Dobro je, mada nije ni loše ;)

utorak, 12.09.2006.


Evo i mene, malo da se javim, sad ću stavit neke slikice, pa odmah da nešto i napišem. Evo, napisala sam dosta. Malo slika za sve obožavatelje:

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12.09.2006. u 22:35 • 5 KomentaraPrint#

opet ja...

bok svima koliko vas ima...winkwinkdanas mi je lule nabavila 2 dvd-a od th-a( leb die sekunde i schrei live)i puno joj hvala!!!naughtynutnaughtynutmi baš razmišljamo o tome da objavimo svoje još ćemo vidjeti...kak ste vi?šta ima kod vas?kod nas sve po starom,al eto...pozdravljam lule,miki,tinu, cijeli svoj razred i naravno vas!wavewaveaj bokkkk!!!thumbupbang


12.09.2006. u 22:13 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

nedjelja, 10.09.2006.

4ever - The Veronicas

Evo pogledajte spot, možda će se morat učitavat ali čekanje će se isplatit, i spot i pjesma su stvarno odlični, tak da ono... Pogledajte. Ajde ljudi, budite pozdravljeni wave!!!

10.09.2006. u 00:14 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 09.09.2006.


Hej.. I ja se javljam (opet)... Miha vam je sve već rekla za kirvaj, pa onda ja neću, al eto malo o današnjem danu... Nije bio tako loš, prvo nisam šla s mamom u grad zato što me nije uspjela probudit, al šta sad, dogodi se (doduše meni češće nego drugima rolleyes). Onda sam tak malo se dosađivala kod kuće sve dok se nisam sjetila da bi moglo biti vrijeme za novi pohod na sjeckanje novina i tak sam izrezala neke slikice, pa me onda Miha nazvala da dođem kod nje, al naravno dok sam ja ručala i spremila se i sve... Pa sam za jedno sat i pol došla kod nje i onda smo pisale zadaću iz matematike, pa kad smo završile, išle smo malo na internet pa smo tamo malo skidale slike i to... Uglavnom, bilo je dobro... Onda su po nas došle Lule i Dora pa smo išli van i tamo smo šarali po gradilištu i pisali imena bendova, npr. Simple Plan, Placebo, Green Day, Pussycat Dolls i tak... Ono, mislim, bilo je dobro, mada nije bilo ni loše. Ostala sam do pola osam, pa sam kad sam se vraćala srela sestru kad je čekala prijateljicu pa sam tak s njom bila jedno 5 minuta... I onda sam se vratila i našla komp slobodan samo za mene, pa sam se odmah bacila na igrice... i malo na internet, naravno. I evo ja sam na internetu od 23 h i tak malo pregledavam blogove... Mislim da je to to. E da, sad ću objavit još jedan post u kojem ću stavit spot 4ever od grupe The Veronicas! Pozdrav!


09.09.2006. u 23:44 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

gusty rolleyes

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09.09.2006. u 17:50 • 1 KomentaraPrint#



Here we are so what you gonna do?
Do I gotta spell it out for you?
I can see that you got other plans for tonight
But I don’t really care

Size me up you know I beat the best
Tick tock no time to rest
Let them say what their gonna say
But tonight I just don’t really care

Come on baby we ain’t gonna live 4ever
Let me show you all the things that we could do
You know you wanna be together
And I wanna spend the night with you
Yeah, yeah with you, yeah, yeah
Come with me tonight
We could make the night last 4ever

I’ve seen it all I’ve got nothing to prove
Come on baby just make your move
Follow me lets leave it all behind tonight
Like we just don’t care

Let me take you on the ride of your life
That’s what I said alright
They can say what they wanna say
Cause tonight I just don’t even care

Come on baby we ain’t gonna live 4ever
Let me show you all the things that we could do
You know you wanna be together
And I wanna spend the night with you
Yeah, yeah with you yeah, yeah
Come with me tonight
We could make the night last 4ever

Lets pretend you’re mine
We could just pretend, we could just pretend, yeah yeah
You got what I like
You got what I like, I got what you like
Oh come on
Just one taste and you’ll want more

So tell me what your waiting for

Come on baby we ain’t gonna live 4ever
Let me show you all the things that we could do
You know you wanna be together
And I wanna spend the night with you
Yeah, yeah, with you, yeah, yeah
So come with me tonight
We could make the night last 4ever

Come on baby we ain’t gonna live 4ever
Let me show you all the things that we could do
You know you wanna be together
And I wanna spend the night with you
Yeah, yeah with you, yeah, yeah
Come with me tonight
We could make the night last 4ever

09.09.2006. u 10:12 • 1 KomentaraPrint#


sad vam se ja malo javljam(miha)...evo počela je šk...šk..ola(nažalost),a eto šta ćeš...uglavnom...evo jučer smo bile na kirvaju u višnjevcu i bilo nam je baš "luđački"!tamo smo srele andy,nenu,doru,noru i ostale i odmah otišle kupiti karte za na twisteru nam je bilo još i najbolje,sam što smo svi vrištali.tmo je bio i moj mlađi bratić luka koji kaže da je već sedmi put na twisterunut!covjece!!kasnije smo se otišle malo šmucat po štandovima i tamo sam vidjela majicu od th-a,al je nisam smjela kupit,ali dobro.majica koštala a ja kažem kao:"jao ja imam sam a kupila bi majicu a košta"a kaže meni prodavač"doviđenja,pa kakva vam je to onda cifra".evo ja pozdravljam sve koji su tamo bili s nama i one koji nisu!mahwavemahwavemahwavemah e da,još sam nešto...znate zašto sam napisala da ne volim madonnu?e,pa zato što je radila one sam pogledajte onaj tamo neki spot sa v(tam nešt)gdje radi neću reć šta ma sam pogledajte i sve će vam biti jasno...ja više nemam ništ za napisat,pa za kraj i don;t know maybe SMOG...

09.09.2006. u 09:50 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 05.09.2006.

Ajd kad nitko drugi neće ništa napisati moram opet ja. U međuvremenu je počela škola i sad se opet nažalost moramo ustajat u 7 ujutro. Uglavnom nam je dosadno u školi, budući da se ništa ne radi, nego nam samo objašnjavaju šta je to HNOS i kako ćemo radit ove godine. zijev. To je, mislim, to. Valjda. Nadam se da će se njih dvije javiti u međuvremenu pa da ne moram ja sama pisat. Sutra ću staviti spot 4ever od grupe The Veronicas na blog, pa ću obrisati Deja Vu.


05.09.2006. u 22:53 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 02.09.2006.

Evo sad mi je malo dosadno pa se javljam, prije spavanja. Do šk... je ostalo još oko 32 sata, pa smo nas tri to odlučile iskoristiti. Sutra oko 10 dolazi Sarah, pa smo odlučile ići ujutro u crkvu kako bi se mogle družiti s njom. A ionako popodne idemo u kino gledati "Garfield 2". Bit će nam baš ludo! Mislim, zadnji je dan. Nažalost. Da ne pričam više o tome, sad sam baš gledala jedan super film koji se zvao "Romeo mora umrijeti", i baš mi se svidio, pa sam ga stavila pod "Najbolji film". I mislim da je to sve. Bok!


02.09.2006. u 23:43 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

Deja Vu

[Beyonce:] Bass
[Jay-Z:] Uh
[Beyonce:] Hi hat
[Jay-Z:] Uh
[Beyonce:] 808
[Jay-Z:] Uh
[Beyonce:] Jay
[Jay-Z:] Uh-huh
[Beyonce:] Let's go get 'em
[Jay-Z:] Uh-huh

[Jay-Z Rap]
I used to run base like Juan Pierre
Now I run the bass hi hat and the snare
I used to bag girls like Birkin Bags
Now I bag B ([Beyonce:] Boy you hurtin' that)
Brooklyn Bay where they birthed me at
Now I be everywhere, the nerve of rap
The audacity to have me whipping curtains back
Me and B, she about to sting
Stand back

[Verse 1]
Baby seems like everywhere I go
I see you, from your eyes, your smile
It's like I breathe you, helplessly I reminisce
Don't want to compare nobody to you

Boy, I try to catch myself
But I'm out of control
Your sexiness is so appealing
I can't let it go

Know that I can't get over you
'Cause everything I see is you
And I don't want no substitute
Baby I swear it's Deja Vu
Know that I can't get over you
'Cause everything I see is you
And I don't want no substitute
Baby I swear it's Deja Vu

[Verse 2]
Seeing things that I know can't be
Am I dreaming? When I saw you walking past me
Almost called your name
Got a better glimpse and then I looked away
It's like I'm losing it

Boy, I try to catch myself
But I'm out of control
Your sexiness is so appealing
I can't let it go, oh

Know that I can't get over you
'Cause everything I see is you
And I don't want no substitute
Baby I swear it's Deja Vu
Know that I can't get over you
'Cause everything I see is you
And I don't want no substitute
Baby I swear it's Deja Vu

[Jay-Z Rap 2]
Yes! Hova's flow so unusual
Baby, girl you should already know
It's H-O, light up the dro'
'Cause you gon' need help tryna study my bounce, flow, blow
What's the difference?
One, you take in vein while the other you sniffin'
It's still dough, po-po try to convict him
That's a no-go
My dough keep the scales tipping like 4-4's
Like I'm from the H-O-U-S-T-O-N
Blow, wind so Chicago of him
Is he the best ever, that's the argu-a-ment
I don't make the list, don't be mad at me
I just make the hits, like a factory
I'm just one-to-one, nothin' after me
No Deja Vu, just me and my, Oh

Baby I can't go anywhere
Without thinking that you're there
Seems like you're everywhere, it's true
Gotta be having Deja Vu
'Cause in my mind I want you here
Get on the next plane, I don't care
Is it because I'm missing you
That I'm having Deja Vu

Boy, I try to catch myself
But I'm out of control
Your sexiness is so appealing
I can't let it go

Know that I can't get over you
'Cause everything I see is you
And I don't want no substitute
Baby I swear it's Deja Vu
Know that I can't get over you
'Cause everything I see is you
And I don't want no substitute
Baby I swear it's Deja Vu

Know that I can't get over you
'Cause everything I see is you
And I don't want no substitute
Baby I swear it's Deja Vu
Know that I can't get over you
'Cause everything I see is you
And I don't want no substitute
Baby I swear it's Deja Vu

02.09.2006. u 16:49 • 1 KomentaraPrint#


Pitate se, otkuda potječe naziv "Dobro je, mada nije ni loše"? E, pa ne znamo ni mi... Kad smislimo, javimo vam rofl.

02.09.2006. u 15:10 • 0 KomentaraPrint#
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Nešto o nama

Godine: 13
Naj boja: plava
Naj pjevači: Gwen Stefani, Nelly Furtado, Hilary Duff, Franz Ferdinand, Green Day, Placebo, Kelly Clarkson, Xtina
Naj glumci: Keira Knightley, Johnny Depp, Reese Witherspoon, Natalie Portman, Amanda Bynes, Susan Sarandon, Will Smith, Jaleel White
Naj film: She's the man, What a girl wants, Pirati s Kariba, Leteći razred, Zamka za roditelje, Kuća na jezeru, Kamp otpadnika, Palača s rešetkama, Pomajka
Naj pjesma: Dance, Rich girl, Time to fly, Tell me baby
Naj knjiga: Princezini dnevnici (Meg Cabot), Ponos i predrasude (Jane Austen), Bez obitelji (Hector Malot), Niz nesretnih događaja (Lemony Snicket)
Naj klopa: lazanje (Garfield)
Ne volim: meso (osim kad sam u McDonaldsu), Paris Hilton, sestre Simpson, komarce, jako sunce, plavušane (bez uvrede onima koji to jesu), preseravanje, umišljene, učenje, Škugora, one plave Makedonce s mora koji trče okolo s ježevima, spavati, katran
Volim: ići u kino, Garfielda, Makarsku, slušat glazbicu, nosit tikvice Mihi, mlatit Škugora, čitati, crtati, ići na bazene, družit se s vama ruljo, čokoladu, haskije, Aljasku, Mihine prosere, pjesmu Like U, Englesku, New York, ples, šešire, klince, nogoš, košarku, Njemce, družit se sa Sarom, putovati

Godine: 13
Naj boja: plava, crvena, roza
Naj pjevači: Tokio Hotel, Black Eyed Peas, Destiny's Child, Beyonce, Britney, Shakira
Naj glumci: Cameron Diaz, Will Smith, Jaleel White, Amanda Bynes
Naj film: She's the man, What a girl wants, Fighting Temptation, Crossroads, Pink Panther
Naj pjesma: sve od ovih koje slušam, 4ever (the Veronicas), Tell me baby (RHCP)
Naj knjiga: ne volim čitat
Naj klopa: tikvice, pizza, palačinke
Ne volim: Madonnu, 666 (i sve u vezi s tim), laži, preseravanje, plavušane, čitati, školu!!!!!, ljude koji vrijeđaju, kad zašteka internet, kad Škugor vrijeđa (zna on koga), kišu, matematiku, blato, dosadu
Volim: slušat glazbicu, ić na Gradske, govorit 4ever, tjelesni, ples, smišljat prosere, čokoladu, zezat se, parodije - Stevana, ići u grad, družit se, malce, nosit narukvice, nogoš, košarku, rolat se, NK Osijek, postere i članke, smijati se, govorit luđački, ići kod bake, Njemce, gledat TV, ići na bajer, životinje, ići na sladoled, družit se sa Sarom, ići u Višnjevac, kirvaje, putovati, spavati, Real Madrid

Godine: 13
Naj boja: plava, crvena
Naj pjevači: Rihanna, Black Eyed Peas, Beyonce, Shakira, Ciara, Usher, Pussycat Dolls, Alicia Keys, The Offspring, Outkast, Chris Brown, Ne-Yo, Jesse McCartney, Kelly Clarkson, Natasha Bedingfield, Sean Paul, Sugababes, Evanescence, RHCP
Naj glumci: Juliane Moore, Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves, Johnny Depp, Kate Beckinsale, Alyssa Millano, Halle Berry, Hugh Jackman, Sienna Miller, Paul Walker, Chris Rock, Chris Tucker
Naj film: Harry Potter, Pirati s Kariba, Gospodar Prstenova, Brzi i žestoki, Prebrzi i prežestoki, Kuća na jezeru, Pink Panther, Fighting Temptation, X-men, Romeo mora umrijeti, Garfield 2
Naj pjesma: Like U, Smile, SOS, My Boo, Never gonna be the same, Beep, This dream is real, Tell me baby, Hit that, Breakaway, The Reason
Naj knjiga: Harry Potter (J. K. Rowling), Tajna perona 13 (Eva Ibottson), Princezini dnevnici (Meg Cabot)
Naj klopa: špageti, sve iz McDonaldsa, njoki
Ne volim: Lindsay Lohan, Mischu Barton, Ashlee Simpson, Škugora, Xtinu, sve anoreksičarke i bulimičarke iz Hollywooda, kukce, NOĆNE LEPTIRE, horore, Leonarda DiCaprija, vrućinu, snijeg, kolače, malu djecu
Volim: Cristiana Ronalda, kerdoge (pse), slušat glazbicu, mlatit Škugija, čokoladu i sve slatko, nogomet, ples, zezancije, družit se s ovim luđovima, ići u kino, gledat "Nestale", družit se sa Sarom, ići na Gradske, Gardaland, putovati, tuširati se kad mi je vruće, spavati do mile volje, pisati na blog, Arsenal, Barcelonu

Like U

Bow Wow ft. Ciara

[Hook - Ciara]
I ain't neva had nobody show me all the things that you done showed me
And the special way I feel when you hold me
We gone always be together baby that's what you told me
And I believe it (Cause I ain't neva had nobody do me like u)

[Verse 1 - Bow Wow (Ciara)]
Now I done been with different kind of girls
Like I done seen em all but ain't none of them at all (like u)
And I done seen the best of the best
Baby still I ain't impressed cause ain't none of them at all (like u)
If you know how I feel when I chill
If I'm seen with a girl then she gotta be just (like u)
And baby that's the way I feel
And I got no choice but for me to keep it real
Cause when we first got together started hanging out you was
Skeptical at first had to figure out if
I was the kind of guy to try to dog you out but
I ain't that kind of guy you tried to make me out
You found out when you turned into my baby
I showed them other brothers how to treat a lady
I let you drive when I ride that Mercedes
And I ain't trippin or actin shady cause baby you kno

[Hook - Bow Wow & Ciara]
I ain't neva had nobody show me all the things that you done showed me
And the special way I feel when you hold me
We gone always be together baby that's what you told me
And I believe it (Cause I ain't neva had nobody do me like u)

[Verse 2 - Ciara]
And every time I think about you (I cry)
When you ride when you call when you come I (around)
Your love is a-mazing to me
Can't wait til I see you (I wanna be wit you again)
And every time you're out on the road (I make a trip)
And whenever I'm doing a show (Don't you forget)
That I'm your (main chick)
Who got that (game chick)
One and the (same chick)
The one you can hang with

[Hook - Bow Wow & Ciara]
I ain't neva had nobody show me all the things that you done showed me
And the special way I feel when you hold me
We gone always be together baby that's what you told me
And I believe it (Cause I ain't neva had nobody do me like u)

[Verse 3 - Bow Wow]
Okay when you hit the mall pop tags spend a few g's (g's)
Hit the runway to a new season (season)
It ain't nothin it's you the one I care for
Feel like I ain't doing enough that's when I share more (share more)
I give you this give you that what you need love (love)
You know I got it holla at me if you need love (love)
And affection cause i'll be your protection
Kinda hard job but i'll do it to perfection
And you can tell that I ain't tryna let you go
I get with you when I can so that's how I let you kno
And you be trippin cause sometimes I gotta go
But you the first one I hollared to right after my shows
And I was trippin in a sense I was tense
From my body loose around you what imma do without you
I gotta get it together say whateva
But since I met you my life seems so betta

[Hook - Ciara]
I ain't neva had nobody show me all the things that you done showed me
And the special way I feel when you hold me
We gone always be together baby that's what you told me
And I believe it (Cause I ain't neva had nobody do me like u)

[Bow Wow & Ciara]
I ain't neva had nobody show me all the things that you done showed me
And the special way I feel when you hold me
We gone always be together baby that's what you told me
And I believe it (Cause I ain't neva had nobody do me like u)