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Eto...kao što vidite našla vremena napisat novi postek....puno...puno toga mi se dogodilo...ono kad sam napisala da hoću da mi alkohol uništi život do kraja---ostvarilo se---Makar se to ne tiće nikoga osim moje obitelji starci su mi objavili da se žene u trećem mjesecu sljedeće godine...a kad ono rastaju oovak i onak bi se to kad-tad dogodilo...nažalost....smijeh.....a kaj se može...fućka mi se ovak i onak mi postaje apsolutno svejedno....nemam razlog biti sretna...a i poćinje škola ajd to je dobro...barem neću biti doma u kuć ovak i onak sam duševno mrtva....btw.imam dećka koji je super ali nije moj tip niti najmanje....trudim se da mi se poćne sviđati...žao mi je zbog svega...rekla sam bivšem da odjebe od mene a nisam to smjela napravit....a kaj ću sad je gotovo nema oprosta...mama me danas nazvala u nedjelju idem doma....gotovi praznici...bye-bye križevcima....žao mi je kaj neću vidjet kulu,cruel girl,didi ;'(....baš mi je žao kaj dolazit ću za vikende...
Evo vam rijeći od predivne pjesme....predivna je...


Story of my life
Searching for the right
But it keeps avoiding me
Sorrow in my soul
Cause it seems that wrong
Really loves my company

He's more than a man
And this is more than love
The reason that the sky is blue
But clouds are rolling in
Because I'm gone again
And to him I just can't be true

And I know that he knows I'm unfaithful
And it kills him inside
To know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying

I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be...
A murderer

I feel it in the air
As I'm doing my hair
Preparing for another date
A kiss upon my cheek
As he reluctantly
Asks if I'm gonna be out late
I say I won't be long
Just hanging with the girls
A lie I didn't have to tell
Because we both know
Where I'm about to go
And we know it very well

Cause I know that he knows I'm unfaithful
And it kills him inside
To know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying

I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be...
A murderer

Our love, his trust
I might as well take a gun and put it to his head
Get it over with
I don't wanna do this
Anymore (anymore)

I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
And everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
And I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be...
A murderer (a murderer)

No no no no

Yeah yeah yeah

Evo i slikice...baš je nice: Image Hosted by

Volim vas SVE...ćitamo se...bye;(

Post je objavljen 30.08.2006. u 03:29 sati.