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moje (ne)slaganje s drugima

zadnje vrijeme se bas ne slažem s muškim djelom razreda(a ko da sam se ikad slagala!!!).uglavnom razlog je muzika koju slušamo,zapravo koju ja sluš znam dal znate uopće kaj ja volim slušat?mislim nije da ja bas znam,jer nemam nekaj određeno,slušam ono kaj volim.tako naprimjer kažem da slušam neke grupe od kojih su mi dobre dve-tri pjesme,al opet ih slušam,ili ne?uglavnom da napišem ono kaj recimo slušam:Green Day,Franz Ferdinand,artic monkeys,kaiser chiefs,weezer i još neke,no ovo su oni koji mi imaju bar 2 dobre pjesme.zapravo Green Day i Franz Ferdinand su mi fakat super i jedva čekam 4.7.!!!dečki iz razreda sam okolo seru po njima,al brijem da ih više od pol nije ni čulo za bar dva od ovih bendova.neprestano slušam komentare poput:"Green Day-koje sranje,mislim ko bi si dao ime zeleni dan"ili"Green Day-punk,molim te!!!".to je samo na račun Green Dayovca,al ima toga i za FF!!očio da su ti jadni komentari došli i do Billie Joe-a,pa evo ka jon kaže na sve to(inače intervju je iz 1998.) i izvinite kaj je na engleskom,nadam se da ce te kolko-tolko skužit o čem je riječ!

Journalist:A lot of people claim you're not “punk” anymore...

Billie:Punk is not just the sound, the music. Punk is a life-style. There are a lot of bands around who claim to be punk and they only play the music, they have no clue what it's all about. It's a life-style I chose for myself. It's not about popularity and all that crap. When we started out as a band, we played punk rock, the music. [Then] we changed our sound, but we didn't change. We're just as much punk as we used to be. We got a lot of shit, and we're still getting it, for being signed with a major label. So what? We didn't start the band to cash in a lot of money. When we started out, punk was probably the most unpopular music around.

What annoys the hell out of me is the arrogance of some people. They don't even listen to our music, they decided in advance that they don't like it. You know even before we finished the album, before anybody ever heard just one track, some people had decided that it will suck. I don't give a shit about them. If they can't appreciate good music, it's their own fault.

to bi bilo to za danas.idem se sad stuširat i u krevet.

Good night!!!

Post je objavljen 24.04.2006. u 22:14 sati.