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Owako.mallo o meni..wolim:- Osobe…ne mogu wjerowati da postoje, ali postoje…znam par primjera…=)
-sladoled zimi…mmm…kako je to ugodan osjechai, samo shto ga je jaaako teshko nachi zimi…=(
-glazbu…nezz shto bih bez nje….Linkin Park, Simple Plan, Fall Out Boy, Blink 182…iss…owisna sam o tome..
-powrche…da, WEGETARIJANKA SAM…nezz zkj to ljudima smeta… pa shto ako ne jedem meso? Hm? Kakaw je to problem u zadnje wrieme postao? I moram li imat neki razlog zashto sam to postala? Ne moram…toe smao moi problem, ne wash…
-Megich….dushu dala za njega.. Sladoled, pomfrit, colaaa, razne pitice, tortice itd., itd., itd. …Zadnji komentar= MMMmmmm….
-shminku… Obozhawam ju…wolim se shminkati i wolim druge shminkati…o daaa…
-fotografiju…umjetnichki tip sam….shta mogu? Zato i wolim likowni…=)
-zimu…omg…preselila bih se na Aljasku, tamo je wjechiti snieg….toooo…=)
-emache…iss…kako su preeeslatkiii…..omggggg……<3<3<3
-indigo stil, opchenito…ajme…nezz kai bih bila da nisam indigo..
-MOJE FRENDOWE…kako was woliiim……<3<3<3<3…swe do jednog…=)
-swoi mobiteeel…nezz kai bih bez njega…xDD…
-swou mamu….ajuuuj..tu bih se mogla raspisati…koliko ta zhena ima energije, wolje i zhelje…ajuuj…sad mi se plache…nezz kai bih bez nje…
-iskrene osobe…koe ne muljaju…ne lazhu…a takwi su rietki…
-posebne osobe…koe nisu obichne, wech koe imaju swoi staw, koe izgledaju ili se ponashaju drugachie od ostalih…obozhawam takwe osobe…<3

A mrzim…: -licemjere…ubila bih ih swe…>=(
-jednu osobu…iz dna dushe…zowem tu osobu Zlo…jer je…utjelowljenje zla….fuj…
-ljeto…prezirem iz dna dushe…stalno je toplo, sparno…dosadno i usamljeno…fuuuj…MRZIM LJETOOO….arghhh
-sebe..tu nechu puno pisati…nemam wishe shta rechi…MRZIM SE…
-kurwe…tj. cure koe se tako ponashaju i oblache..zhiwot mi se zgadi kad ih widim…
-wannabe ljude koi ne znaju gdje im je mjesto, wech se pretwaraju da su neshto shto nisu…takaw je swaki drugi…fuj…bljak….(isprichawam se, idem se zbljuwati…xD)
-loshe odjewene ljude…tj., ne toliko takwe ljude, wech one koi se ne znaju obuchi u skladu sa swoim godinama i izgledom…najzheshchi su mi oni koi imaju ochito wishka kila, a oblache broi manje hlache ili josh gore, mrshawe cure koe misle da izgledaju taaaako super u onim poluprozirnim bijelim hlachama, sa CRNIM tangama koe wire…issseee…daj se ubite, PREKLINJEM WAS….
-i josh par stwari, all ne zhelim sad o tome…xD..no offense…

O meni...=)

Sad mallo o meni:
Ja sam slomljeno, neshwacheno, ljuto, self-hating biche koe se ne mozhe podnijeti…TRAZHIM: osobu koa che me podnijeti…i woljeti..onakwu kakwa jesam…A takwog nema…chak i da ima, ja sam preslijepa da ga widim… Umjetnichka sam dusha…wolim pisati, crtati, chitati…izrazhawati se na swakakwe nachine..ne wolim se isticati…nikako…radie zashutim nego da iem se buniti ill nesht josh gore…All ne wolim kad mi neko sere po glawi…onda se bunim i grizem, tuchem, pljujem i pitai Boga shto wishe ne…
Najdrazha mie knjiga: „Lovac u žitu“…J.D.Salinger…lik je legenda…nezz kako netko mozhe napisati takwu knjigu koa ME TOLIKO DOBRO OPISUJE…ne mogu wjerowati…kao da me lik poznawao, premda je napisana prie nego sam se rodila…
Najdrazha boja mie crna…kad mie takwa dusha…wolim i ljubichastu i zelenu…hehe…
Najwishe wolim ENGLESKI…obozhawam ga….fkt ga wolim..jaaaaako…
Iem u Opchu gimnaziju u Dugo Selo…i ok mie… Premda bih promienila par stwari, all nea weze…
Josh mallo pa chu napuniti 17 godina…o Bozhe….
INDIGO sam…nishta wishe…
I wegetarijanka sam…=)…bez posebnog razloga…

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petak, 03.08.2007.


Kako ste mi blogeri? Sad je 21:16h i ja pišem blog. Htjela sam nadopuniti s još nekoliko pjesama Linkin Parka, mislim, ako to vama ne smeta(mislim da vam neće smetati!!!)

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Bleed It Out

[Mike Shinoda]

Yea here we go for the hundredth time,
Hand grenade pins in every line,
Throw 'em up and let something shine.
Going out of my fucking mind.
Filthy mouth, no excuse.
Find a new place to hang this noose.
String me up from atop these roofs.
Knot it tight so I won't get loose.
Truth is you can stop and stare,
Run myself out and no one cares.
Dug a trench out, laid down there
With a shovel up out to reach somewhere.
Yea someone pour it in,
Make it a dirt dance floor again.
Say your prayers and stomp it out,
When they bring that chorus in.

[Chester Bennington]

I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away.

[Mike Shinoda]

I bleed it out.
Go, stop the show.
Chop your words in a sloppy flow.
Shotgun I pump, lock and load,
Cock it back and then watch it go.
Mama help me, I've been cursed,
Death is rolling in every verse.
Candypaint on his brand new hearse.
Can't contain him, he knows he works.
I hope this hurts, I won't mind.
Doesn't matter how hard I try.

Half the words don't mean a thing,
And I know that I won't be satisfied.
So why, try ignoring him.
Make your dirt dance floor again.
Say your prayers and stomp it out,
When they bring that chorus in.

[Chester Bennington]

I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away.

I bleed it out.
I've opened up these skies,
I'll make you face this.
I pulled myself so far,
I'll make you face this now.

I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away.

I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away.
I bleed it out,
Digging deeper just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away,
Just to throw it away.

I bleed it out. [3X]


Crawling in my skin
These wounds, they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real

There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
Consuming, confusing
This lack of self control I fear is never ending

I can't seem
To find myself again
My walls are closing in
(Without a sense of confidence I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
So insecure

Discomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon me
Distracting, reacting
Against my will I stand beside my own reflection
It's haunting how I can't seem...

To find myself again
My walls are closing in
(Without a sense of confidence I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
So insecure

Chorus (Repeat until end)

There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
Consuming, confusing
This lack of self control I fear is never ending
Controlling (Whispered during chorus)

One Step closer

I cannot take this anymore
I'm saying everything I've said before
All these words they make no sense
I find bliss in ignorance
Less I hear the less you'll say
But you'll find that out anyway
Just like before...

Everything you say to me
Takes me one step closer to the edge
And I'm about to break
I need a little room to breathe
Cause I'm one step closer to the edge
And I'm about to break

I find the answers aren't so clear
Wish I could find a way to disappear
All these thoughts they make no sense
I find bliss in ignorance
Nothing seems to go away
Over and over again

shut up when I'm talking to you

What I´ve Done

In this farewell,
There’s no blood,
There’s no alibi.
‘Cause I’ve drawn regret,
From the truth,
Of a thousand lies.

So let mercy come,
And wash away…

What I’ve Done.
I’ll face myself,
To cross out what I’ve become.
Erase myself,
And let go of what I've done.

Put to rest,
What you thought of me.
While I clean this slate,
With the hands,
Of uncertainty.

So let mercy come,
And wash away…

What I’ve Done.
I’ll face myself,
To cross out what I’ve become.
Erase myself,
And let go of what I've done.

For What I’ve Done

I start again,
And whatever pain may come.
Today this ends,
I’m forgiving what I’ve done.

I’ll face myself,
To cross out what I’ve become.
Erase myself,
And let go of what I’ve done.
(Na na na na, na na na na, na na na na, na na na na)
What I’ve done.

Forgivďng What I’ve Done.
(Na na na na, na na na na, na na na na, na na na na)

Dakle, dragi moji, opet ponavljam, ako trebate koji tekst ili neku slikicu, samo ostavite komentar i ja ću to (samo za vas) objaviti!!! Pjesmu Bleed It Out (njen tekst) posvećujem mojoj frendici/blogerici Antoniji!!! Ponovno ću pisati blog nakon Velike Gospe, jer se kući vraćam 16.8.!!!
P.S. Sretan ročkas Mare!!!

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