

†...Welcome to my world...†
....the world of darkness....
..where summer dying fast..
..Here you can find red rosses..
.....beautiful creatures and.....
..........poison hearts..........
....Here love doesn't exist....
.........Amore e Morte........
..This is world of sweet pain..
..sorrow,lust and resurrection..
.....My Shadow here is free...
.....Evil in me awaits for you....

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People once believed that when someone dies a crow carries
that soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes something so
bad happens that terrible sadness is carried with it. And the soul
can't rest. And sometimes the crow can bring that soul back to
put the wrong things right.

†...Ime mi je Jelena...†
†...Zovu me svakako..pa čak i barbie :) al da se
nebi neki umislili to dopuštam samo jednoj osobi!! Iz splita sam ofc..To je sve,ak vas sta zanima
pitajte ..ne grizem xD I isto tako za msn dobro dođu novi prijatelji!...†

†...Imam svoj svijet u kojem se osjecam sigurno...zaštićeno...
i tu ne želim nikoga!!...ja sam mala Gothicharka...
koja puno toga voli i mrzi...poštuje i prezire...
kojoj puno toga ide na živce...
koja ima svoje strasti i tajna obožavanja...†

P.S svi vi kojima se blog ne sviđa..lipo ajte ca i
nemojte mi srat ni vrijedat ikoga ...
hvala =)

Molimo vas, pomozite Zeki!!!
(> <)
Ovo je Gothik - Sado - Mazo Zeko.
Kopirajte ga na svoj blog i tako mu
pomognite na njegovom putu do
World Domination!!!

†May dreams be brought that I might reach...
The gentle strains of midnight speech
And frozen stars that gild the forest floor†

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†...Moje strasti,ljubavi i obožavanja...†
Obožavam,volim...tamu...noć...crnu boju...
ok u globalu sve tamne boje...dugokose ljudove xD...
Volim vrijeme provodit sama...ali zaželin se i prijatelja...
...s kojima se uvik nasmijen do suza....
obozhavan procitat koju dobru knjigu...al s tim ne mislim na lektiru..
nego na moj izbor...
...volim svoju majcu na COF i HIM...volim biti orginalna i svoja...
...Ne smeta mi kad me ljudi čudno gledaju...ne želim da mi zavide je nisam posebna...
nisam KUL....Obožavam svoje martensice...ogrlice i prstenje (srebro)...
Groblje...crnu chipku...korzete...gothicu...krv...
Volim pisati...i pišem svašta...to je morbidno,ljubavno,tamno,veselo...
kako kad..zavisi kako se osjećam...
Moja strast,opsesija ne ljubav ljubav je netko drugi...
....Dani Filth i Ville Valo...dva najjebozovnija frontmena,
dugokosa,tamnokosa...najseksi muska na cilom svitu...nitko im
nije ni do kolina...
Volim njihove stihove...koje sami pišu...ti stihovi..riči pisama:
volim reći:

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"†Everything they sing,goes straight to me..
Right to my heart...It finds my soul...They keep it all together..
They are my obsession...even everyone knows..they are still...
still my secret passion....†"

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†...Uživam slušajući muziku...legnem i razmišljam...
Slušam metal...sad koji metal zavisi o raspoloženju...rock isto nije loš...
Anđeli,arkanđeo Gabrijell...sve što se temelji na grčkoj i germanskoj mitologiji...
vampiri...mitska bića...tajne...sve me zanima...sve sto je zabranjeno..
Uživam osjećati...strah prema nečemu i istovremeno se osječati uzbuđeno...
volim to...al to jednostavno ne mogu opisati...neznam....†

†...You're in my dreams
The Darkness in my heart
The rapture in their screams
Black Goddess Rise...†

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†...World without end
Cherish the lissome wants of pernicious evil
Dusk in her eyes
Torn bloody weeping skies
Darkness will hasten to devour
And the weak will flee or die...†

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†...Nevolim bezobrazne i hladnokrvne ljude...ljude koji misle
kako se cijeli jebeni svijet vrti oko njih...
Mrzim...vesele boje...cajke...prezirem "falše" gothicharke i metalke
koje se oblaće u crno samo radi đira...loše kopije...
Nevolim kad mi netko uporno laže...
Nevolim dvoličnost..htjela bi da neke ljude ipak nisan nikad
ni upoznala (ko me zna znat ce o kome se sve radi )
nevolim i neželim se zaljubiti...jednostavno više to neželim
u zivotu imam dovoljno sranja kojih se tesko rijesavam
i zato mi netreba jos jedno..prema tome "back off" ...†

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†...With crimson sacrifice
So my cunt may twitch against thy kiss
And weep with new-found life?"

Red roses for the Devil's whore....

Dark angels taste my tears
And whisper haunting requiems
Softly to mine ear
Need-fires have lured abominations here...†

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†...Make me as a flower that grows
forever in your throne
that I might pollinate the world
with darkness as your own
Embrace me in spellbinding eyes
the fire of life that never dies
tear deeper through my paper wounds
and never leave inside

Love shall consume and bathe the Lady
whom I worship and ride therefore
She will greet me as a serpent
in her dark, secret Eden
and I will always want
for her witchcraft is
Desire... (Desire...)
My soul is poisoned from within...†

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†...She'd sworn Me vows in fragrant blood
"Never to part
Lest jealous Heaven stole our hearts"

Then this I screamed:
"Come back to Me for
I was born in love with thee
So why should fate stand inbetween?"

And as I drowned Her gentle curves
With dreams unsaid and final words
I espied a gleam trodden to earth
The Church bell tower key...†

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†...Let me bleed you this song of my heart deformed
And lead you along this path in the dark
Where I belong until I feel your warmth

Hold me like you held on to life
When all fears came alive and entombed me
Love me like you loved the sun
Scorching the blood in my vampire heart...
...Let me weep you this poem as heaven's gates close
And paint you my soul scarred and alone
Waiting for your kiss to take me back home...†>
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†...Can't you see my darling
That the harder i try
The more we grow apart
Please believe me
The sweeter the kiss
The colder turn your arms
And the colder grows your heart
And baby more i love you...†

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†...In the dungeon of our dreams we're so weak
The promise made to be broken still haunts our sleep
And we won't open our eyes
Afraid we would die for love...again..

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...Neki bi rekli utorak...

†...Pogledom mi je dao punomoć da mu utučem dosadu
Bila sam negdje gledala u planete, sam u dubokom ofsajdu
O slatkom vinu mladosti začas smo priču sklopili
Ispade da smo prosuli daleko više nego što smo popili
Vrtio je isti stari film, samo u svojoj režiji
Eh, gdje si bio prethodnih mjeseci......
Udavio me Indijom,pričao o sebi, nije se gasio...
No sve je bilo legalno dok nije zora na prozor banula

Još jedan utorak, ne, to ne mogu da podnesem
Taj dan je bezvezan, zar nije dosta što je jesen
Utorke mrzim i točka.
Još jedan utorak koji se ljulja kao ljiljan
Rekla sam mu formalno: Kako ću s tobom kad si pijan
I neznaš što govoriš....

Birala sam tanku crnu haljinu kakve se nose nedjeljom
Kiša je padala svu noć, i dođe konac lagan
Pogledom sam dala punomoć da mi utuče dosadu
Bila sam negdje gledala u planete, sam u dubokom ofsajdu
O slatkom vinu mladosti začas smo priču sklopili
Ispade da smo prosuli daleko više neg što smo popili
Vrtila sam isti stari film, samo u svojoj režiji
Eh, gdje sam bila prethodnih mjeseci....
Udavila ga Indijom,pričala mu o sebi,nisam se gasila
No sve je bilo legalno dok nije zora na prozor banula

Još jedan utorak koji me hvata na djelu
Barut na jastuku, i otisci na stranom tijelu
Gorki su utorki, al uvijek bezbrižni...
Još jedan utorak, što ja ne bježim, zar sam vezana
Rekoh mu normalno: Kako bih s tobom da sam trijezna
A trijezna sam tako bezvezna...cijela....

i neki bi rekli utorak...†

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You say you love me
You look deeply into my eyes
I'm sitting on my window
You are my Romeo
And I try to be your Juliet

We both know we can't be together
We know well why
But nothing can't change our love

You say you love me
You look deeply into my eyes
I'm sitting on my window
You are my Romeo
And I try to be your Juliet

I jump down of my window
You take me gently into your arms
But that moment doesn't last
We start to run away
That's the only way for us to be together

You say you love me
You look deeply into my eyes
I'm sitting on my window
You are my Romeo
And I try to be your Juliet

Love is stronger than this world
At least it is so for us...

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Let me wake up in your arms
Hear you say it's not alright
Let me be so dead and gone
So far away from life
Close my eyes
Hold me tight
And bury me deep inside your heart

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Voze se cura I dečko na motoru.
cura: "Nemoj tako brzo, smanji!!!!!"
dečko: "Ne baš je ludo..."
cura: "Ne,nije...molim te uspori"
dečko: "Reci da me voliš!"
cura: "Znaš da te volim!"
dečko: "Zagrli me"
(cura ga zagrli)
dečko: "Molim te uzmi moju kacigu sa glave, meni je tijesna
i stavi je sebi na glavu!!!"

Sljedeće jutro u novinama:
Motor imao nesreću, jer su kočnice popustile,
dvije osobe su bile na motoru-jedna je preživjela,
a druga poginula.
Da je dečko ustanovio na pola puta da su kočnice popustile,
a to nije htio reći svojoj curi...
Želio je posljednji put čuti njene riječi- VOLIM TE!
Želio je posljednji put osjetiti njen- ZAGRLJAJ!
Zatim ju je zamolio da stavi njegovu kacigu na svoju glavu,
jer je želio da ona preživi iako je to značilo da će on poginuti...

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You don't remember me
But i remember you
I will awake and try so hard
Not to thinkin about you
I have to be with you
To live to breath
You are taking over me

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Dug open for you
Lies in a cemetery that may use my name
Love's fiery tomb
From me to you
Rips your heart out and leaves you
bleeding with a smile on your face
Love's icy tomb
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I was waiting for you
Waiting for all my life
And I've been crying for you
Dying for you all this time
I was waiting for you
Waiting for all my life
And I'm not gonna
Lose you tonight
No, I ain't gonna lose you tonight

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†...Her Ghost In The Fog...†

"The Moon, she hangs like a cruel portrait
Soft winds whisper the bidding of trees
As this tragedy starts with a shattered glass heart
And the Midnightmare trampling of dreams
But oh, no tears please
Fear and pain may accompany Death
But it is desire that shepherds it's certainty
As We shall see..."

She was divinity's creature
That kissed the cold mirrors
A Queen of Snows
Far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry
Sought Her everywhere
Dark liqoured eyes
An Arabian nightmare...

She shone on watercolours
Of my pondlife as pearl
Until those who couldn't have Her
Cut Her free of this World

That fateful Eve when...
The trees stank of sunset and camphor
Their lanterns chased phantoms and threw
An inquisitive glance, like the shadows they cast
On my love picking rue by the light of the moon

Putting reason to flight
Or to death as their way
They crept through woods mesmerized
By the taffeta Ley
Of Her hips that held sway
Over all they surveyed
Save a mist on the rise
(A deadly blessing to hide)
Her ghost in the fog

They raped left...
(Five men of God)
...Her ghost in the fog

Dawn discovered Her there
Beneath the Cedar's stare
Silk dress torn, Her raven hair
Flown to gown Her beauty bared
Was starred with frost, I knew Her lost
I wept 'til tears crept back to prayer

She'd sworn Me vows in fragrant blood
"Never to part
Lest jealous Heaven stole our hearts"

Then this I screamed:
"Come back to Me for
I was born in love with thee
So why should fate stand in between?"

And as I drowned Her gentle curves
With dreams unsaid and final words
I espied a gleam trodden to earth
The Church bell tower key...

The village mourned her by the by
For She'd been a witch
Their Men had longed to try
And I broke under Christ seeking guilty signs
My tortured soul on ice

A Queen of snow
Far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry
Sought Her everywhere
Trappistine eyes
An Arabian nightmare...

She was Ersulie possessed
Of a milky white skin
My porcelain Yin
A graceful Angel of Sin

And so for Her...
The breeze stank of sunset and camphor
My lantern chased Her phantom and blew
Their Chapel ablaze and all locked in to a pain
Best reserved for judgement that their bible construed...

Putting reason to flight
Or to flame unashamed
I swept form cries
By the taffeta Ley
Or Her hips that held sway
Over all those at bay
Save a mist on the rise
A final blessing to hide
Her ghost in the fog

And I embraced
Where lovers rot...
Her ghost in the fog

Her ghost in the fog

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†...The Byronic Man...†

As lonely as a poet on the wall of Jericho
Or the moon without the comfort of the stars
I am loathe to know it that a man without a soul
Is nothing but a split canopic jar

I proved it, improved it
Drove a sonnet right through it
And in this state of bliss
Evil kissed with wet lips
Pen-filled fingertips
Which drew me, for through me
Illuminati usually pissed
But with words of some hurts worth
I threw a party that extended God’s list

Exciting new flames that my fame would claim for me
Reciting back the almanac of travesties

They call me bad
Mad Caliban with manner
Dangerous to know
A passing fad
Taught in all debauch
In excess and in canto

Grown wild this child
Whole harems defiled
Faustina’s and Mina’s
Lady Libertine and her sisters between her

What spread of lies arise when lovers die
Which circle of hell is mine when I arrive?

They call me bad
Mad Caliban with manners
Dangerous to know
A passing fad
Taught in all debauch
Crow against the virgin snow

Grown colder, my shoulder
Like a boulder beside her
And bolder, not wiser
My dark seed took up root inside he
That mouldered, where older

Beddings would hold a passionate sigh
But laudanum and soda
Lord Numb coda
Merited a forest of inherited spite

Fleeing grief for foreign maps
I still played vampire aristocrat
Unloading my gun in hot, promiscuous laps

Then shooting swans in a gondola
I tripped my foot on a fallen star
And there’s nothing like a mouthful of Venetian tar
To let you know just who you fucking are

The patron saint of heartache
You can't see my world is falling
The world is falling down
The patron saint of heartache
Can't see the world is falling
My world is falling down

[Dani and Ville:]
Ever after, can they hear my laughter?
The patron saint of heartache
Never craft a better bed of disaster...
The patron saint of heartache

They call me bad
Made Caliban with manners
Dangerous to know
A passing fad
Taught in all debauch
In excess and in canto

They call me bad
Mad Caliban with manners
Dangerous to know
A passing fad
Whereupon I tell them
To go fuck their mothers
As so...
On my grave

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subota, 30.06.2007.

†...Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell...†

Edgar Allan Poe...engleski pisac...lik je prestrašan..totalno morbidan...
al to obožavan...obožavan taj njegov depresivni um..
svima antipatičan...meni super..al sta je najbolje...
75 posto ljudi nije čulo za njega...Njegov pogled na svijet...
ta vrsta gothice...ono..jedna od boljih vrsta gotske poezije i literature....
šta san ikad čitala..
Nevolim svoju najvecu manu...i dala bih sve da to mogu..
promijeniti...to je to sto se ja za neke osobe u kratkom roku
previše vežem....previše ih zavolim..mislim stalno na njih..
a kad vrijeme učini svoje i sva ode na svoju stranu...
ostanu samo sjećanja...ta prokleta sjećanja...i sve me
sjeća na tu osobu...pa onda sam cila depresivna...
smijem se jedino ako moram...tj...kad sam s prijateljima
i obitelji..i niko ne vidi da sa ja iznutra raspadam...
da mi srce se slama i duša pati...i to samo ja osjećam i nitko drugi...
onda i plaćem...jer tako valjda...
iz sebe izbacujem..svu tu bol...kroz suze....koje mi teku niz lice...
S druge strane mi je dosta biti sta drugi oce da budem...
ne zelim biti svoja i nezelim se niti cu se mijenjat zbog drugoga...
iako sam bila spremna se prominit zbog jedne osobe koja mi je
rekla da to neradin da nije u meni problem da sam ja super i sve..
..nego je problem u toj osobi....al sve sta san cinila i nimalo se
nekajen kako san napravila neke stvari i opet bi sve dala i sve
opet ponovila jer se nisu moji osjecaji prominili nimalo...
samo da opet osjetim onaj stari osjecaj...i sada posli svega...
svaki moj korak sada koji napravim da ti se sta vise priblizim...
osjecam...da je pogreška i da se baš tako odvajam od te osobe....
al iskreno od te osobe sam nesto drugo ocekivala..sve samo ne ovo...
al znat ce neki koji me znaju ono baš stvarno...o kome ja govorim...
i nadam se da ce me razumit sta ja ocu rec...

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Eto i sada neka neko meni kaže....
di ja griješim...ja hoću samo bit sretna...
al opet znam da za svaku grešku postoji razlog zašto je ona učinjena...
i zato želim nać nekoga slićnoga sebi...a s tim ne mislim na dečka...
ni takve gluposti...nego osobu s kojom mogu normalno razgovarati...
i koja ce me razumit...u potpunosti...eto i jel ja tražim previše...
jer ako jesam...ako je previše to što trazim nekoga ko ce me razumit
e onda jel mi ima neko za posudit pušku...metke cu sama da kupim....nije mi problem...

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