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some pipl told me...

that i m not writting that often zujo haven't realized that time just past next to me...not that i m saying every second in ma stay here i have smth to do...but i got around...first of wok is doing quite nicely thank u for asking...lot's of funny stories from work...there's a polish guy who speaks just a little bit croatian but the most important words of course like: "u picku kurac!!!" i "bit ĉe bolje!" are his favorites :P he likes gibboni and knows only..." divno je..." etc...he's very crazy and it's great to have pipl like that around at work smijeh

i had great saturday night evening...trainees here were not so in a mood to party...except me of courseparty so i decide to join some people who were in a mood :P thank u very much agnjeska&gosia...not so sure about how to write ur names so don't mind!wave

but that's not all...they had power to take me around kielce the next day...we went to rezervat of kadzielna where u can see so many different kind of rock mah which is of course not so interesting but when u add to that Gosia's first ever conditional sentence(i know it sounds weird)rofl and the joy on her face when she guessed the right word to say on english made the day just full of tears of laughter smijeh

we spoke english, italian, russian and who knows how many languages with no obvious reason...reason probably lies in the night beforeparty

i m getting quite tired after this staring at the monitor

boli mnie g³owa (glava)

urs truly

p.s. mah

dobra noc (laku noĉ)

Post je objavljen 22.05.2006. u 20:11 sati.