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forever isn't long enough


sweet about me:

× 17.
× 3.d
× medijski tehničar
× čakovec.mursko središće.
sv martin na muri.

× rock.metal.
× optimist.
× žvakača.

take me as i am:


All we are is dust in the wind.

You stole my pure intentions
You are the sickness in between
Let me in, I’ll bury the pain
You taught me to be sad as you
You almost made me take it all
Let me in, I’ll bury the pain
You bend me and you shake me
You beg me then you break me
Let me in, I’ll bury the pain
You made me feel like a sinner
Now you fear you’ll die alone
Let me in, I’ll bury the pain

The sickness that you are
A plague that made me starve
Do you think you can show me
How I come this far?
The sickness that you are
A plague that made me starve
Do you think you can show me
How I come this far?
I feel it’s taking over
And everything falls dark
Break me open, the desperate cry
The sickness that you are
A plague that made me starve
Do you think you can show me
How I come this far?
The sickness that you are
A plague that made me starve
Do you think you can show me
How I come this far?


And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all is one and one is all, yeah
To be a rock and not to roll.

And she's buying the stairway to heaven


friends will be friends
haha blog je cool :D


credits .
Designer/ %PURPUR.black-
Colour Code Icons
prilagodba: duckdz .

09.09.2008. { 18:51 }

well well. ko nam je to tu?? eek
pa ja..onak D
a zakaj? hm hm. to neznamo. znamo znamo.
aha aha. (zakaj dvaput pišem jednu riječ?? neznam neznam. :S)
nebi inače pisala posta. ne ne. nemam inspiraciju.al jebiga mora se to proslaviti o da
paa..evo razloga:

Datum i vrijeme kreiranja bloga:
09.09.2006. (08:15)

hih. 2 godine?? i 65 posteva. uf. divim se sebi (not!)
heh.tak je to.rolleyes da,da


i kaj radim?
hm.mažem tetovažu..ne svoju rolleyes al bude bude..znam da bude i moja..još napišem 2 "rođendanska" posta. uf. party heh

kaj još radim? spavam.naravno. to mi ide. o da
tipkam na emesenu dok mogu. to mi isto ide ^^

(heeellooou..inspiracijaaaa..moooozaaaakk.. de ste?? NEMA smokin)

ujje. ILUZIJA!! to mi je kul. ono..da. neda mi se baš sad filozofirati..preteško mi je to..al bude i to..nema sad dosta inspiracije za to. ali o da. iluzija! o tome bi mogla pričati,pisati,slušati..smokin

znači i smak svijeta sutra?..eek
nebude! ..jer sam još ne bila na koncertu od flejmsi..belj..poslje toga bude..prije toga nou FAKING vej! znam ja tosmokin

ae dosta.
novi post za sljedeći rođedan..neznam čiji.al bude bude.

pozdravljam vas i volim vas i dalje.
stej kuul!
pisssssss smokinsmokin

sara. (s točkicom)*

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