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If it Was True

čini se da mi je plan zaovu godinu prilično uspješan...
nisam više ljubomorna. sad sam opsjednuta lud
šalim se
samo opet imam onaj debilan osmijeh na licu , i nadam se da ga ovaj put imam iz pravih razloga.
jer dotični zna kolko bi zajebalo situaciju da to nije tako...

I'm walking on sunshine, oh oh!
And don't it feel good!

mrzim kada ne znam na čemu sam, ne volim iščekivanje iako mi se sviđa ovaj osječaj radoznalosti, šarenih misli , leptirića i zamišljanja idilične situacije :)
možda da odgađam presudni trenutak do daljnjeg i još malo uživam ;)

so i smile and shed a tear
and said when will you go away
she said who cares you're not
entitled to ask those things today
dont let the salt get in your eye
dont let the ghost get your heart
there were sweet memories
in the corner of my mind
they were telling me to throw up
all the things that i want to hide that

we're having fun in the daytime
we'll chase the stars in the nighttime
and we'll take the sun in the morning
we just dont care if they see us fall

if it was true

10.02.2008. | 20:25 | Komentiraj | 1 | # |