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the prophecy

she had a tremendous headache when she opened her eyes. she quickly shut them. ''maybe the pain will go away if I pretend I'm still sleeping.'' that didn't happened. after a few minutes she concluded that it will be best if she get up. so she did. she was sleeping next to a tree, close to the camping fire on which something smelling rather awkward was cooking in a small metal stew. the cook whistled some tune that reminded he of a place far away from here. Vinelhia....home of the most unusual creatures she had ever seen. they were almost as tall as humans or elves, and the resemblance could be found, but yet they were as if they weren't from this world. they walked on their fingertips; like they were gently floating above the ground. their eyes were all the colors of the rainbow, depending from which angle you looked. beside the eyes she couldn't remember the rest of their faces - they were a blur, a gaseous mixture of pleasant, calm and worm feeling. they did not speak but she heard their clear, musical voices all around her. but what was the most remarkable about them was the aura of peacefulness. she felt so..rested among them. she couldn't remember how or why she got to Vinelhia... or how long was she there. the time didn't exist in Vinelhia.... first few hours there nobody came near her. they kept their distance, gazing with their big beautiful eyes when they thought she wasn't looking. but she was always looking, it was her nature to do so. so she had time to look around their strange homes in the trees, whole buildings in the boles, camouflaged so well that a not careful observant wouldn't even notice them. then, one of them stepped in front of her. he sat down patiently waiting for her move. she yelled and shouted and demanded and when became weary of questioning, she sat too. then she heard the voice, like a stream made of pure gold, welcoming her to Vinelhia. she tryed to focus her mind, but it was overwhelmed with questions, desires, confusion. he touched her hand. the touch was cold, sparkling; tingles went down her spine. she made herself stop thinking and concentrated on listening the voice. he began singing, very quietly, about Those-Who-Live-Among-Trees, of how, in the beginning, they separated from their elven brother, and hid in the woods. they were the first made by the Great Goddess of All that Live Florr after the separation of gods. she gave them the life of the immortals. they were her first creation, the first creation she made by herself. ''she made us with her breath'', he continued, ''and so we came to life, to came and disappear as her lungs breath in and out, to live and die in every second, bond with our Mother forever''. she sent them to the woods to watch over those who seek comfort and peace. the man/creature/elf stopped the melody. ''this is all you need to know about us.'', he said. ''now, to answer your other questions''. he then began a song different from the first one.
it was that tune the cook has whistled! she jumped to her feet, hoping somehow she made it to Vinelhia! but, alas, there was no sign of Those-Who-Live-Among-Trees. the cook turned around, frightened by her sudden move.
''well, well, didn't you got me all shivering now! you should be more careful, you know. otherwise, I could have spilt these yummy looking, delicious smelling, ultra-tasteful oak meal porridge. that would be quite a shame, you know. back in the old days, my sister made marvelous porridge, you know, before she married that old twit! quite a boring man, you know. once e tried to help with some potion, it's not likely you know something about potions, is it? damn shame, it would be so nice to have somebody to talk to about formulas and recipes...anyhow, he offered him self to help me. can you imagine that! he helping me. ha ha! but I couldn't laugh at his face, now could I? he is my sister's husband, you know. do you have a sister? no? what about a husband? a gal like you must sure have somebody. you know, if you just stop cutting your hair so short, maybe somebody would fancy you. though, with all those scars...well, some people are just not meant to be with someone. no offence, you know. hey, maybe I can fix you up with a friend of mine. I met him sometimes ago when I was with my sister..did I tell you she is a wonderful cook? no? well, once she...''
''Stop!'' she pressed her palmed against her forehead. ''Swiff. of course. Swiff. he could talk all day long.''she thought to herself.
''I'm having a headache that could kill a horse. can you, PLEASE, not talk just for a while?''
''sure, no problem. you know, once I made a bet with my friend from.....''
of course he continued to talk. once she made a terrible mistake asking about some scroll they found in the dungeon. terrible mistake. mages we're pretentious all in all, but a gnome mage? she laughed when he introduced himself as Swiffelance Greatbeard The Mage and added he had to shorten his name so humans like her could memorize. but the next chance to get killed she thanked the gods Swiff knows his job.
''Swiff, could you please briefly tell me what were you whistling a moment ago?''
he looked at her with surprise she wants him to talk.
''Well, my dear, it's a tune one of my friends though me. a ranger he is.and a damn good one. saw him talking in the air and staring at the trees. strange man, I tell you. or should I say elf? Don't know which he prefers best. But an elven bastard, no sir, once we met a guy who walked trough the woods, chopping the healthy trees, you know how a ranger can be upset when somebody does that, oh yes, my friend Eleer was very upset, then the guy called him a mongrel, oh what a then my friend...''
it appears he had vast number of friends. she thought that he simply called 'friend' every single being he ever talked to. but the story of Eleer was intriguing. he must have been to Vinelhia...
''Swiff, where is this friend of yours?''
''last time I saw him was before I met you. to the west I think. he had some things to do. sure hope I'll meet him again. great bowman, I can tell you that. did you know that once he shot a troll in the eye and killed him from 1000m distance? yes, it was like this: one day we were walking in the woods, a sunny day, I might add.....''
''fell down like a''
''how would you like to head west after breakfast? maybe we'll meet your friend.''
''oh, sure, no problem, don't sweat about it, you know me, always ready for action....and what do you need my friend for?''
''hmmm... let's say that some time ago someone told me something about finding my path trough the woods, and into the depths of stone, a golden coast and the reckless sea, friend who I never expected to meet, changing of the destiny's course...''
''what does that mean? could be a riddle. I love riddles. you know, once, this is far more important. I think it's a prophecy.''
a prophecy? hm... she wasn't sure what exactly did she hear that day in the woods. her head was banging.
''by the way, Swiff, what happened to my head?''
''oh, we were attacked by three hungry wolves, don't you remember? here, I'll tell you all about it over breakfast.''

Post je objavljen 12.01.2007. u 13:45 sati.