do it well

zijevpa ewo mene opet... ccc opet malo kommova ccc ajmo, ljudi wake up!!! pa... u zadnjih 6 dana se nije nešto pretjerano događalo. ajme... u petak nam nastup... *zjev* zijev ajme... ccc Kiky ccc zarazila me pismom od Jenifer Lopez Do It Well... cccccccccc XD XD XD ugl. i tako... ma ewo... sve mi se više onaj "šećer" sviđa... mislim ono... sve više i više počinjem shvaćati tko je i kakav je. pa ewo... današnji dan...
ušla sam u školu točno na zvono i jurnula do vjeronauka. tamo smo se izgađali i ja onoj Ukalovićki napisala na crni kaput 'GLUPA!'. opet san zaboravila knjižicu i tako... ajme... kako su krede, papiri i ostali shitovi letali okolo. a ja ono... "pišen zemljopis". ugl. uzele Maja i ja ispitivat Milku engl. i uskoro došla Lela, pa Role, Pujo i sve usrali... ccc i onda bila povijest. dosađivala san si cilo vrime. ajme... zijev e, da... i oba predmeta mi je zaključeno 5... onda bila biologija... aaaaa omg omg omg... Pujo, Em'l i Role mi ispljuvali klupu pa san se premjestila kod Maje... XD XD XD ma ugl. bilo je ludo (pogotovo kad mi je Em'l uzeo bilježnicu i puknuo onu Ukalovićku njome). onda bija v. odmor i naravno... pišalje od smija uz Kiky (nikad neću zaboravit njezino Ferđe XD XD XD). onda bila matematika i onaj Smrdljivi. omg omg omg... ma učili mi nešto novo i naravno meni živci pukli... ccc onda bija engl. i ja naštrebala zemljopis Dansku, Finsku, Norvešku, Švedsku, Letoniju, Litvu, Estoniju i Island. aaa omg... jedva zapamtila i iskreno sad se ničeg ne sjećan. zemlj. je jedini predmet kojeg učin na pamet (ilivam ga štreban). ajme... kako onaj koji sa mnom sidi smrdi... uf... yap, Lela i ja smo složne - treba ga bacit negdi iza u kraj razza i postaviti zaštitne ograde oko njega. btw. Karla ty za ispitivanje XD onda bija zemlj. i ja sidila s Pusanom (ne želimu detalje...) i ispitiala me i dobila san 5 i 5 i opet me mora pitat sljedeći sat za 4... ccc morala mi je dat 3 iz zalaganja... naravno... ccc damn her... ccc i onda ja otišla doma sa Škokyjem i zove me Kiky i Škoky i ja nju pričekali i Kiky i ja kod mene. ajme, mater nas moja pilala oko bora, a nas dvi crkavamo od smija. XD aaaaaaaa onda talijanski... koje smo baline valjali Pepy, Mara, Kiky i ja. a glupi Santro (joke, joke... ma lud je on ;) ) slika svoj qrac Petrinim mobom i stavija na njezinu pozadinu. XD luđaka... i ewo... sad san na informatici i tako... aj ewo... Kiky pizdi jer je post veoma dug XD XD XD aj samo još pozdavi

5-ašice i 5-aš: Luca, Vlatka, Surać, Katićka i Maja wavemahwavemahwave
6-ašice: Željka, Vukelićka i Katićka mahwavemah
7-ašice i 7-aši: Pepy, Kata, Dea i Mara wavemahwavemah Karla, Božonja, Škoky, Lucy, Role, Marty, Maja, Dome, Vale, Em'l, Lela, Šiljo, Lory i Klara wavemahwavemahwavemahwavemahwavemahwavemahwavemah Kiky, Tina, Mathias, Marta i Tea wavemahwavemahwave Ljube, Mare, Ana i Ana mahwavemahwave

pa ewo... pozdravljam sve koje poznajen, one koji se tako osjećaju i sve vas u studiju i režiji

18.12.2007. u 17:12 | | Komentari. (143) | L | K

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Prosinac 2007 (4)

o meni

Ime: Andrea
Prezime: S*****
Godine: 13
Škola: OŠ Smiljevac
Razred: 7.b
Grad: Zadar
BF-ovi: Kiky, Niky, Tinchy, Marty, Mathias, Mile i Ax
Datum rođenja: 31.05.1994.
Horoskopski znak: blizanac
Veza: (ne)sretno zaljubljena
Nadimak: Aicha, Riddle, Smooth Criminal, Toxic, Soldanka, Soldo, Zomby
Glazba: sve, osim jazza
Best grupe: Azra & Bullet For My Valentine
Best solisti: Eminem, Thompson i Škoro
Bets solistice: Rihanna, Shakira, Tarja i Ciara

Avril Lavigne - The Best Damn Thing

Free Music

Free Music

Free Music

Let me hear you say hey hey hey!

Hey hey hey!

Alright, now let me hear you say hey hey ho!

Hey hey ho!

I hate it when a guy doesn't get the door,
even though I told him yesterday and the
day before...

I hate it when a guy doesn't get the tab and I
have to pull my money out and that looks bad!

Where are the hopes? Where are the dreams?
My Cinderella story scene. When do you think
they'll finally see......


That you're not, not, not, gonna get any better,
you won't, won't, won't, you won't get rid of me
never, like it or not even though she's a lot like

We're not the same, and yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm a lot to handle, if you don't know trouble,
I'm a hell of a scandal, me, I'm a scene, I'm a
drama queen, I'm the best damn thing that your
eyes have ever seen!

All right, All right, yeah...

I hate it when a guy doesn't understand why a
certain time of month, I don't want to hold his
hand, I hate it when they go out and we stay
in, and they come home smelling like their

but I found my hopes, I found my dreams.
My Cinderella story scene. Now everybody's
gonna see.....


That you're not, not, not, gonna get any better,
you won't, won't, won't, you won't get rid of me
never, like it or not even though she's a lot like

We're not the same, and yeah, yeah, yeah
[The Best Damn Thing lyrics on]

I'm a lot to handle, if you don't know trouble,
I'm a hell of a scandal, me, I'm a scene, I'm a
drama queen, I'm the best damn thing that your
eyes have ever seen!

Give me an A!
Always give me what I want!
Give me a V!
Be very, very good to me!
Are you gonna treat me right?
I can put up a fight!
Give me an L!

Let me hear you scream loud!
Let me hear you scream loud!

Where are the hopes? Where are the dreams?
My Cinderella story scene. When do you think
they'll finally see......


That you're not, not, not, gonna get any better,
you won't, won't, won't, you won't get rid of me
never, like it or not even though she's a lot like

We're not the same, and yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm a lot to handle, if you don't know trouble,
I'm a hell of a scandal, me, I'm a scene, I'm a
drama queen, I'm the best damn thing that your
eyes have ever seen!

Let me hear you say hey hey hey!

Hey hey hey!

Alright, now let me hear you say hey hey ho!

Hey hey ho!

Hey hey hey!
Hey hey hey!
Hey hey hey!

I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen!

Moji ljudi

ja - wish i had an angel
ja - Heroes story


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Dizajn: Simpa