MiLaNa LuBzZ U!!!...Im c0nFus3d...SAF ili Ne??

12.08.2008., utorak

Twins!!!!- Blizanci!!!! <3

group pic

This year, I met really cute twins in Croatia. Their names are Toni and Gianni.
They are from Vancouver, Canada. We met at the beach one day when i was with the
two of my best friends Natalia and Josipa. They kept telling me in both english and croatian
to go over and talk to them. I wasn't sure which laguage they spoke so i didn't really
want to. My friends said they only speak english and we thought that they didn't understand
croatian. But they Actually did. Hehehe. so they overheard us making a plan of how to
aproach them. So at the end my friend Josipa said really loud. "GO TALK TO THE TWINS!!!" Toni heard and smiled at me so i went over and introduced myself to both.
Toni was the older twin, and he was the more talkative and social twin, Unlike Gianni. All i did was talk to Toni and Gianni was just looking around as i he was lost. Hehehe. But to me
Gianni is the cuter twin, but Toni is the more interesting and fun twin. At the end we became
really close friend, and we would meet eachother at the beach and we would all go out at night. BTW. My friend Nate liked Toni, while i liked Gianni. I think they are both awsome.
I hope that we continue to keep in touch even though your in Canada, and im in the United
States. Kisss!!!!!!!!!!

PS. Nadam se da swe razumite ako cita te owaj post!!!!!! :) :) :)

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