četvrtak, 24.08.2006.

Jučer sam konačno dobila Sate na DVD-u. Sati i Dečki nikada ne plaču su mi 2 najdraža filma ikada snimljena. Potresni su i jednostavno te na neki način tjeraju da suosjećaš s likovima. U mom slučaju ja suosjećam s Virginiom Woolf iz Sati i Lanom iz Dečki nikada ne plaču. Virginia je bila umjetnica koja je živjela u svom svijetu. Čula je različite zvukove u glavi, bila je nesretna i htjela se ubiti. Zaista mogu suosjećati s njom dok gledam taj film, a i općenito. Svi su je osuđivali zbog bolesti i govorili joj da nešto s njom ne valja, a nikada se nisu zapravo zapitali kako se ona osjeća. Recimo ovaj dijalog me se posebno dojmio.

Leonard: Da te ne poznajem bolje mislio bi da si nezahvalna.
Virginia: Ja, nezahvalna? Ti nazivaš MENE nezahvalnom? Meni je ukraden vlastiti život, živim u gradu u kojem nemam volje za životom... Živim život koji nemam volje živjeti... Kako se ovo dogodilo? Umirem u ovom gradu.
Leonard: Da razmišljaš svojom glavom, Virginia, vidljela bi da te je London doveo ovdje.
Virginia: Da sam razmišljala svojom glavom? Da sam razmišljala svojom glavom?
Leonard: Doveli smo te u Richmond da imaš mira.
Virginia: Da sam razmišljam svojom glavom, Leonarde, rekla bi ti da se sama borim u mraku, u mrkolom mraku i da samo ja to znam. Samo ja mogu znati kako se osjećam. Ti živiš s prijetnjom, s prijetnjom da ću otići. Leonarde, ja također živim s tim.
To je moje pravo, to je pravo svakog čovijeka. Ja ne biram mir sela, nego žamor prijestolnice, to je moj izbor. Najgori pacijent,čak onaj koji se najgore osjeća ima pravo reći ono što im odgovara. A ako moram birati između Richmondai smrti, Leonarde, ja biram smrt.

Tko su drugi da joj govore kako bi se trebala ponašati? Tko su drugi da sude o tome šta je dobro za nju? Tko su drugi da joj govore kako se ona osjeća? Nitko ne zna kako se neka osoba osjeća izunutra. Svako treba razmiščjati za sebe. Čak i ako želi umrijeti treba ju se pustiti jer to je njen izbor. A ne da joj muž prigovara zbog njezina vlastita izbora i govori joj šta je najbolje za nju. Super mu je odgovorila. Isto tkao i ova rečenica.

Virginia: Okružena sam doktorima koji me informiraju O VLASTITIM INTERESIMA.

Ovo je drugi put da sam gledala taj film i opet me potresao i opet razmišljam o njemu.

Drugi film je bio na TV-u prije par dana. Prvi puta kada sam ga pogledala mislila sam da je bolestan. Pogleala sam reprizu. Ovaj put sam se uživjela u Lanin lik i promijenila sam mišljenje. Mada nikada neću shvatiti osobu koja želi promijeniti spol, znači Teenu, Lanu mogu shvatiti jako lagano. Živi u malom gradu i mrzi svoj život. Onda dolazi potpuni neznanac koji je tao drugačiji od svih ostalih kretena s kojima je okružena i ona se zaljubi u tu osobu. Misli da je muško i sve je super. Voli ga, kao što nikoga do tada nije voljela. I po prvi put uživa u svom životu. Stvarno joj je ljepo. No, istina se otkriva. Nom njoj svejedno i dalje ništa nije važno. Ona voli Brandona kakav on je, zbog svoje osonosti i zbog toga što on (ili ona) voli nju. I kada je već s njim toliko toga prošla jednostavno odlučuje biti s njim (točnije s njom) i dalje u vezi. Kada bolje razmislim, vjerojatno bi i ja napravila isto. Da mi dođe neka osoba, koja mi se čini kao da je stvorena za mene. Izgelda kao muško i svi misle da je muško. I da mjesecia živim u uvjerenju da je ta osoba muško, mislim da mi onda, kao ni Lani, ništa ne bi bilo važno. Samo bi htjela biti s njim zbog toga što ga volim kao osobu. I za mene bi on uvijek bio muško. Čudno je to za opisati.
Taj film nažalost nisam dobila na DVD-u jer ga nigdje nema, ali nabavit ću ga ja već, bar se nadam. Razmišljam o tome da opet promjenim dizajn bloga, ali ne znam kako da ga promijenim pa ću ga vjerojatno ostaviti ovakvim. Ako imate ideju slobodno mi recite. Druga stvar, ona zbog koje sam i počela pisati post koji se pretvorio u post o filmovima ja moja kolekcija CD-ova. Listo sam napravila u Excelu još prije i ovdje su nabrojani samo neki o CD-ova. Imam još oko 800 kod staraca i nešto mp3-ca. Pa evo lista (nadam se da ćete se snaći. Ako vam koji album treba, samo mi ostavite komentar. I druga stvar, kada piše Everything to znači da je mp3 CD sa svim albumima.

Na tom linku možete skinuti listu mojih albuma. Ima samo par kilobajta, tako da nije problem čak ni s običnim modemom.

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IME: Nives
MJESTO: Osjiek
ŠKOLA: Metematička
OKUPACIJE: ugalvnom glazba + forumi + blogovi + još puno toga
SLOBODNO VRIJEME: gitara + dosađivanje + ljepljenje postera + slušanje glazbe + izlasci + skupljanje gluposti
ZAŠTO PROMJENA BLOGA: zbog toga što na ovom već duže vrijeme radim
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Courtney Love
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"Just you try to hold me down
c'mon and try to shut me up
Volim njenu glazbu i riječi pjesama. Filmskom karijerom nisam baš oduševljena.

PJ Harvey
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"Lick my legs I'm on fire
lick my legs of desire"

Unikatka je i jednostavno na svijetu nemaju 2 PJ. Ona bi trebala biti uzor mladima, a ne neke tamo Britney i gole droljice kojima je samo bitan izgled.

Kurt Cobain
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"Just becouse you're paranoid
Don't mean they're not
After you"

Jedan od malo muškaraca na mojoj listi. Njega jedino stvarno razumijem. Barem mislim da ga razumijem. Završio je tragično i nikada nije imao lijep život. Iz nekog razloga iskreno mogu suosjećati s njim.

D'Arcy Wretzky
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"My daydream seems as one inside of you
Though it seems hard to reach through this life
Your blue and hopeless life"

Najdraža članica Smashing Pumpkinsa. Nikada se nije mogla dovoljno kreativno izraziti u tom bendu. Na kraju ju je pizda Billy otjerao iz benda zbog ovisnosti o cracku. Jedna od najboljih bassistica.

Kim Gordon
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"Look into my eyes, don't you trust me
You're so soft, you make me hard"

Još jedna od bassistica koje volim. Njene pjesme volim više nego Thurstonove i ima jednostavno nešta u njenom glasu. Određena doza traumatičnosti i drame koja se s glazbom Sonic Youtha sluper slaže.

Frances Farmer
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"Have you ever had broken heart?"
Napisala sam post o njoj. Uglavom, glumica izmučena samo zbog toga što je bila drugačija. Slamali su je i nažalost su je uspjeli slomiti. Na kraju su joj ubili duh lobotomijom. Nije to zaslužila.

Brody Dalle
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"Open sky, the wave of pain the scent of you is bliss"
Opet, ima super pjesme i super tekstove. Odličan glas. Volim i Sourpuss i Distillerse. I ona je u mojim godinama voljela Nirvanu i Sonic Youthe. Bravo za nju.

Chloe Sevigny
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"I am most proud of my integrity and least proud of my cynicism."
Jedna od glumica a koje se baš nije čulo, više nešto kao indie glumica. Glumi bolje od svih onih Angelini Jolie i Scarlet Johnston koje su u filmovima jedino zahvaljujući izgledu. Gledala sam 2 filma u kojima je glumila i oba su mi se svidjela. Surađivala je s Kim Gordon iz Sonic Youtha.

Kim Deal
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His teeth as white as snow
What a gas it was to see him

Njene pjesme jednostavo imaju nešto u sebi. Bolje su od Charlesovi. Ima super glas i naravno, podcjenjena je u Pixiesima. Na koncertu u Zagrebu pjevala je samo jednu pjesmu. Sramota. Bass dionica na Bone Machine osvaja uši.

Kirsten Pfaff

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Živjela je prekratko da bi ostavila išta značajnije, ali ono što je ostavila meni puno znači. Svirala je bass na albumu Live Trough This od Hole i po mom mišljenju ona je bila najbolje bassistica koju su ikada imali. Kurt je za nju rekao da ima predivnu dušu i da je stvarno dobra osoba. Rođena je na isti dan kad i ja, imamo isto srednje ime. Ona je starija 22 godine. Umrla je 2 mjeseca poslje Kurta od prevelike doze heroina.

Melissa Auf Der Maur
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"Why must you cry when I fall down?
It helps me with the truth inside"

Svirala je u Hole i u Pumpkinsima. Ima super solo karijeru i nadarena je glazbenica i fotografkinja. Ima i dobre tekstove. Svira i gitaru. Jednostavno je moram uključiti na listu.

James Iha

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"Do you see beauty, do you see love, do you see anything at all
In all this time we waste precious time you waste"

Moj drugi najdraži član Smashing Pumpkinsa. Šaren, zabavn i smiješan. Čini se da je dobar i drag. Također je izdao i solo album koji ću se potruditi nabaviti što prije jer mi se riječi pjesama sviđaju. Šteta što ga je Billy izbacio iz benda.

Nicole Kidman

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"These different people that I play become the loves of my life."
Što više gledam filmove (a u zadnje vrijeme ih gledam poprilično često i puno) shvaćam da ima dobrih glumaca i da bez njih film ne bi bio isti. Svi filmovi koje sam s Nicole gledala su bili super. A u ulozi Virginie Woolf me oduševila kako je dobro odglumila. Jer mogla sam se poistovjetiti s likom iz filma, a to mi je do sada uspjelo samo 2 puta.

Nick Cave

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Into my human heart and filled me
With love, up to the brim, and killed me

Moj najdraži rock pjesnik (ako se Kurt Cobain ne broji) kojega izrazito poštujem i volim. Na ovoj listi je malo muškaraca zbog toga što se s njima baš i ne mogu poistovjetiti, ali oni koji jesu stvarno nešto vrijede. Za Nick Cavea znam otkada znam i za sebe. Odrasla sam slušajući njegovu glazbu i jednostavno od slučajnog slušanja svaki dan i ja sam ga počela slušati svojom voljom jer mu je glazba jednostavno predivna, a riječi super.

Meryl Streep
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"There are some days when even I think I'm overrated, but not today."

Još jedna od najdražih glumica. Svi filmovi koje sam s njom gledala ušli su u moju listu najdražih filmova jer je jednostavno fantastična glumica.

Naomi Watts
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'Pain is such an important thing in life. I think that as an artist you have to experience suffering. It's not enough to have lived it once; you have to relive it. Darkness is not a pejorative thing."
Još jedna od meni najdražih glumica koja me je osvojila ulogom u filmu Mulholland Drive. Inače, dobro je glumila u svim filmovima u kojim sam ju gledala.

PJ Harvey
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"I'm not trying to cause a fuss
I just wanna make my own fuck-ups
I'm not trying to break your heart
I'm just trying not to fall apart"

-The Pocket Knife-

-Who The Fuck-
Who the fuck do you think you are
Get out of my hair
who the fuck do you think you are
Comin' round here
who the fuck who the fuck
who the fuck do you think you are

Get your comb out of there
Combing out my hair

I'm not like other girls
You can't straighten my curls
I'm not like other girls
You can't straighten my curls

Who the fuck you tryin' to be
Get your dog away from me!
What the fuck you doing in there
Get your dirty fingers out of my hair

Who who who who
Fuck fuck fuck you

I'm free, you'll see
I'm me, you'll see

- slušam 2 godine-


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"Slut me open and suck my scars"

-Garbadge Man-
She tears the hole up even wider
Lets all the darkness up inside her
Holy old, yeah, you're mine
Your everything is mine

Without, without a doubt
Without, without a doubt
Hey, where the fuck were you when my lights went out?

Yeah, you don't want to look at it
Yeah, you don't want to look at it

Without, without a doubt
Come on and let me out
Hey, where the fuck were you when my lights went out?

Yeah, you don't want to look at it
Yeah, you don't want to look at me

Come on and let me out
Come on and let me out
Yeah, tie a soul to you when your life goes down

Time flies when you're falling down
I spread my rot all over this town
And every one of you looks the same
And every one of you feels the same

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Peace, love, & equality
-Blood One-

-Star Bellied Boy-
He said he wanted to
Just touch you


Star bellied boy different from the rest
Yr so different from the rest
Prove yr different from the rest
Yr no fucking different from the rest

(I only wanted to believe we are all free)

And then he said "Why wont you fuck me?"
And then he said "Do me do me do me"
And then he said "I'll be your best friend"
And then I said......

I can't I can't I can't cum
I can't I can't I can't cum
I can't I can't I can't cum
I can't I can't I can't cum


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So bright
I cant find sky
And why?
Always got to do that thing
Do that thing to me


She screams sweet hell
In her old white nightie
With rips and tears shes too aware
See through big black bombs
That explode on chickens
All the while she thickens
Cracks in the mortar
Cracks in the mortal
Babys got ruby jewel lashes
Thatll whip your spine
I see you grew into
That stiff gray suit theyve sewn for you
Scrub you clean
Now you forget what you mean
Wimpworm completely thick
Its you who makes me sick
With a great old brick and mortar
Cracks in the mortar
Cracks in the mortal
Cracks in the mortar
Babys got ruby jewel lashes
Thatll whip your spine
Every time she blinks
Makes me sink into ruby
Ruby* ruby jewel lashes
So I put on my best sunday dress
And I waltz straight into this mess of mine* posing as a guest
Or something much less
Than a crazy old doll in a crazy old dress
Cracks in the mortar
Cracks in the mortal
Cracks in the mortar
Babys got ruby jewel lashes
Thatll whip your spine
Well the thin moon sugar
It shines like a wino
The thin moon sugar it shines like a wino for me

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Don't wanna be rich
Now can't you see the way they dress
They dress

-American Society-

Bill collector called today
IRS is on my case
My boss says i should comb my hair
My father thinks that i'm nowhere

Get out of my way or i might shove
Get out of my way or i'm gonna shove

Landlord doesn't like my dog
My eyes are burning from the smog
The neighbors say i jam too loud
America thinks it should be proud

Some guy just pinched my ass
Drunken bums ain't go no class
The club says i won't get paid
it's been months since i've been laid


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don't know but i know it
you better find out what your place is
urban plight is in the city streets
it's infectious and it's complacent


-Sing Sing Death House-
I am a death house haunted mirror
Acerbic heart ain't nothing pure in here
I keep the memories of a broken you
Sing sing the stories of a fractured few

I believe I will open up
For all my rage will surely come undone
Sing Sing Death House!

I am agnostic but I hang on a cross
Faithless saintless my sin stabs
I wear the crown of oblivion
Rule and aching void watch my sun burn out

I am a death house haunted mirror
Acerbic heart ain't nothing pure in here
You close the door I sing pleading
Save me before you leave you're leaving


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Do ya get nervous watching me bleed?
-Dig Me Out-

-Call THe Doctor-
Hey want to socialize you
They want to purify you
They want to dignify, analyze and terrify you

This is love and you can't make it
In a formula or shake me
I'm your monster i'm not like you
All your life is written for you

(Look out they want what you know
Steal a kid break a heart steal the show
Peel back the skin see what's there
I'll never show you what's in here)

You're life is good for one thing
You're messing with what's sacred
They want to simplify your needs and likes
To sterilize you

This is love and you can't make it
In a formula or break me
I'm your monster i'm just like you
All my life is right before you

(Don't need you to explain the pain
I can prove to you it's all fake
She's dead but she can stand she can walk
Call the doctor miracle she can talk)

Call the doctor

This is love and you can't break it
In a formula or make me
I'm no monster i'm just like you
All my life is right before me

(This is not really me at all
Stunt girl daring twirls watch me fall
Can't tell anymore the real parts)

Be Your Own Pet
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But I was wrong, so wrong
Been thinking about this for far too long
And I'm tired, so tired
I'm tired of this Goddamn love riot

-Love Your Shotgun-

-Stairway To Heaven-
A stairway to heaven...

Lean on my shoulder, lean on my shoulder
I want another year older
Lean on my shoulder, lean on my shoulder
And share a bed with me
Lean on my shoulder, lean on my shoulder
I want another year older
Lean on my shoulder, lean on my shoulder
And share a bed with me

Get this something out of my head
There's too much shit going on my brain
Hurry hurry hurry hurry
Cos I think I'm gonna go insane

Whatever whatever whatever whatever
I know I know you know you're clever
So seduce me, introduce me
On the list you've had forever

My brain is on fire, my brain is on fire
So whisper in my ear
When it's all over, when it's all over
You can come and kiss me right here

My brain is on fire, my brain is on fire
So whisper in my ear
When it's all over, when it's all over
You can call me, kiss me right here

The Raincoats

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Oh, I want to be pretty in a great big city
And oh I'd like to be so pretty in this great big city
And isn't it a pity if you're not the prettiest thing in the world
When you live in a great big city?


-Looking In The Shadows-
You cross the street thinking
This way, or that way?
You chose the third
Your heart silently bleeding

You said,
I'll open the door
You said,
I'll break the window
You said,
I'll look at you

You cross the street, thinking
Looking in the shadows
You chose to see
Your heart silently bleeding

You thought,
I'll open the door
You thought,
I'll break the window
You thought,
I'll look at you

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He had fun experience
Nothing he does ever makes sense
He is only curious
Don't take it serious
-So Tough-

-Instant Hit-
He is a boy
He's very thin
Until tomorrow
Took heroin
Don't like himself very much
'Cause he has set to set to self-destruct
He is
Set to self-destruct
He is
Too good to be true

Enjoy it
Destroy it

He is
Too good to be true
He is
Set to self-destruct (set to self-destruct)

Enjoy it
Destroy it

I could
Hate you anytime
I could
Give you anything

Enjoy it
Destroy it

I forgive you anything
But I could
Hate you anytime

Enjoy it
Destroy it

He is
Set to self-destruct


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When I am queen I will insist with perfect scars upon my wrists
that everything you once held dear is taken away from you

-When I Am Queen-

Oh Vivica I wish you well
I watch you burn in humid hell
No sleeping pills no old tattoos
will save you now

He'll never change he's just too vague
he'll never say you're beautiful
Oh Vivica I wish you well I really do, I really do

The apple falls far from the tree
she's rotten and so beautiful
I'd like to keep her here with me
and tell her that she's beautiful
She takes the pills to fall asleep
and dreams that she's invisible
Tormented dreams she stays awake
recalls when she was capable...

Oh Vivica I wish you well
I watch you sit I watch you dwell
No crooked spine no torn up rag
will save you now

He'll never change he's not that brave
He'll never say you're beautiful
Oh Vivica I wish you well I really do, I really do

The apple falls far from the tree
she's rotten and so beautiful
I'd like to keep her here with me
and tell her that she's beautiful
She takes the pills to fall asleep
and dreams that she's invisible
Tormented dreams she stays awake
recalls when she was capable...

Oh Vivica I wish you well
I'll sit right here I'll never tell
no tender scar no twist of fate
will save you now

He'll never change he's just not there
He'll never say you're beautiful
Oh Vivica I wish you will I really do, I really do

The apple falls far from the tree
she's rotten and so beautiful
I'd like to keep her here with me
and tell her that she's beautiful
She takes the pills to fall asleep
and dreams that she's invisible
Tormented dreams she stays awake
recalls when she was capable...

She's empty and so beautiful
I'll keep her here with me

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You talk good,
I’ll eat glass.
I heard you read my mind behind my back.


-Don't Drink Poison-
We learned this lesson five times fine: fake left, go right, back-stabs read minds!
Taillights shine beautiful, they make halos on the road.
Don't give our keys to the city to shark-suits, b-sides, free-things-please!
I left the code at the coat-check pointed to the word on my neck.
That's me, all night on stand-by.
Three words, three things...oh please please!
Don't, don't drink poison!
Wolf Girl, poolside, I'm in the lobby.
Gay concierge-spy high fives me.
It's all cool enemy style, smile at the tv while you download her file.
Watch for the quick slip, money shot, vid clip.
Walk past slowly, pass me the nurse kit.
Don't be fooled by the sister vocab...keep it light, put it on her tab.
Heads up for this tonight...it's some you'll recognize.
Looks like lips and feels like teeth, always waving to the people from the magazine.
There's one thing they love to see...it's tear jearks for charity and blank smirks all the way
to the airport.
There's one drink, on ice, oh I think it's ...
They say trouble comes in threes, I say Chicken Ceasar grows on trees.
It could be lucky to be out of luck.
I mean, better than to take the test where amnesiacs must write on napkins.
Prepare for what might happen.
In a trance from polished talk we think...coat throat, lemon lime, hot choc, oh! ...
Fem Exec is right behind me.
Almost there, through the glass doors, against the wall, on the third floor.
We found a robot hand hidden in a potted plant.
And we're not too nice to notice when white wine stinks and we're misquoted.

Mulholland Drive
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Naomi Watts
Boys Don't Cry
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Chloe Sevigney, Hilary Swank
The Hours
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Nicole Kidman, Juliane Moore, Meryl Streep
21 Gram
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Naomi Watts
Broken Flowers
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Bill Murray, Jessica Lange, Sharon Stone, Chloe Sevigney
-crna komedija-

Chloe Sevigney
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Naomi Watts

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Nicole Kidman
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Meryl Streep
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Juliane Moore

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Diane Selwyn iz Mulholland Drivea (Naomi Watts)
Lana Tisdel iz Boys Don't Cry (Chloe Sevigney)
Virginia Woolf iz The Hours (Nicole Kidman)
Betty Elms iz Mulholland Drivea (Naomi Watts)
Laura Brown iz The Hours (Juliane Morre)


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