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Take the quiz: "What Kind of Music Are You? :::pics:::"

You're about as hardcore as they come. Music is your passion and you listen to it for talent not because it's popular. You probably have a lot of respect for all artforms and you like classical piano. Slipknot definitely sucks in your eyes...and for good reason. Any band who takes the time to put on make-up and masks just isn't worth your respect.
Dream Theater - The Spirit Carries On

Where did we come from?
Why are we here?
Where do we go when we die?
What lies beyond
And what lay before?
Is anything certain in life?

They say, "Life is too short,"
"The here and the now"
And "You're only given one shot"
But could there be more,
Have I lived before,
Or could this be all that we've got?

If I die tomorrow
I'd be allright
Because I believe
That after we're gone
The spirit carries on

I used to be frightened of dying
I used to think death was the end
But that was before
I'm not scared anymore
I know that my soul will transcend

I may never find all the answers
I may never understand why
I may never prove
What I know to be true
But I know that I still have to try

If I die tomorrow
I'd be allright
Because I believe
That after we're gone
The spirit carries on

";Move on, be brave
Don't weep at my grave
Because I am no longer here
But please never let
Your memory of me disappear";

Safe in the light that surrounds me
Free of the fear and the pain
My questioning mind
Has helped me to find
The meaning in my life again
Victoria's real
I finally feel
At peace with the girl in my dreams
And now that I'm here
It's perfectly clear
I found out what all of this means

If I die tomorrow
I'd be allright
Because I believe
That after we're gone
The spirit carries on

Dream Theater - Home

The Sleeper:
Shine- lake of fire
Lines take me higher
My mind drips desire
Confined and overtired

Living this charade
Is getting me nowhere
I can't shake this charade
The city's cold blood calls me home
HomeIt's what I long for
Back homewhere I belong

The city- it calls to me
Decadent scenes from my memory
Sorrow- eternity
My demons are coming to drown me

Help- I'm falling, I'm crawling
I can't keep away from its clutch
Can't have it, this habit
It's calling me back to my home

The Miracle:
I remember the first time she came to me
Poured her soul out all night and cried

I remember I was told there's a new love that's born
For each one that has died
I never thought that I
Could carry on with this life
But I can't resist myself
No matter how hard I try

Living their other life
Is getting them nowhere
I'll make her my wife
Her sweet temptation calls me home
HomeIt's what I long for
My homewhere she belongs

Her ecstasy- means so much to me
Even decieving my own blood
Victoria watches and thoughtfully smiles
She's taking me to my home

Help- he's my brother, but I love her
I can't keep away from her touch
Deception, dishonor
It's calling me back to my home

Her story- it holds the key
Unlocking dreams from my memory
Solving this mystery
Is everything that is a part of me

Help- regression, obsession
I can't keep away from her touch
Leave no doubt, to find out
It's calling me back to my home

Dream Theater - Through Her Eyes

She never really had a chance
On that fateful moonlit night
Sacrificed without a fight
A victim of her circumstance

Now that I've become aware
And I've exposed this tragedy
A sadness grows inside of me
It all seems so unfair

I'm learning all about my life
By looking through her eyes

Just beyond the churchyard gates
Where the grass is overgrown
I saw the writing on her stone
I felt like I would suffocate

Inloving memory of our child
So innocent, eyes open wide
I felt so empty as I cried
Like part of me had died

I'm learning all about my life
By looking through her eyes
And as her image
Wandered through my head
I wept just like a baby
As I lay awake in bed

And I know what it's like
To lose someone you love
And this felt just the same

She wasn't given any choice
Desperation stole her voice
I've been given so much more in life
I've got a son, I've got a wife

I had to suffer one last time
To grieve for her and say goodbye
Relive the anguish of my past
To find out who I was at last

The door has opened wide
I'm turning with the tide
Looking through her eyes

Dream Theater - Pull Me Under

Lost in the sky
Clouds roll by
and I roll with them
Arrows fly
Seas increase
and then fall again

This world is spinning around me
This world is spinning without me
Every day send future to past
Every breath leaves me one less
to my last

Watch the sparrow falling
Gives new meaning to it all
If not today nor yet tomorrow
then some other day

I'll take seven lives for one
And then my only father's son
As sure as I did ever love him
I am not afraid

This world is spinning around me
The whole world keeps
spinning around me
All life is future to past
Every breath leaves me one less
to my last

Pull me under Pull me under
Pull me under I'm not afraid
All that I feel is honor and spite
All I can do is set it right

Dust fills my eyes
Clouds roll by
and I roll with them
Centuries cry
Orders fly
and I fall again

This world is spinning inside me
The whole world is
spinning inside of me
Every day sends future to past
Every step brings me closer
to my last

Pull me under Pull me under
Pull me under I'm not afraid
Living my life too much in
the sun
Only until your will is done

Dream Theater - Another Day

Live another day
Climb a little higher
Find another reason to stay
Ashes in your hands
Mercy in your eyes
If you're searching for a silent

You won't find it here
Look another way
You won't find it here
So die another day

The coldness of this words
The message in his silence,
"Face the candle to the
This distance in my voice
Isn't leaving you a choice
So if you're looking for a time
to run away...

You won't find it here
Look another way
You won't find it here
So try another day

They took pictures of our
Ran to hide behind the stairs
And said maybe when it's right
for you, they'll fall
But if they don't come down
Resist the need to pull them in
And throw them away
Better to save the mystery
Than surrender to the secret

You won't find it here
Look another way
You won't find it here
So try another day

Progressive rock i Progressive metal

29.06.2005., srijeda

Eto da

Otvorio sam novi blog jer sam glup i zaboravil sam sve i šifru i korisničko ime s starog... tak sam sam iskopiral ovaj da postove... i tak

- 16:30 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

Ubi ga njega

Da...Bilo je jučer lijepo i sunčano popodne...Dok se neki idioti nisu sjetili pozvat mene u pripizdinu....
Da...I dođoh ja s frendicom gore kod ljudi a imalo ih je ko uf...
I onda sam ja sjeo i počeo piti... i pio sam i pio i pio... i napokon sam bio popio i bilo je veselo...
Ne znam kojim povodom sam bil na ribnjaku al sam bil... i bilo je nenadjebivo zbog nekih razloga koje ne želim objavljivat tu negdje...
Oni koji su bili tamo znaju ko je bio glup... i zašto.... i koliko ih je bilo.... i što su bili radili na livadi....
Kako ćemo dalje...
Pa stvorismo novu bolest jebo vas glupe ja...
Ta bolest je veča bolest od ferege...
JEste vi toga svjesni...
JEste li vi pukli ko ja il niste još...
nisam pijan više...
i također ne znam šta sad pišem al ne znam nit me nije briga... lupa mi se po tipkicama bilo kaj... kaj god.... i da.... baš je ludo to kad tipkaš ... baš si onda glup...
Ko ja------DFKasdpgtjadfhg
Trebao mi je...
I da na ribnjaku sam pio i onda saam vidio ljude... i Alica je bil tam i Hendrix i junkie i Aco i ostali.... i ljude koje znam i ne znam i koje sam upozno i da... i aco gadan si mi do jaja.... nabit te.... pederu
I onda sam sjedio na trgu ko seljak do ne znam 11- pol 12 ne znam... ko to zna... i onda su svi se ustali i počeli trčat i ja sam počeo...
I onda smo ušli u tramvaj....
Neshvačah još zašto al nema veze...
I mi u tramvaju i vidio 220 i ko idioti smo trčali iz tramvaja na bus... i da tak je to.... i onda da...
I da...
I zvali su me da danas idem...
Ne znam ko...
Mislim znam al ne znam ime...
I zaboli me maximalno....
Isuse napisao sam x a ne znam zašto...........

Sad ću vam ja nešto reć

If I die tomorrow
I'd be allright
Because I believe
That after we're gone
The spirit carries on

Ovo sve tu je tužno do jaja...
i dunja daj me kontaktiraj i saleka kontaktiraj i dogovorimo da se za dubravkin fakat da se napijem ko isus kad je pio na posljednjoj večeri... pizda nije htio umrjet gladan....
Zašto me glava boli... Sam mi još fali da imam temperaturu (povišenu) ... pa sve vas bi okupio i napio i onda nabio...
Isus vas 'ebo....
Želim vam sreću u životu...

Da i ovo je tu da

As a child, I thought I could
live without pain
without sorrow

As a man I've found it's all
caught up with me
I'm asleep yet I'm so afraid

Ova dva citata su djelovi tekstova dream theaterovih pjesama.
Prvi citat je iz pjesme "The spirit carries on" , a drugi je iz "Metropolis part 1;The miracle and the sleeper".

- 16:29 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Popis pjesama na albumu:

1. The Root Of All Evil
2. The Answer Lies Within
3. These Walls
4. I Walk Beside You
5. Panic Attack
6. Never Enough
7. Sacrificed Sons
8. Octavarium

- 16:29 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Progressive metal

Sve je počelo 70-ih kada su progressive rock svirali bendovi poput Rush, ELO ,Queen.
Progressive rock se naziva progressive zato što su u glazbu bili često bili ubačivani u pjesme instrumenti koji su bili napušteni od strane mainstream rocka (orkestar, klavijature, orgulje, saksofon i sl.)
Progressive rock je želio da bude tehnički napredniji, i mnogo više rada gitarom, dubljim tekstovima i s više harmonija u glasu.
Progressive metal započet je dolaskom Queensryche-a na scenu. Članovi Queensryvhe nisu znali da stvarju novi stil metala i tako su postavili nove standarde u progressive metalu.
1992 izlazi Images and Words(Dream Theater) – najznačajniji album u povijesti progressive metala.
Taj album je vodilja za sve progressive metal bendove od 92 do danas.
Progressive metal je mješavina heavy metala i melodije, nešto kompliciranijih tekstova i glazbe sjajnih tehničkih karakteristika.
U progressive metalu prvi put do izražaja dolaze do izražaja zvuk , ideja i koncept u jednom.
Ali koliko mi je god drag , on nikad neće postat popularan kao mainstream.
Ovu glazbu ne može bilo ko slušati…Jer ovo je najkompleksnija forma metala.

- 16:28 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

bok bok

Jučer je bio meni jedan zanimnjiv dan...
tj. sve je počelo prije 2 mjeseca kad sam se dogovaro za doorse...
A taman mi frendica slavila rođendan.
I normano mi se nađemo u koliko je sati bilo ne znam i odemo u neku kuču...
I pijemo pijemo... kartamo.... i tak ... slušamo glazbu i tak...
I ono došlo 10 sati i ja se uputih prema boogaloou i tamo nisam trebo uć sam se trebo frendicu otpratit... al sam pimpek pa sam bacil kuna za band koji nisam čuo...
I žalim što sam uopče bio unutra... ljudi koju su vidil shvatit će...i oni koji me znaju i da...
I ja ošo u 15 do 11 a oni taman počinju pjevat...
I ošo ja opet na rođendan i dođem tamo kuiš sjednam i ono ova meni odmah može piva... može može... i normalno ne sječam se dio toga , ljudi kažu da sam zaspo na hodiku... haha... istina... kak sam glup... i staru sam u kurac stero kad me zvala to mi je rekla kad sam došo doma ... da i probudim se i opet tražim neš za pit da pijem al se ne sječam jesam našo išta... i idemo prema doma i tam drotovi s svojim kolicima ošli u travu kod mosta (oko 6 pol 7) i mo budale smo im pomogli i dali na pljugu.... i bilo je veselo jako veselo... nekom sam obečo da ću dopustit anonimnima , brijem leškici al tam oni vi pa idem to napravit...

- 16:28 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


John Myung je dobar bassista. dobre ideje i sve. al ima i boljih. al ne prog.
Eto meni su još dobri Geezer Butler, John Paul Jones, Onaj is Camela, Harris(u nekim pogledima),onaj iz No Doubta je šiba bassita lud je predobre šeme ima... mislim mrzim taj stil glazbe al joj... da... također jedan od bassista dobrih je Deacon... nešto dobro...
Tu su mi i Clifford Lee Burton ... Moj bivši idol... Jako dobar... Pulling teeth je dobro napravio sve ostalo slabije malo... neš malo...
Flea je meni isto šiba... ima predobre scenske nastupe... svaka mu dala al mu to ne treba...
Da bassista no doubta zove se Tony Kanal
Još bi izdvojio Hughesa... i mislim da bi to bilo sve...
Tu se mišljenja razilaze...
A John Patitucci je priča sama za sebe...

- 16:27 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Bass i ja

Eto sviram bass od svoje 9 godine. Prije sam sviral gitaru od 5 il' 6 ne sječam se.
Sad sviram na Fenderu a uskoro dobivam i Ibanez K5.

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Izlazi novi album DT-a

Ovo moram reć i reć svima i nama svima reć.
Izlazi novi album od Dream Theatera... To znam od 2. mjeseca al sam prije zaboravil napisat... Zvat će se OCTAVARIUM izlazi 7.7 ovo godine...i bolje im je da zvuči kao Images And Words ili Scenes From A Memoy....
Sad se samo možemo nadat

- 16:27 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

John Ro Myung

John Ro Myung ,moj idol u bass sviranju svih stilovima od fingera do tappinga..
Rođen je 24.01.1967 u Chicagu. Još kao klinac seli se sa starcima na Long Island, New York.
S 5 godina počine svirati violinu.
S 15 godina uzima bass-gitaru. i nikad nije više zasvirao violinu.
Neki od idola i utjecaja na njegov stil sviranja su Steve Harris , Geddy Lee . A slušao je Rush, Maidene, RHCP ali isto klasiku i blues (moj čovjek ,isti je)
On je jedini član DT-a koji još danas živi na Long Islandu.
Svira na Yamaha RBX-JM2. Bass odličan, svirah na njemu… sad sam napokon dobil K5 (ibanez) pa mogu šparat za RBX-JM2.

- 16:26 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

O Dream Theateru

U listopadu 1986 godine sve je počelo. Gitarista John Petrucci i njegov prijatelj John Myung ,koji svira bass, za vrijeme pohađanja glazbene akademije u Bostonu traže band.
Bubnjar Mike Portnoy koji je također pohađao glazbenu akademiju javio se na njihov oglas kao bubnjar.
Njihov srednjoškolski prijatelj Kevin Moore počinje svirat klavijature , a za sobom je doveo i Chrisa Collinsa.
U početku bend se zvao Majesty.
Na njihovoj prvoj demo snimci bilo je 8 pjesama. Nazvali su ga „Majesty Demos“ , a bio je prodan u 1000 primjeraka.
U Studenom te iste godine razilaze se Collins i Majesty. Za vrijeme u kojem nisu imali vokala svirali su snimali demoe i pisali pjesme.
U Studenom 1987 napokon dolazi vokal i frontman Charile Dominici.
Tada počinje polako raditi na prvom albumu „ When Dream And Day Unite“
Nažalost sve je u kurac otišlo kad su skužili da postoji bend već s takvim imenom.
Tada se Mikeov dosjetio imena Dream Theater po kinu u Kaliforniji..
I napokon je snimljen When Dream and Day Unite. Raspršen je po underground prog. sceni.
Dream Theaterovci su otpustili i traže opet vokala.
I napokon 1991 javlja se Kevin James LaBrie..
U ATCO Atlanticu snimaju Images And Words. Za Pull me Under , Take time i Another day
Ispaljeni su spotovi.
Nakon toga izbacuju Live at the Maraqee 1993.
Od svibnju 1994 snimaju album awake. Završavaju ga U 7 mjesecu iste godine. U međuvremenu Moore je izbačen iz banda .
Klavijature počinje svirati Derek Sherinian.
U Travnju 1995 snimaju A change of Seasons( pjesma traje nekih 23 minute brije). Pjesma je ,ubiti, napisana 1989 , a 19.10.1995 izlazi A change of Seasons koji je bio dobro prihvaćen od fanova.
1997 izdaju Falling into infinity.
1999 odlazi Derek Sherinian i kao klavijaturista dolazi Jordan Rudess
Elektra napokon daje Dream theartu 100% slobode i kreativnosti.
Takav je njihov album Scenes from a memory.
To je epska rock opera izdana krajem 1999.
Metropolis 2000 kada bijaše izdan bijo je veoma čudan.
U siječnju 2002 izdaju album Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence (2 cd-a)
Zadnji album Train of Thought izdan je 2003
Svi album dream theatera

Današnja postava Dream Theatera

James LaBrie - Vocals
John Myung - Bass
John Petrucci - Guitars
Mike Portnoy - Drums
Jordan Rudess - Keyboards

Train Of Thought (2003)
Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence (2002)
Live Scenes From New York (2001)
Through Her Eyes (2000)
Scenes From A Memory (1999)
Once In A LIVEtime (1998)
Falling Into Infinity (1997)
Hollow Years (1997)
A Change Of Seasons (1995)
Awake (1994)
The Silent Man (1994)
Lie (1994)
Live At The Marquee (1993)
Another Day (1992)
Images And Words (1992)
When Dream And Day Unite (1989)

- 16:23 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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Jebem Ti Opis Bloga
Sve i svašta o progresive metalu. Svašta kaj se možda načulo i bilo čulo i kaj se ja sjetim napisat.
Također o bass-gitari ću pisat neke stvari neke pametne stvari koje se načut da i tak...
Inače da sviram bass od svojih malih nogu.
Od instrumenata sviram (baš da znam) bass-gitaru, giratu , klavijature i kontrabas.
I to je to.
Živim tu u svom stanu u zagrebu s mamom i tatom. Imam prijatelje al smrdim pa me ne vole.
Ma uglavnom imam 16 godina. Tad slavim rođendan.
I jako volim Progressive metal....
I TAKO....

Take the quiz: "What instrument should you play in your band (metal)? :::pics:::"

Bass Guitar
You're the time keeper. You're the studs behind the drywall. You usually just back up the guitars but every now and then you bust out a solo of your own and everyone loves it. You're not really recognized enough and you don't get the credit you should. Oh well, shit happens.

Take the quiz: "How Metal Are You? ::pics::"

You're the best of your breed.
You're my favorite. In fact, I love you. You have a great, widely-ranged taste in music but metal in your favorite. You're Unearth's advocate and you go to shows as often as possible. You probably love the likes of Avenged Sevenfold, As I Lay Dying, Demonhunter, and Remembering Never. Your life revolves around music. Are you in a band? It wouldn't surprise me because of your raw love for music. You kick ass.
Dream Theater - Metropolis - Part I - "The Miracle And The Sleeper"

The smile of dawn
Arrived early May
She carried a gift from her
The night shed a tear
To tell her of fear
And of sorrow and pain
She'll never outgrow

Death is the first dance, eternal

There's no more freedom
The both of you will be
confined to this mind

I was told there's miracle for
each day that I try
I was told there's a new love
that's born for each one that
has died
I was told there'd be no one to
call on when I feel alone and
I was told if you dream of the
next world
You'll find yourself swimming
in a lake of fire

As a child, I thought I could
live without pain without
As a man I've found it's all
caught up with me
I'm asleep yet I'm so afraid

Somewhere like a scene from a
There's a picture worth a
thousand words
Eluding stares from faces
before me
It hides away and will never be
heard of again

Deceit is the second without end

The city's cold blood teaches us
to survive
Just keep my heart in your eyes
and we'll stay alive

The third arrives...

Before the leaves have fallen
Before we lock the doors
There must be the third and
last dance
This one will last forever
Metropolis watches and
thoughtfully smiles
She's taken you to your home

It can only take place
When the struggle between
our children has ended
Now the Miracle and the
Sleeper know that the third
is love

Love is the Dance of Eternity

Dream Theater - Surrounded

Morning comes too early
and nighttime falls too late
And sometimes all I want to do
is wait
The shadow I've been hiding in
has fled from me today

I know it's easier to walk away
than look it in the eye
But I will raise a shelter to the sky
and here beneath this
star tonight I'll lie
She will slowly yield the light
As I awaken from the longest

Dreams are shaking
Set sirens waking up tired eyes
With the light the memories
all rush into his head

By a candle stands a mirror
Of his heart and soul she
She was dancing thru the night
above his bed

And walking to the window
he throws the shutters out
against the wall
And from an ivory tower hears
her call
"Let light surround you"

It's been a long, long time
He's had a while to think it over
In the end he only sees the
Light to dark
Dark to light
Light to dark
Dark to light

Heaven must be more than this
When angels waken with a kiss
Sacred hearts won't take the
But mine will never be the same

He stands before the window
His shadow slowly fading from
the wall
And from an ivory tower hears
her call
"Let the light surround you"

Once lost but I was found
When I heard the stained glass
shatter all around me
I sent the spirits tumbling
down the hill
But I will hold this one on high
above me still
She whispers words to clear my mind
I once could see but now at last
I'm blind

I know it's easier to walk away
than look it in the eye
But I had given all that
I could take
And now I've only habits left
to break
Tonight I'll still be lying here
Surrounded in all the light

Dream Theater - Hollow years

He's just the kind of man
You hear about
Who leaves his family for
An easy out
They never saw the signs
He never said a word
He couldn't take another day

Carry me to the shoreline
Bury me in the sand
Walk me across the water
And maybe you'll understand

Once the stone
You're crawling under
Is lifted off your shoulders
Once the cloud that's raining
Over your head disappears
The noise that you'll hear
Is the crashing down of hollow years

She's not the kind of girl
You hear about
She'll never want another
She'll never be without
She'll give you all the signs
She'll tell you everything
Then turn around and walk away

Carry me to the shoreline
Bury me in the sand
(Into the waves)
Walk me across the water
And maybe you'll understand

Once the stone
You're crawling under
(Once the stone)
Is lifted off your shoulders
Once the cloud that's raining
Over your head disappears
The noise that you'll hear
Is the crashing down of hollow years

Carry me to the shoreline
Bury me in the sand
(Into the waves)
Walk me across the water
And maybe you'll understand

Once the stone
You're crawling under
Is lifted off your shoulders
Once the cloud that's raining
Over your head disappears
The noise that you'll hear
Is the crashing down of hollow years

Once the stone
You're crawling under
Once the stone
You're crawling under
(The sound you'll hear,)
Once the stone
(the crashing)
You're crawling under
(down of hollow years)
Once the stone
You're crawling under
Once the stone
You're crawling under
Once the stone
You're crawling under
(The sound you'll hear, the crashing down of hollow years)