


When our memories outweigh our dreams we become old

::Hello again my friends::
::::If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?::::
...:::A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere:::...
[]SO let's see how has my week been?[]

........:::::Long and tiring:::::........
____I went out on Sunday and hung out with the girls_____

***Then we went to see Johnny and we played pool with him until 2 o'clock in the AM!!***

[]Monday I went to bed at 8:30 pm[]

::Talk happiness. The world is sad enough without your woe::

[]Tuesday...Went out and had a blast with the girls[]
....:::played some pool and threw some darts:::....
***I met a gorgeous soldier***
___he had just arrived back home from Iraq on Tuesday____

----Support OUR troops!!!----

[]Wednesday FUCK Wednesday[]

...:::I had a root canal done on my tooth:::...
....::::The pain today is still horrible::::....
.....:::::I want to cry my mouth hurts so bad:::::.....
***BUt at least I know that it will be gone in at least two days!***


::::They say hard work never hurts anybody, but why take the chance::::

______I am going to see the Gin Blossoms play_________
^My friend's band, DETOUR, is going to open for them^

***I got offered a good job making $10 -$15 dollars an hour at this great corportation doing the same thing I am doing now at the library for only $5 an hour***

[]ToTaL eXcItEmEnT[]

....::::Well thats all for now::::....





Some fun for the DAY!

A boy and his date were parked on a back road some distance from town, doing what boys and girls do on back roads some distance from town. Abruptly, the girl stopped the boy dead in his tracks. "I really should have mentioned this earlier, but I'm actually a hooker and I charge $20 for sex." The boy reluctantly paid her, and they did their thing. After the obligatory cigarette, the boy sat in the driver's seat, staring out the window. "Why aren't we going anywhere?" asked the girl. "Well, I should have mentioned this before, but I'm actually a taxi driver, and the fare back to town is $25."





All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

::Monday sucked ASS::

:::There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved:::

::I need love::

:::Tuesday I PARTIED it up with my GURRLS:::

::A friend is someone who walks in when the whole world has walked out::


::Wednesday___ I cleaned my room___Now it looks like a hippie lives there::

:::So after a hainus drought we have RAIN:::

::I love RAIN____ But it is making me depressed again::

:::I saw the new BOY Tuesday:::

::I got a kiss <3::

:::Wednesday____ Dad helped get me out of DEBT___didn't expect that:::


:::I'm kinda bummed out:::

::I want some food___I am a starving artist___Cam should understand::

:::I am COPYCAT too____but I am sure she won't mind too much:::

::I like this style::

:::I hate BOYS:::

::I caught the ex in a few lies__I am very hurt::

:::No, I don't have PMS. I just really hate you:::

::Want to get laid? Crawl up a chicken's ass and wait!::

:::But it is okay___I have a new guy___sorta__and he is nice!:::

::Well that's it___MUCH LOVE::

:::Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to:::





**sunday SUNDAY SuNdAy Extravaganza**

Well ladies and gents... today is sunday.... and I have been doing nothing all day except hanging out with my puppy libby...

And I have taken a few naps... I found this funny drunken picture of the wonderful amazing I don't want a relationship right now boy... thought I would share... ::evil chuckles::

I have been extremely bored all day... I watched volleyball today... misty may and kerri walsh won the belmar open... I went for a short drive... I got all excited I thought I'd get to play volleyball today but it turned out to be untrue... ::sadness fills her heart::

I tried to get my brother to play with me... NO GO... ::again her heart aches::

here is a another funny drunken picture I found... this time it is my friend Nikki who is plowed... :::HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE:::

don't you just love the look on her face?? I do! What about me?? I don't know what the hell was going on there... perhaps Nikki did something dumb...perhaps I said something stupid... who knows...

Well anyways that's all I have for now....






**More PiCtUrEs**

These are some of my BOYS

This is me and NICK... Carolina used to love him!

This is Me and Tony. AKA Coco

This is Me and Urbie. He is like a brother to me!

This is Me and DJ.... lets not even go there...

That's all I have for now I hope you enjoy the pictures of me and my boys.

I'll have more soon.






ThIs Is ThE WoNdErFuL AmAzInG I dOn'T wAnT A rElAtIoNsHiP RiGhT NoW bOy!

ThiS Is Me, Kt MaK, JeSsIcA, AnD cArOlInA.

ThiS Me AnD kArA.

ThIs Is Me

I hope you enjoy...I will have a picture of my New Haircut as soon as I get it developed. I just figured out how to get my pictures on the internet so that I could create a location for them and put them on here. SO once I get all my pictures up and running you will see more.






Prelude to a ~*DREAM*~

I dreamed last night.
For the first time in weeks.
I dreamed I was with you again.

But all we did was fight.
I have no idea what you seek.
I know less now than I knew then.

I had a lovely dream of you.
Though I couldn't quite see your face.
I wanted to run so far away.

I felt that I was in love with you.
I love so full of warmth and grace.
But I couldn't stay.

I dreamed that you were here.
That I was safe and sound.
I wanted nothing but to have you.

I couldn't help but want you near.
You made me feel alive, my heart started to pound.
But then I awoke, and all I could see was the morning sky so blue.





Tuesday Night Music Club

Sorry I have written in so long I have been very sick.

I have an infection in one of my teeth and my jaw bone. I am doing better though. I have been on medication for a few days, it makes me very tired and very nausiated but I am feeling better none the less!

When I have more strength I shall write more for yous guys!

Until then....

Tuesday Night Music Club

The Tuesday Night Music Club is an amazing album by Cheryl Crow.

WELL guys I am truly sorry for not writing in so long but I have been really sick. I have been sick for a while actually. I have been getting really bad headaches for the past year and a half. And finally it got so bad about two weeks ago that I wasn't going to work or even going out. I think I went out only a few times because I wasn't feeling that bad. Well last week I got so sick that I had to go to the doctor. And he told me that I needed to go to the dentist because he thought that I probably had something wrong with one of my teeth. So I went to the dentist and he sent me to the endodontist (the guy who removes teeth) to get my tooth fixed. But they discovered that I have a massive infection in my mouth and my jaw bone. So now I am on like fifty million medications that are all making me feel like puking 24/7 and making me very tired. The dentist told me that if I had waited any longer I could have got so sick that I could have died. ISN'T THAT SCARY?? Well I am doing better now and I am finally back to work. I should be up to full strength in a couple weeks.

Well anyways, nothing else has happened. Dj turned out to be less tha desirable and now I have no one really. But I have been talking to the ex-boyfriend. So who knows where that will go.

Sorry for taking so long. I shall write more later. PUSA <3

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