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Photo Gallery Ideas. Photo Printing Australia

Photo Gallery Ideas

photo gallery ideas

    photo gallery
  • it is the space to upload your favourite photos or admire what other users have uploaded

  • (photo galleries) prestructured grids into which staff or users can upload photos. By extension, “gallery” can be used to describe any place on a website where users are able to upload static content to share with others.

  • (Photo Galleries) The area on a social networking site where the user can upload or post their digital photos.

  • An opinion or belief

  • A thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action

  • (idea) mind: your intention; what you intend to do; "he had in mind to see his old teacher"; "the idea of the game is to capture all the pieces"

  • (idea) a personal view; "he has an idea that we don't like him"

  • A concept or mental impression

  • (idea) the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; "it was not a good idea"; "the thought never entered my mind"



This is me trying out new layout ideas. I have a ton of "ehh" photos from our week trip to London. It was an awesome city, don't get me wrong. Lot's of history. Almost every tour we went on the "yanks" got picked on. I also got yelled in every museum we went in for taking pictures.

I fugue if the Louvre allows you to take pictures and videos, everyone else should. Also, when I got caught in Westminster Abbey taking pictures, the man who spoke to me used the excuse this is a house of God and I should respect it as such. They have no problem putting in a gift store, charging people ?20 to get inside then another ?10 for audio tours, and not excepting my American student ID, but yes I should respect this holy place.

You might notice there is a display of vacuums in here; we went to the Taft museum of modern art and they featured a huge pop art exhibit, and these were some retro era vacuum cleaners, very funny I thought. The font at the bottom was designed after my handwriting using my tablet and font lab studio, more on that later.

Earth Stucco Best for Adobe

Earth Stucco Best for Adobe

Buildings made from earth. A time honored tradition. Using materials at hand, non-toxic to humans, cool in summer, warm in winter. Traditional adobe has always been finished with earth stucco; when it needed repair, the family would all participate with handfuls of mud and stone readily available in the surrounding terrain. A seasonal family affair.

Often modern adobe buildings are finished with cement stucco (with the idea it will be less maintenace) - but the problem is that adobe naturally breathes and transmits moisture in and out. When the moisture is leaving an adobe building finished with cement stucco, the moisture is trapped between the cement and the adobe and dissolves the adobe - not a pretty sight.

Traditional earth stuccos require a periodic coat, but the structure "breathes" with nature and lasts indefinitely.

photo gallery ideas

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Post je objavljen 13.12.2011. u 15:51 sati.