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Sink is sometimes yellow and sometime grey…

Every 4 rooms in my dorm (akademik) have 2 sinks in one small corridor which everybody uses…and they are usually yellow or grey…which depends of the day or their independent will…But yesterday they were completely clean and white…we had a mysterious visitor from outer space that cleaned our sinks…nobody took credits for it so I guess it’s Super Muscolo’s employee that goes around and clean sinks…or I just have such a wild imagination :P probably the latter one :D rofl

it’s so much fun to amaze polish people with my knowledge of polish language because they think I learn it all from the beginning….BUT it is so easy to speak it when there are lots of word that are completely the same and mean the same thing….people at work think I m god damn smart and I for now prefer not to tell them anything that should make them change they mind…nono

I went to church here in Kielce, and maybe the most interesting thing is that people during myse (mise)when u have to give peace to everybody instead of shaking hands they started to nod with their heads in all imagine 200 people turning around themselves and noding couple of times with light smile on their faces...smijeh i barely managed not to laugh out loud...i love cultural differences yes

I want to show u a little bit who I m spending most of my time here: so with no intended order here it is :P

£ukas-tenis master in Kielce; I suffered hard defeat but u know i won’t let that stop me…hoping for a rematch…no…counting on it :D btw. He hates when I call him vukaœ..u must say UUUkas :D
Kaœia-or other version would be Katarina; I have never met so cheerful, happy, and most of the time laughing girl…truly brings the laughter into the room….favorite words for her are: sleeping and eating (she said it), BUT I would also add laughing and dancing before everything thumbup
Mirek-ma buddy; simple guy that wants to ride horses :D and as far I heard he’s doing quite well…even when the horse without his will start to gallop…hhhheheh…mah
Agnjeska-main translator in Kielce…at least as far I saw :P she has nightmares from translating :D always in the move, doesn’t like spiders (pajonk) and told me that she’s gonna get me a guitar…we ll see smijeh
Gosia-the wonder girl. Or the better way to explain it. The “conditional sentence” girl :D each time I hear VEDRAN!!! I know another one is coming up J she speaks Russian, Italian and I forgot which other languages BUT only after having 1 or 2 beers :D amazing!!! party

i gotta go now for impreza "integracijona" or party of integration
thank god for that...(jos jedan dokaz velicine moje guzice :wink)

do zobaæenja=vidimo se :P

Post je objavljen 08.06.2006. u 10:56 sati.