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Time of peace...

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Jednostavno me boli ku... za sve, apsolutno sve... Život je savršen kad ne moraš misliti na sutra i na školu... Sad sam se sjetila onog mjuzikla HAIR koji sam gledala prije negdje 2 mjeseca... Ti likovi su mi tako dobri... Skoro kao Stjepan.... Dobro, nemojmo se zavaravati, nitko ne može biti Stjepanu ni do koljena... Ali, dobro ovi su mi predobri... Sam početak mi je... UF... Kad pjevaju Aquarius pa plešu, a oni konji ponavljaju njihove pokrete...Kako mi je ludo kad se napuše, pa pjevaju:

APC, Alcohol
Cigarettes, shoe polish, cough syrup, peyote
Equinol, dexamil, camposine, Chemadrine,
Thorazine, trilophon, dexadrine, benzedrine, methedrine
S-E-X and Y-O-U, Wow!

i onda počnu pjevati Manchester... Ma sve pjesme su jednostavno savršene... A onaj dio u filmu kad uzmu eLeSDi, kako mi je taj dio psihodeličan... Baš sam komentirala sa koleginicom Škembom kako bi bilo fora napušit se(Ne!) i gledati taj film... Joooj, trnci me prolaze...
Čujte ove riječi:


Father, why do these words sound so nasty?

Can be fun
Join the holy orgy
Kama Sutra

ZAMISLI! To su riječi iz pjesme SODOMY...
Ovo pjevaju kad završe u zatvoru:

She asks me why
I'm just a hairy guy
I'm hairy noon and night
Hair that's a fright
I'm hairy high and low
Don't ask me why
Don't know
It's not for lack of break
Like the Grateful Dead

Gimme head with hair
Long beautiful hair
Shining, gleaming,
Streaming, flaxen, waxen

Give me down to there hair
Shoulder length or longer
Here baby, there mama
Everywhere daddy daddy

Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair
Flow it, show it
Long as God can grow it
My hair

Let it fly in the breeze
And get caught in the trees
Give a home to the fleas in my hair
A home for fleas
A hive for bees
A nest for birds
There ain't no words
For the beauty, the splendor, the wonder
Of my...

Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair
Flow it, show it
Long as God can grow it
My hair

I want it long, straight, curly, fuzzy
Snaggy, shaggy, ratty, matty
Oily, greasy, fleecy
Shining, gleaming, streaming
Flaxen, waxen
Knotted, polka-dotted
Twisted, beaded, braided
Powdered, flowered, and confettied
Bangled, tangled, spangled, and spaghettied!

Oh say can you see
My eyes if you can
Then my hair's too short

Down to here
Down to there
Down to where
It stops by itself

They'll be ga ga at the go go
When they see me in my toga
My toga made of blond
Biblical hair

My hair like Jesus wore it
Hallelujah I adore it
Hallelujah Mary loved her son
Why don't my mother love me?

Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair
Flow it, show it
Long as God can grow it
My hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair
Flow it, show it
Long as God can grow it
My hair

Kraj mi je najbolji, ali i pomalo tužan...
Kad Berger, vođa njihove hippie grupe, igrom sudbine završi u avionu na putu za Vijetnamski rat...
Ali kad na samom kraju dođu svi hippiji pred Bijelu kuću i pjevaju:

We starve-look
At one another
Short of breath
Walking proudly in our winter coats
Wearing smells from laboratories
Facing a dying nation
Of moving paper fantasy
Listening for the new told lies
With supreme visions of lonely tunes

Inside something there is a rush of
Who knows what stands in front of
Our lives
I fashion my future on films in space
Tells me secretly

Manchester England England
Manchester England England
Eyes look your last
Across the Atlantic Sea
Arms take your last
And I'm a genius genius
And lips oh you the
doors of breath
I believe in God
Seal with a righteous kiss
And I believe that God believes in Claude
Seal with a righteous kiss
That's me, that's me, that's me
The rest is silence
The rest is silence
The rest is silence

Our space songs on a spider web sitar
Life is around you and in you
Answer for Timothy Leary, dearie

Let the sunshine
Let the sunshine in
The sunshine in
Let the sunshine
Let the sunshine in
The sunshine in
Let the sunshine
Let the sunshine in
The sun shine in...

........... MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR!


Post je objavljen 24.09.2005. u 15:38 sati.