samo meni, ideja je moja. Da van ne padne štogod napamet.
Vjerojatno će se zvat Apsolutno normalno, ali nisam sigurna.

Absolutely Normal

Chapter One – Getting acquainted

Alexandra, that preferred to go by the name Alex, was always interested in not-so-very-normal things. She herself was not-so-very-normal girl. She was 15, and life had already thaught her several wise lessons, though she was still a child at her heart. Alex was different than the rest, she always managed to find a way not to fit in the norms of the society. It wasn't just a rebel thing, adolescence etc. Alex felt something missing in the dull, grey world she was living in. When she was little, she used to go scavenger hunting with her friends but always ended up looking for something that wasn’t there. Alex was in many ways, a not-so-very-normal girl.

But, like any other girl her age, Alex had many friends. Her best friend, however, was Patricia, that went by the nickname Trish. Alex and Trish had known each other for ages, and this lead to them often finishing each others sentences even though one did not always agree with the other. Trish was so unlike Alex, nobody ever thought they could become friends that good. Trish was always very school-oriented, studied hard; she was a down-to-earth girl, never too fiery, never too quiet. Alex, on the other hand, was very vibrant and wild; always head over heels into some guy – everyday a different one – always into something new.

Alexandra Withmoore, along with the rest of the characters, is owned by . Unauthorized copying, translating, copying any part of the story, borrowing characters for own purposes is a violation of the authors rights. And will be punished most maliciously.

Post je objavljen 23.05.2005. u 11:09 sati.