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NWOBHM by GrimReaper

13.11.2006., ponedjeljak

M:A:K novi projekti - priključi se

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Jućer je održan sastanak MAKA, dakle konaćno smo imali pravi sastanak otkada je udruge. Jućer su se na sastanku odigrale velike stvari što se tiće nas, a i budućnosti maka.
Kao prvo Brale je otišao iz udruge što se već dalo naslutiti odprije.
Druga stvar zbog koje mi je jako žao. Gubimo sobu broj šestheadbang di se mnogo puta dobro zabavljalo, pijančevalo, slušala mjuza. Doduše soba je bila dosta izolirana pa smo se tamo takoreči sakrivali.
No farky i naš precijenjeni novi voditelj Doma Mladih, dipl. oec. Tihomir Cvetković došli su do zanimljive ideje.
Projekt je nazvan M:A:K HALL(u kasnijem tekstu MH)....
Što to znaći za nas i vas.
Pa MH je zamišljen kao boravak doma mladih. Kao što i sami znate dok čekate na red u cyber cafe sjedite po hodniku, pričate,igra se šah, ili se biva vani na hladnoći.
Ideja MH jest da se iz hodnika napravi dnevni boravak sa namještajem, kavom,novinama,cyber cafe već postoji,dakle da to bude jedan multimedijalan centar.
Za vrijeme boravka u MH stalno će se puštati glazba, vrtjeti projekcije, filmovi,reklame,novine će biti dostupne svima, onaj šitni aparat za kavu ćemo šikanirat i nabaviti novi u kojem će se redovito mijenjat voda itd.
Također MH će biti mjesto izložbi slika, koncerata.
Da dobro ste pročitali, koncerata. Taj MH će se za pola sata moći transformirat u binu i bendovi će moć nastupat. Ideja je također da se neki koncerti prenose live preko internet web streaminga(nešto slično ko Big Brother) tako da ako nećete moć prisustvovat moći ćete gledat preko neta.
Dakle prostora i događanja nam neće manjkat, subotom će biti specijalne slušaone i tematske većeri tako da će se moć doć na toplo i pogledat nešto i zabavit se bolje za razliku od hladnog parka il nećeg sl.

Daklo to su samo ideje koje kanimo provesti kroz mjesec dana, a nadam se da ćete svi dolaziti i dati nam svoju podršku kako bi nam svima bilo bolje.
Također možete nam davat ideje, a ako želite nešto raditi s nama postanite član M:A:K-a. Još samo ove godine primamo nove ljude koji žele nešto raditi, i ukoliko želite sudjelovati s nama na projektima i istaknuti svoju kreativnost slobodno nam se priključite.
Ukoliko se želite priključiti dođite u Dom Mladih i potražite nekoga nadležnoga tamo da vas uputi.
Eto to bi bilo sve od mene.

GrimReaper out.


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History of NWOBHM
What is NWoBHM?
The early movement was associated with the likes of Angel Witch, Iron Maiden, Tygers of Pan Tang, Def Leppard, Motörhead, Triarchy, Blitzkrieg, Quartz, Sweet Savage, Girlschool, Saxon, Diamond Head, Venom, and Samson, among others. The image of bands such as Saxon (long hair, denim jackets, leather and chains) would later become synonymous with heavy metal as a whole during the 1980s.

Despite the variable success of bands such as Iron Maiden, Saxon, and Def Leppard the true heart of the movement revolved around the seemingly endless supply of British bands playing similar styles at the time. NWOBHM is mostly associated with punk rock aesthetically through the DIY and minimalist ethics of most of the bands, many of whom literally did not last beyond a demo recorded in a bedroom. Looking at most comprehensive lists of bands of the time reveals hundreds of obscure or short lived acts such as Expozer, Jaguar, Mendes Prey, Mithrandir, Twisted Ace, Hellanbach, Zenith, Distrainers, who later changed their name to Alien and Dragster. While the average heavy metal fan would possibly gloss over these no-namers while looking for more recognizable acts, record collectors revere such bands.

The sheer number of low rent demos and 7 inch records of the era (the number is indeed in the thousands), as well as the limited amount of information and media coverage of the genre, has led to most of the releases becoming individual record collecting holy grails.

Records originally pressed for likely less than Ł1 have sold more recently to collectors for hundreds of dollars. In some cases as low as 1 copy of a record is known to exist. Hollow Ground's Warlord 7 inch is probably the most prominent example. Acetates in those days were normally studio master copies kept as backup, so a very limited few of the recording exist. The band is also literally unknown by any standards, as each member is listed on the center label by their first name, and only one newspaper mention of the band playing live has ever been uncovered.

Considering that many further bands possibly did not even last long enough to record their material, it must be taken into account that during the golden years of the genre (1978-1981) upwards of a thousand NWOBHM bands may have existed.