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Imam puuno novih novosti, pogotovo što SAM KUPILA MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT!!!!!!! beljsretannutpjevazujofino
Neizmjerno sam sretna što sam napokon nagovorila svoje da mi ga kupe! Kupila sam ga u Zadru, i mogu reći da je mrak!! Svi su govorili da je nekako „razvodnjen“, kako da to nije pravi Linkin Park, no, meni su pjesme mrak i jedna od najdražih mi je „Hands Held High“. Sad ga slušam i moram reći da Chester ima božanstven glas, posebno u pjesmama „In Pieces“, „Shadow Of The Day“ i „Leave Out All The Rest“. Mike je mrak u mojoj najdražoj pjesmi, „Hands Held High“. Premda neki kažu da je „Minutes To Midnight“ malo „zakasnio“, meni se čini da je došao točno na vrijeme. U Zadru sam kupila 3 nove majice, sve u Terranovi i mogu reći da ih nisam uopće puno platila. Sve tri sam platila 54, 90 kn. Bila je rasprodaja. Jedva čekam srijedu jer idem s frendicom Marijanom(bok Mare!!!wavebelj) u kino! Idemo gledati „Harryja Pottera i red feniksa“. Još sam si napravila tetovažu koja traje 2-3 tjedna, pa ću ju imati do početka škole.
Kao što sam već spomenula, moja frendica i ja idemo u kino. To je moj poklon njoj(sa malim zakašnjenjem). Kaj da još pišem...? Ak vas još kaj zanima, sam me pitajte!!! Nemojte biti sramežljivi, ne grizem, znatebeljbelj! Sad vam donosim tekst pjesme
Why does it feel like night today?
Something in here's not right today.
Why am I so uptight today?
Paranoia's all I got left
I don't know what stressed me first
Or how the pressure was fed
But I know just what it feels like
To have a voice in the back of my head
It's like a face that I hold inside
A face that awakes when I close my eyes
A face watches every time I lie
A face that laughs every time I fall
(And watches everything)
So I know that when it's time to sink or swim
That the face inside is hearing me
Right underneath my skin

It's like I'm paranoid lookin' over my back
It's like a whirlwind inside of my head
It's like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
It's like the face inside is right beneath my skin

I know I've got a face in me
Points out all my mistakes to me
You've got a face on the inside too and
Your paranoia's probably worse
I don't know what set me off first but I know what I can't stand
Everybody acts like the fact of the matter is
I can't add up to what you can but
Everybody has a face that they hold inside
A face that awakes when I close my eyes
A face watches every time they lie
A face that laughs every time they fall
(And watches everything)
So you know that when it's time to sink or swim
That the face inside is watching you too
Right inside your skin


The face inside is right beneath your skin (3x)

The sun goes down
I feel the light betray me (Repeat until end)

Chorus (Repeat until end)

Eto, dragi moji blogeri, moram ići. No, čujemo se kad ću imati vremena, booookwavenutfino

Post je objavljen 27.08.2007. u 13:32 sati.