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Barit u Bari / It's all in the head

Idem u Bari.

Onaj Bari u južnoj Italiji. Mafija i tako to. Još jedna sjednica Europskog Parlamenta Mladih. Baš super, zar ne? Od 10. - 20. studenog me nema i uživam u toplom južnom zraku s krive obale Jadrana. Još ne znam sve podatke, uglavnom. Ide se. Putuje se.

A tamna strana Mjeseca? Nema me tjedan dana u školi (samo se smijte, to je zapravo loše, jer kasnije treba pohvatat konce), trebalo bu opet zapeti da se to nadoknadi. Svako putovanje košta, pa makar ovo plaćaju sponzori, od nečega se u Bariju treba živjeti. Znači treba i džeparac. A treba štedjeti. Teška su vremena, da izbacim isklišejiziranu rečenicu posustalih ljudi.

And now for something completely different... (English)

Just today, as I was going home from school, I was feeling a bit sick. Swollen chest, clogged nose and all the symptoms of a cold or even flu. I thought, well - ain't this just great. It's freakin' Friday and I'll get sick. I'll be sick all weekend and then be ready for school on Monday. Then, and I thank him once more, a friend told me not to think about it.

He said it's all in the head. If you think you're ill, you will be. Instead of staying home, I went out and had a good time. I don't feel sick anymore. So - the lunatic is in my head.

And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon

And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you’re in starts playing different tunes
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon

Jednostavno nisam mogao dočekati da negdje ovo skopiram. Floydi rulaju.

Oh, and by the way.

"Iz organa 6 labudova dostavljenih 19. listopada 2005. godine od Veterinarske stanice Orahovica d.o.o. s ribnjačarstva Grudnjak, izdvojen je virus influence ptica podtipa H5."

Glazba: Pink Floyd - Brain Damage

Kierlan Darkskye,
The Lunatics Are In My Head

Post je objavljen 21.10.2005. u 23:59 sati.