srijeda, 19.10.2005.

My room is not the same since you left

My room is not the same since you left
The CD-player is angry it blames me
The TV tries desperately to stay busy
But occasionally I catch it staring out of the window…

The balcony is felling sorry for itself again
It just stays there saying: “What’s the point? What’s the point?”

The curtains count the days,
Nothing in my room will talk to me.
I think your blanket is dead.

Our notebook tried to comfort me at first
But you know what its temper is like

I’ve not told Ivek jet he thinks you’re still on holiday.

The kitchen misses to cook for you...
I hardly see it these days...
It still can’t believe it couldn’t go with you…

My bed won’t even talk to me
Since you left it keeps its eyes closed…
All it wants to do is to sleep, remembering better
Days, remembering you…
It trying to lose itself in dreams
It seems like it’s taken the easy way out but
At the night I here pillows
Weeping into the sheets...

And me?
I’m right here in the middle of these
Waiting for you!

( ova pjesmu sam napisala kao da sam znala da će se neke stvari desit…pa ipak nije baš sve tako kako zvuči…
Hope ti znaš na što mislim )
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