
nedjelja, 23.06.2013.

Thor u žitu

Malo što je toliko lijepo kao tamno nebo iznad žitnih polja netom prije oluje . Bilo bi ironično da munja udari direktno u mjolnir oko vrata dok se skrivam u već spomenutom žitu jer ne volim ljude. Na putu kući nebo se napokon slomilo i plaće jer je cijeli dan prisiljeno gledati u ljude. Ne pridružujem mu se. Dosta mi je plakanja. ˝Ostali ljudi nose kišobran.˝ - komentira majka kada dođem doma mokre kose. Tada tek shvaćam da ona nikada neće shvatiti da ja nisam ˝ostali˝ s kojima me uspoređuje otkada znam za sebe. Danas je jedan od onih dana kada mi se naglo posloži slagalica u glavi i sve dođe na mjesto jer nemam pametnijeg posla nego šetkarati silnim dimenzijama brojnih svjetova u mom umu. Izvrtavam događaje, shvaćam ljude, svoje postupke. Tek kada shvatim mogu pustiti te događaje na miru i osjećati se poput detektiva koji je riješio slučaj i biti mirna dokle se onaj poznat nemir opet ne uvuče u moj svemir i započne novi krug .

23.06.2013. u 20:57 • 10 KomentaraPrint#

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I used to live in a room full of mirrors,all I could see was me

“It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace.”

Where I'm from, time doesn't exist
Seconds turn into hours,
Years are made of short moments that have already flown away
And our deceptive words are replaced
By music and the colours
That drift like perfumes in the amber air

Are these people real or just ghosts in the wind?

People once believed that when someone dies
a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead…
…But sometimes something so bad happens
that a terrible sadness is carried and the soul can’t rest
then sometimes, just sometimes,
the crow can bring that soul back
to put the WRONG things RIGHT…

Znam da ponekad ostavljam mizantropski dojam ali zapravo imam potrebu pomagati ljudima makar ih ne poznajem i ako ne odgovorim na komentare nije ništa osobno nego mi se jednostavno ne priča ni sa kime ...kasnije ću već odgovoriti ;) I znam da mi naslovi često nisu povezani s tekstom. To ionako napišem prvo što mi pada na pamet. Ne treba se uzrujavati. :)

Woke up to another day in this hellhole.
My mind fucks up my soul.
Sitting in this rubber cell of mine
With nothing sharp whatsoever.
But the mind is as good as any knife
That cuts to the bone.

I don't know what has happened to me
Or how I've sunk so low
I'm trying not to look back
Trying not to remember
I'm sober today
And it's raining again

“Written on Eve’s grave by Adam: “Wherever she was, there was Eden.””

“I hope there are days when you fall in love with being alive.”
— Anonymous

"In the end, we are all alone. It’s not who loves you, but who you love and you’ll always have that whether that love was reciprocated or not. In the meantime we live this bleak life and modern times of grey skies and electric light. We wait. We pass the time. We listen to music."
-David Gold.

“Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just … start.”
— Ijeoma Umebinyuo