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friki frajdej

danas je opet petak. kako vrijeme brzo leti! uh,uh, uhhhhhhhhhh... ovaj tjedan je bio baš naporan. svaki dan neki zapleti. danas nam je na primjer profesor iz tzk-a reko da je ponedjeljak natjecanje iz atletike. pihhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! svašta. al dobro, išla bum na to jer ne moram onda bit na 6. i 7. satu. hi,hi,hi,hi,hi,hi! u ponedjeljak još pišemo enagleski i kemiju beeeeeeeeeeeeee... fuj! kemija mi je najgori predmet!!!!! mrzim ju!!!!!!!!!!1 tako je dosadna!!!!!!!!! danas poslije treninga idem kod svoje ljubavnice,lotte... jedva čekam.kiss u 5 imam trening sa svojom ''inteligentnom'' sestrom. dao Bog da preživim!bang evo jedna pjesma od pink, po meni njezina najbolja. inače ju baš ne slušam, al mi je ova pjesma fenomenalna. i, da... još nešto. ono kaj je karla napisala za tuš... istina je!!!!!!! JESI L' MALA VOLILA ZIDARA? JESI, JESI, AL ŽBUKARA NISI... i tak dalje. naš dragi PsYhOtYc... wave


You took my hand
You showed me how
You promised me
You'd be around
Uh huh
That's right
I took your words
And I believed
In everything
You said to me
Yeah huh
That's right

If someone said three years from now
You'd be long gone
I'd stand up and punch them out
Cause they're all wrong
I know better
'Cause you said forever
And ever
Who knew

Remember when
We were such fools
And so convinced
And just too cool
Oh no,
No no.
I wish I could touch you again
I wish I could still call you friend
I'd give anything

When someone said count your blessings now
'fore they're long gone
I guess I just didn't know how
I was all wrong
They knew better
Still you said forever

And ever
Who knew

Yeah yeah
I'll keep you locked in my head
Until we meet again
Until we
Until we meet again
And I won't forget you my friend
What happened

If someone said three years from now
You'd be long gone
I'd stand up and punch them out
Cause they're all wrong and
That last kiss
I'll cherish
Until we meet again

And time makes
It harder
I wish I could remember

But I keep
Your memory
You visit me in my sleep

My darling

Who knew
My darling
My darling
Who knew
My darling
I miss you
My Darling
Who Knew

Who knew

... pufaaaaaaaaa for everyone... kiss

Post je objavljen 30.03.2007. u 15:11 sati.