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Actual coverage may vary. Customers must click on the chat icon to activate the service. If you qualify for the credit in the months following the disqualified month, you will continue to receive the credit as applicable. To be eligible for the promotions, you must bring your own unlocked, compatible phone and activate a new Pay Before or Pay After line at a participating Freedom Mobile retail location during the promotion period. It is your key to the finest experience in international online dating! The AsianDate mission is simple — to continually provide quality service, develop technologies to make online dating easier and more convenient, and to provide these continuously. All Freedom Mobile services are subject to our , and. AsianDate was among the first to develop a platform to connect people through online dating in Asia. You will receive an additional 3 gigabytes of data per month for up to 24 months on the Freedom Mobile Home network as long as you remain active and in good standing on the Eligible Plan. The amount of the discount received will be added to your MyTab. Our customer service will get back to you as soon as possible. The credits can be used to pay for the monthly recurring charge, current charges for monthly add-ons, roaming, international calling and messaging, or the Phone Protection Plan.

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Erotske Priče - Tri vec dignuta kurca cekala su samo na mene.

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Ovogodisnje pretpraznicno raspolozenje podsetilo me je na dogadjaje koji su se odigrali prosle godine. Taj nazaboravni docek 2009-te mi je danas ponovo bio pred ocima. Iako jako druzeljubiva, imam uzak krug prijatelja koji su sticajem cudnih okolnosti svi muskarci. Kako je te godine novogodisnja groznica vec bila u jeku moji prijatelji i ja smo se dogovarali sta cemo za docek. Ja, Bogdan, Stevan i Andrej. Bilo je vise nego dovoljno. Crna cipkana haljinica do polovine butila ili plameno crvena haljinica do kolena sa dubokim dekolteom. Na kraju sam se ipak odlucila za crvenu haljinicu. Sminkala sam se dugo i pazljivo, stavila srebrnu ogrlicu, otvorene cipelice na visoku stiklu i bila sam spremna. Oko 20h drustvo je pristiglo. Andrej — visok, crnomanjast, Bogdan — nesto nizi od mene, kratke kose i cudno dugih prstiju za njegovu visinu i Stevan — duge kovrdzave kose, neznih crta lica… Sva trojica su bili savrseno gradjeni. Pricali smo, djuskali uz muziku, pili vino… Ponoc je dosla i prosla a ta velika soba se punila dimom cigareta i mirisom vina. Vec sam uveliko bila pripita kada smo odlucili da legnemo i malo odspavamo. Razvukli smo siroki cetvorosed i poslagali se kao sardina — ja u sredinu, Andrej sa moje leve, Stevan sa moje desne strane i Bosko koji je odlucio da ce spavati na fotelji. Pustili smo tihu muziku, prigusili svetlo i tada je sve pocelo. Opijena od vina i dobrog raspolozenja drolja u meni je polako izlazila na povrsinu. Samo sam trazila razlog da rasirim noge ili da povucem dekolte jos nize. Legla sam na ledja i na trenutak zatvorila oci kada sam osetila Andrejev topao dlan na mojoj butini. Pogledala sam ga iznenadjeno. I dok mi je Andrej mazio butine povlaceci haljinicu na gore Stevan mi je ljubio vrat. Nisam znala sta cu sa sobom… Pozuda je rasla, zelela sam ih obojicu, ali sam se suzdrzavala. Sva trojica su me pozudno gledali kako se svlacim i jedan po jedan poceli da otkopcavaju pantalone. Tri vec dignuta kurca cekala su samo na mene. Ostala sam u crvenim cipkanim tangama i istom takvom brusu. Bosonoga, dosla som do njih i legla na ledja. Bogdan je klecao ispred mene nezno mi mazeci vrelu i navlazenu pickicu preko tangi, Andrej mi je ljubio stomak a Stevan mesio bujne grudi. Dahtala sam, uvijala se u napadima strasti. Bogdan je jednim trzajem pokidao moj tange i svojim toplim jezikom presao preko mojih glatko obrijanih stidnih usni. Uvila sam se, glasno uzdahnuvsi. Stvan mi je vec skidao brus i grickao moje tvrde bradavice dok je Andrejev jezik bio u mojim ustima. Stenjala sam, dahtala… Bogdanov jezik je palacao po mom klitorisu, grickao ga je, jezik nabijao u moju vrelu pickicu… Rekla sam Bogdanu da dodje na krevet. Postrojila sam ih i tri povelika kurca nasla su se ispred mojih ociju. Zelela sam ih sve, odjednom. Lizala sam im glavice, nezno ljubila jaja a onda, jednog po jednog, uvukla do kraja. Pusila sam im sto sam bolje mogla dok su oni glasno uzdisali. Andrej je stao iza mene i glavicem mazio moju guzu, Bogdan je legao ispod mene i trazio moju pickicu a Stevan je klecao ispred mene samarajuci me njegovim velikim, tvrdim kurcem. Andrej i Bogdan su se pogledali i klimnuli glavama. Nabili su ih u isto vreme i to do kraja… Vrisnula sam! Menjali su mesta, jebali su me kako su hteli. Svrsavala sam u naletima. Vristala sam dok su me razvaljivali kao pohotnu drolju. Kada sam osetila da ce Andrej svrsiti rekla sam mu da ga izvadi i pocela sam da mu pustim tako brzo i strasno. Svrsio mi je u usta. Ni jedna kap se nije prolila po mom licu. Bogdan i Stavn su nastavili da me razvaljuju. Grudi su mi se tresle dok me je Bogdan razvaljivao od pozadi i Stevao odozdo. Bogdan mi je nedugo zatim isvrsavao po ledjima a Stevan po stomaku. Otisla sam da se otusiram na brzaka. Kada sam se vratila sva trojica su sedeli goli na kaucu sa cigaretama medju prstila. Bacila sam se pored njih, svakog strasno poljubila i legla da spavam. A sta mislite sa kim cu provesti ovu novu godinu?

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Gay Dating by Location - Susretit će se u sredini

12 Best LGBT Dating Apps of 2018

Click here: Gay Dating by Location

Besides most everyone is looking at the outside more than the inside of the person. Grindr's competitors Hornet and Jack'd offer differing degrees of privacy options, but neither is immune from the Kyoto researchers' tricks. Then both you and your family will be happy.

Gay Dating by Location

Do a search on gay lawyer associations and see what pops up. In Russia, too, gay men have similarly been trapped and beaten by thugs in countless incidents. Originally a telephone dating service limited to the , business declined when more men began to go online to find partners.

Gay Dating by Location

Gay Men: 7 Places to Find Your Next Boyfriend That Are Not in a Bar - If your passion is supporting your local LGBT community center, why not call them to see how they can use your gifts?

Gay Dating by Location

You are a gay man who has been single far too long. I keep going week after week and no luck. Will it happen tonight? Oh crap, is that a pimple? There are tons of hurdles to overcome that can make it feel like the deck is stacked against us. One major barrier can be figuring out where to meet someone. While bars can be a fun place to hang out with our friends, they are not always conducive to romantic connections. And let's face it—as time goes on, the inability to meet a quality person can take its toll on our confidence. After speaking with a number of formerly single gay men who are now happily partnered, I will now reveal seven places to find your next boyfriend that are not a bar. What follows are seven suggestions for places for gay men to meet a potential boyfriend that do not include a bar or nightclub. You'll find suggestions you've heard before, some of that are unconventional, and others that may even be silly. But if you're trying to break out of the bars, you may want to give them all a chance. I will add that this list is by no means exhaustive—please feel free to add ideas in the comment section at the end of this article. You have tried everything else—so what else do you have to lose? Okay—let's look at the list! You may be thinking that using apps and websites seems silly, but many gay men have met the guy of their dreams by using these types of platforms. Popular ones include and. Others that are not as well known but nonetheless effective include the apps , Mister, and Tinder. Some of these are free while others cost a small amount or charge a nominal fee for premium services. The great thing about apps and websites is that most all of them nowadays allow the user to input certain search criteria or filter out folks based on user preferences. You can also check for gay groups of common interests in your area. If you are one of those people, you need to rethink this and do so quickly. According to recent research, there are 41 million people in the US who are currently looking to meet that special someone online. This statistic does not speak to the number of single gay men specifically, but we make up a fair amount of that number. If you have tried dating using apps and sites before with no luck, consider using a different app. Scroll through your smartphone's options and pick something new. The idea here is to create change. Remember, dating is a numbers game. You have to put yourself out there in order to make it happen. And here is one final point on this suggestion—while Grindr, Scruff, and other apps are great tools for meeting people, keep in mind that some of these platforms are more sexually charged than others. There is nothing wrong with this but if your goal is to date, using the right app is important. We are talking millions! There are a number of fan pages and groups on Facebook that are specifically designed for gay men who are single and relationship-ready. Remember, the people who are putting themselves out there are doing so with the same motivations that you are—to connect with someone for romance. Tips and Pointers: Did you know you can search Facebook for people on your friends list that are single? You might be surprised. Of course, identification as single on Facebook depends on what the user indicates in their profile. But using this approach does allow you to see potential candidates. If they are an acquaintance, why not consider going out for a coffee? Again, what do you have to lose? As a population, we gays are very giving. Plus, many of us like to get all dolled up and go to events, like fundraisers for the different causes we support. Many gay men make the mistake of bringing a +1 to an event because they are embarrassed to be alone. Get rid of the wing-man. In this capacity, you help to fill the table by soliciting people for donations. As captain, you have control over who is seated at your table—which is a huge advantage for you! Plus, you get to network with others who may be single and thereby expand your circle of available men. Go to the fundraiser with the mindset of supporting the cause you care about, but be open to meeting someone new. This particular suggestion has worked well for many gay men who were formerly single. Do you like photography? What about painting, fitness, biking, aviation, cooking, horticulture, and so forth? One of the great things about about taking a class is the built-in advantage of a shared interest! Many classes are free or at little cost. You can find them by doing a Google search using your hometown or county in the search terms and seeing what pops up. Tips and Pointers: Chose a community class you are genuinely interested in and not just one where you think all of the hot men will be. Remember, it is only a shared interest if it is genuine. This particular suggestion is a twofer when you think about it. First, you get the benefit of giving the gift of yourself to a cause you care about. Second, you will undoubtedly meet new people. More than a few happily partnered gay men have reported that they met their man through this approach. And so if you care about the environment for example, why not contact your local Greenpeace? If your passion is supporting your local LGBT community center, why not call them to see how they can use your gifts? Tips and Pointers: Some people worry about the time commitment required to volunteer for an organization. This is a very valid concern. It helps if you are up front about what you can and cannot do when you speak to the volunteer coordinator. Even if you can only be a greeter for an annual event or work the coat check, for example, it is something. And hey, a little bit of something is better than a whole lot of nothing. Yep, you read that right! A professional organization to which you may already belong likely has a chapter dedicated for LGBT members. Why not join the National Gay Pilots Association NGPA. Do a search on gay lawyer associations and see what pops up. In New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles for example, there are city-focused professional associations for lawyers. There are gay chapters just for LGBT folks. The point here is that whatever you do for employment, there is likely a professional organization with a gay-focused subdivision. Almost all of them hold events, including socials, mixers, and fundraisers. If you belong to one of these associations, great—your work is half done. If not, why not look for one that fits your particular background? As mentioned earlier, dating is a numbers game. Some may recoil at this suggestion, but guess what? Many partnered men have reported meeting their husband at their local gay-friendly church or spiritual center. There are a lot of gay men who are deeply spiritual—and not just the bat-crap, self-loathing types that we often hear about, either. If you have a local place of worship or other community-based venue for spirituality and you identify with what is offered, why not give it a try? More and more, religious organizations are recognizing that LGBT folks have spiritual needs. If you are one of those people who are not sure what you believe in, consider taking the. Did you know there are gay communities of Agnostics, Quakers, Pagans, Humanists, and so forth? And there are gay atheists who congregate, as well. Take the self-assessment to see where you fit in. Tips and Pointers: Obviously, going to a local gay-friendly church or spiritual center should be about your spiritual nourishment and well-being. Think about this first before you decide which venue for spirituality is best for you. The dream that one day, you will meet the guy of your dreams is a wonderful thing to dream about. But fantasizing and doing something to make it happen are two different things. If you want to meet your next boyfriend, then you will have to take control of the process. The Promethean spark of love only happens if there are two available people who happen to be at the right place at the right time. Why not try something new? Tomorrow could be a great day! Did I miss any places to find boyfriends? Leave suggestions in the comments! I am 5'11, 179 lbs, very handsome and well groomed. I am educated and 54 but everyone says that I look 34 years young. I don't mind us going out for a cocktail with our friends every once in a while, but I'd rather spend time with you rather we are staying in, to bbq with a great bottle of wine. I want to travel to Europe again, this time making new memories. Lastly, I want to fall in love and get married and buy a house together. Hopefully, you are interested in flipping houses as I'm looking to be husbands that flip homes together while working our own careers. Yes, I'm looking for a very handsome and enthusiastic guy. For those of you who are SERIOUS and commited to find a partner, you need to chose more discretionary websites that usually comes with membership costs they vary based on different factors but all aimed to pair you with the right candidates. No one who pays money even top money for dating online services unless seriously invested and a great gatekeeper for bored couples or gossipy flakey men. I have done it all, been there, and thought the last time it was the person that we were meant to be but alas it was not... To me that is important. I know most gay guys are not like this but personality and humour are way more important that the sex act. The sex act you can teach or be taught but the personality and heart and humour cannot. So that being said... Listening to the new GAGA copulation. Its good not like the old ones under 10 years old... Well I guess that is it. Just venting and feel sad because I am pathetic. Should not care but hell I do. You can't have a relationship with the straight guy you have a crush on, u can have sex with him, he may go for that but he won't turn gay for u. Or of course tell them u r gay in a round about way or flat out and see how they react. IF u want sex with a hot guy bad enough I have np doubt u will get there, but a relationship is tricky, I've been at this a while now and i'm just having luck going to gay events, clubs and to the gym, running club, i'm finally starting to have some luck. I have had some very hot straight fuck buddies but trust me u don't want the straight guys after u have had them and all they want is sex until they don't anymore. BE GENUINE BE YOURSELF. I've been told that I am peculiar and quirky. I wish I were somewhat average sometimes. Deep down there I am still that shy and lonely guy who dreams about a little home for me and a man to protect me and love me. Nonetheless, I try to remain strong and confident. Life is a mess. Life is a bitch, but this doesn't mean you have to be one. I think the problem is all this social media hype and a radical overuse of technology. Most people dont really want to be labelled or have to fit into defined groups in order to meet other people. My advice and i have never been alone for more than two or three months in all my 65 years is go out, or as my mother used to say, join clubs. Nothing changes only that the powers that me want to control us better for their own nefarious purposes. Someone with whom i could take pride in each of our victories and put my backs and tears behind each of our struggles. Someone who would see the virtue of a knight instead of madman. Someone with whom i could strive for greatness. The one who would forgive my trespasses for i too am still learning to love. Someone who does not give up on words and promises but are willing to go through pain and wrong while building something and perhaps the only thing that really matters. Is out there another madman another man of chivalry? Or have all days of glory passed in favor of cheap hedonism? I've met three of my lovers in bars, and my present long-term relationship included. Bars are only locked down upon by people who have too little intellectual substance and too little sophistication to enjoy alcohol and the faux-Lush-Life atmosphere. Being gay is not the equivalent of smile-button suburban respectability. If that were true I'd have given up on it a very long time ago! Pace alcoholics in recovery, for whom I have the greatest empathy and respect! But really, who wants to meet a fellow professional, etc. The great thing about being gay, for me, is a kind of constructive social irresponsibility. I prefer, in fact, someone who is socially different from me. As long as they're smart and kind, who cares about the rest! But that is about it. If you are not into any of the 3 you are screwed. Besides most everyone is looking at the outside more than the inside of the person. A person with a sense of humor and someone old fashioned enough to believe in the qualities of marriage and willing to work at it to make it continue and work. Someone who you can share your life with, someone that has taken the time to really know who I am as a person someone who is romantic in a lot of ways. Someone who is giving and tender, dependable and willing to be there when you need them such as a health issue etc. I do not think there is someone like that out there anywhere. I have not seen him. I guess I will die searching for it because it does not exist. I wish I could find someone that I can say to all I want is just him. So in their minds, they don't need to be tied down. I'm pretty much over the dating scene, and don't even want to hook up... Barely any gay man close to my age 20s really wants a relationship these days... I trust much of this will ring true to many though. Also I feel none of this contradicts the above. As a gay man happily partnered for 10 years now trust me... More often the lack of gay population seems to be secondary to the mindset of partner hunting developed unconsciously from the scene, in which a 6 pack or big guns are considered more important than the ability to put two words together, let alone for any type of emotional connection. When I ask my friends what their ideal partner is, despite them being great boyfriend material, their 'type' has evolved into primary importance on physical attributes and anything else is secondary. Invariably this leads to very short-term relationships as they get to know each other beyond mutual interest in the gym. It also means that anyone who doesnt have the ideal physical profile can suffer from low self esteem, and the growth rate of eating disorders among gay men have never been higher. Then there are the ones who want a boyfriend, any boyfriend, and think of single life as being hell. As a result they either pick poor matches doomed to failure out of desparation, or sink their claws in on the first date and jealousy and fear just destroys any chance of getting further. So, to add another item on the list, I'd recommend opening your mind up to looking beyond your pictured 'type' because it might jut be putting blinkers on, and if you are still single after exhaustive searching then it clearly isnt working for you. Be happy and confident with yourself as a single person who doesnt 'need' anyone to make you feel complete. Finally, keep in mind in the tightknit minority community, chances are a high percentage of your friends and acquaintences are gay. Look again beyond your existing relationship with them and you might find something more. Login This is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service. Akismet This is used to detect comment spam. HubPages Google Analytics This is used to provide data on traffic to our website, all personally identifyable data is anonymized. HubPages Traffic Pixel This is used to collect data on traffic to articles and other pages on our site. Unless you are signed in to a HubPages account, all personally identifiable information is anonymized. Amazon Web Services This is a cloud services platform that we used to host our service. Cloudflare This is a cloud CDN service that we use to efficiently deliver files required for our service to operate such as javascript, cascading style sheets, images, and videos. Google Hosted Libraries Javascript software libraries such as jQuery are loaded at endpoints on the googleapis. Features Google Custom Search This is feature allows you to search the site. 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Like Junoon rightly said, what's fair for the gander should be fair for the goose and vice versa. The site has more than 77 million members and sees more than 25. Each and every one of the sites listed at GayConnect are tested and reviewed to make sure that they are worthy of being listed here. He had a fully hairy chest i had never seen anyone like that until then i guess. Nonetheless, I try to remain strong and confident. Condom pack being opened in front of you is not a guarantee of a safe condom. Use our supreme free gay webcam chat sites for the time of your life without breaking your piggy bank! Manhunt's general manager told : It all boils down to. And let's face it—as time goes on, the inability to meet a quality person can take its toll on our confidence.

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Što učiniti prije preseljenja u novi stan Preseljenje u novi stan može biti izrazito stresan posao, no dobra organizacija može uštedjeti mnogo živaca i vremena. Nakon kalkulacije o maksimalnom iznosu mjesečne najamnine, najmoprimac se mora odlučiti i za lokaciju, odnosno za dio grada u kojem želi unajmiti stan.

Oglasnik za iznajmljivanje i prodaju stanova

Takvi su stanovi prilagođeni njihovom načinu života, a najčešće je riječ o garsonijerama ili stanovima s jednom do dvije zasebne spavaće sobe. Ukoliko tražite , na oglasniku možete pretražiti i oglase za turistički smještaj: , , smještaj na planinama, uz jezera i sl. Crozilla nudi mogućnost da korisnici zasebno pregledavaju stanove i po tom kriteriju.

Oglasnik za iznajmljivanje i prodaju stanova

Najam stanova - Ukoliko prodajete ili iznajmljujete nekretnine, putem Nekretnine365 platforme možete brzo i jednostavno predati profesionalni oglas za nekretninu sa fotografijama, videom, lokacijom nekretnine na mapi uz 3d prikaz lokacije na google mapi i detaljan prikaz infrastrukturnog okruženja. Za pretragu nekretnina se možete poslužiti pretragom nekretnina na naslovnoj strani, stranici , , oko vaše pozicije ili filterima u okviru stranica sa listama oglasa.

Oglasnik za iznajmljivanje i prodaju stanova

Kako pronaći odgovarajući stan za najam Pronaći idealne stanove za najam ponekad je vrlo težak posao koji nerijetko iziskuje mnogo truda i vremena. Želje i zahtjeve najmoprimca, vezane uz izgled i uređenje stana, potrebno je uskladiti s cijenom i lokacijom nekretnine. Nakon kalkulacije o maksimalnom iznosu mjesečne najamnine, najmoprimac se mora odlučiti i za lokaciju, odnosno za dio grada u kojem želi unajmiti stan. Kada su ti kriteriji određeni vrijeme je za potragu za stanovima za najam na portalu Crozilla. Među tisućama oglašenih stanova za iznajmljivanje potrebno je pronaći baš onaj idealni. Specijalizirani portal za oglašavanje nekretnina Crozilla. Tražilica nekretnina portala Crozilla. Drugi način za pretraživanje na portalu Crozilla. Odgovarajuće stanove, posjetitelji portala Crozilla. Crozilla svojim korisnicima nudi mogućnost traženja idealnog stana za najam i kada nisu za računalom. Naime, usluga MojAgent alat je koji korisnike putem e-mail poruke obavještava o novoj nekretnini koja zadovoljava njegove prethodno zadane kriterije. MojAgent je osobna tražilica koja na osnovi unesenih kriterija npr. Ovaj alat nalazi se u korisničkom sučelju MojZilla, pa ga mogu koristiti samo registrirani korisnici portala za nekretnine Crozilla. Koji tip stana odgovara baš meni? Oni koji traže stanove za najam već barem donekle imaju preciznu viziju izgleda i površine prostora u kojem bi željeli boraviti. No, ovisno o količini zahtjeva i ponudi stanova na tržištu, često nije moguće izvesti da baš svi kriteriji budu u potpunosti zadovoljeni. Mnogo je različitih tipova stanova između kojih stanari mogu birati na portalu Crozilla. Stanovi za najam: vrsta stana Na portalu Crozilla. Apartman: ovaj tip stana je najčešće sastavni dio objekta poput kuće, stambene zgrade ili hotela, a sastoji se od jedne ili više soba. Najčešće podrazumijeva pojam zasebnog, potpuno opremljenog stana koji se sastoji od kupaonice s toaletom, kuhinje, spavaće i dnevne sobe. Dvoetažni stan: podrazumijeva stan na dvije etaže, najčešće u stambenoj zgradi. Često se nalazi na katu, a druga razina u potkrovlju. Penthouse: samostojeći, luksuzni apartman koji se nalazi na zadnjoj etaži objekta. Stan u potkrovlju: stan koji se nalazi iznad posljednjeg kata kuće ili zgrade, smješten ispod kosih ili zaobljenih ploha krova. Prizemlje: pod ovim se pojmom podrazumijeva dio građevine, kuće ili zgrade, koji se nalazi iznad podruma, odnosno neposredno na površini uređenog i zaravnatog terena ispod poda kata ili krova. Stari ili novi stanovi za najam Živjeti u starom ili novom stanu može imati svoje pozitivne i negative strane. Kod novogradnje je dizajn prilagođen suvremenom načinu života, a za izradu se koriste moderniji materijali. Osim toga, noviji stanovi za razliku od starih vrlo često imaju osigurana parkirališna mjesta ili garažu. Opcije najma Portal Crozilla. U slučaju najma s pravom kupnje valja računati da je cijena najma često dosta viša od standardnih. Takvi su stanovi prilagođeni njihovom načinu života, a najčešće je riječ o garsonijerama ili stanovima s jednom do dvije zasebne spavaće sobe. Crozilla nudi mogućnost da korisnici zasebno pregledavaju stanove i po tom kriteriju. Namještaj i oprema stana Na portalu Crozilla. Birajte između namještenih, nenamještenih i polunamještenih stanova. Kada govorimo o opremljenosti stanova za iznajmljivanje, portal Crozilla. Osim navedenog, portal Crozilla. Jedan od kriterija pretrage može biti i vrsta parkinga, primjerice parkirališno mjesto, garaža, podzemna garaža ili javni parking. Kakav stan za najam si mogu priuštiti Ovisno o mnogim kriterijima poput površine, lokacije, uređenosti… stanovi za najam mogu imati različite cijene po kojima se iznajmljuju. Prije konačne odluke o najmu određenog stana bitno je imati uvid u cijene najma stanova na tržištu, osobito za lokaciju na kojoj se želi unajmiti stan. Pri kalkulaciji oko iznosa mjesečnih izdataka za stanarinu, vrlo je bitno, osim cijene najma, uzeti u obzir dodatne troškove poput onih za komunalije, struju ili grijanje, a njihov ukupni zbroj ne bi trebao prelaziti jednu trećinu mjesečnih neto prihoda. Crozilla svojim korisnicima savjetuje da zbroje sve prethodno navedene troškove režija i stanarine. Tom zbroju valja pribrojati ostale mjesečne izdatke poput onih za hranu, mobitel, automobil, osiguranje, Internet te neke druge individualne troškove, zatim ukupni dobiveni zbroj treba oduzeti od neto mjesečnih prihoda — dobiveni rezultat preostala je svota novca s kojom bi se trebalo raspolagati ostatak mjeseca. No, uvijek valja računati i na druge, neplanirane izdatke poput onih za odmor ili darove obitelji i prijateljima. Pri odabiru stana kojeg biste željeli iznajmiti dobro iskalkulirajte mjesečna primanja i moguće troškove kako ne biste živjeli u stanu kojeg si jedva možete priuštiti. Na koncu valja dobro razmisliti želite li sav novac potrošiti za najam stana i režije ili biste radije uštedjeli barem nešto novca i za hitne slučajeve? Najam stana s agencijom ili bez nje? Mnogi imaju učestalu dvojbu oko odluke trebaju li prilikom najma stana angažirati agenciju za posredovanje u prometu nekretninama ili taj posao odraditi samostalno. Koristeći usluge agencije za nekretnine najmoprimac može izgubiti tek svotu novca za plaćanje agencijske provizije koja je najčešće u visini jedne mjesečne rate za najamninu. U tom slučaju potrebno je, za više informacija o nekretnini, telefonom ili e-mailom, kontaktirati oglašivača: vlasnika stana ili agenciju za nekretnine putem koje se on iznajmljuje. Fotografije u oglasima nisu uvijek realni pokazatelji trenutnog stanja. Lokacija, cijena i površina nekretnine ključni su faktori kod kupnje ili najma stana. Kada se ti kriteriji zadovolje, na red dolazi ostalo poput funkcionalnosti i uređenja nekretnine. Prilikom traženja stana za kupnju ili najam bitno je saznati što više informacija o nekretnini kako bi se lakše donijela ispravna odluka. Pronađete li na Crozilla. Mora li podstanar mora plaćati pričuvu? Da li ga je potrebno renovirati ili možda tek popraviti sitne nedostatke kako bi se u njemu moglo živjeti? To je bitno saznati posebno ako se stan nalazi na jednom od viših katova. Da li je u blizini javnog gradskog prijevoza? Ugovor o najmu stana Prije početka najma stana najmoprimac i najmodavac potpisuju ugovor o najmu kojim se definiraju sva prava i obveze obiju ugovornih strana. Obavezne stavke Ugovora o najmu kojim se uređuju međusobni odnosi ugovornih strana definirane su i Zakonom o najmu. Kao sastavni prilog Ugovora o najmu najmodavac i najmoprimac bi trebali napraviti i Zapisnik u vrijeme predaje nekretnine, a Crozilla Vam savjetuje da u njemu navedete sve fizičke i tehničke nedostatke u stanu. Što učiniti prije preseljenja u novi stan Preseljenje u novi stan može biti izrazito stresan posao, no dobra organizacija može uštedjeti mnogo živaca i vremena. Prije svega, Crozilla Vam savjetuje da prije preseljenja u novi stan na vrijeme najavite raskid postojećeg ugovora o najmu, a zatim i da pravovremeno odjavite sve režije koje u starom stanu glase na Vaše ime. Angažman tvrtki specijaliziranih za selidbe posebno je dobrodošao kad je riječ o selidbama u drugu zemlju ili drugi grad. Ako ste u mogućnosti, bilo bi dobro nabaviti i posebne vrećice ispunjene mjehurićima zraka kako bi zaštitili predmete osjetljive na lom. Više informacija i detalja za uspješniju selidbu Crozilla donosi u rubrici Selidbe.

Iznajmljivanje Stanova
Na koncu valja dobro razmisliti želite li sav novac potrošiti za najam stana i režije ili biste radije uštedjeli barem nešto novca i za hitne slučajeve? SAOPŠTENJA Promotivna cena oglasa za nekretnine za vlasnike Portal NekretnineSrbije. No, uvijek valja računati i na druge, neplanirane izdatke poput onih za odmor ili darove obitelji i prijateljima. Kod novogradnje je dizajn prilagođen suvremenom načinu života, a za izradu se koriste moderniji materijali. Na oglasniku možete pretražiti više od 99. U rubrici se nalazi pojedinačna ponuda nekretnina svih agencija za nekretnine registrovanih na našem sistemu. Kakav stan za najam si mogu priuštiti Ovisno o mnogim kriterijima poput površine, lokacije, uređenosti… stanovi za najam mogu imati različite cijene po kojima se iznajmljuju. Prvoplasirani portal za nekretnine Portal NekretnineSrbije. Mnogo je različitih tipova stanova između kojih stanari mogu birati na portalu Crozilla. Koji tip stana odgovara baš meni?

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