

Dodaj komentar (7)


  • bollywood

    a sta je s mazurkom?


    18.07.2006. (22:08)    -   -   -   -  

  • radja

    čitajuči tvoj blog čovik ima više koristi, prvo dobro se nasmije i onda još i obnovi znanje engleskog.
    kad se budeš vraća oćemo votku, naznam kako se zove ali pije se sa sokom od jabuke.
    znam da je maja donila jednom kad je išla mislim u poljsku i da smo se svi kolektivno oblejali pa je tulum bija poprilično uspješan,ha,ha,ha.

    stoj dobro i pusti nostalgiju na miru, gledaj poljakinje i bit će ti odma bolje


    26.07.2006. (08:35)    -   -   -   -  

  • kacha

    it doesn't really require a lot of wisdom to be right when I say that you (or anyone else) would get tired after living at the pace you've been living for two months :-))
    glad to see you're having so much fun; your pictures are great.
    p.s. you are coming back, right? :-)


    31.07.2006. (12:43)    -   -   -   -  


    Kakve su te druge praktikatnice?

    Oce bit sta?;)


    31.07.2006. (14:52)    -   -   -   -  

  • Vedran

    Nikolina-sve od azre ide u poljskoj :P para zvucnike non stop...mazurku cak i mozda posjetim lsjedeci vikend :P
    Radja-drago mi je da si pronasla toliko koristi od citanja mog bloga :) ni sam nisan zna da te toliko veseli :D buden nastavia :))) votka stize s menom :P tribat ce mi vise od jedne boce bojim se :))) hehe
    kacho-we all know how much u like to hear that you are right and i think u deserve to hear it every once and a while :) am i coming back? .... :) heheeh...never say never :D
    Tabache :P - znas i sam da takve stvari ne idu u javnost :D za socne detalje obratite se na mejl :))) heheh ;P


    05.08.2006. (13:23)    -   -   -   -  

  • Bronik

    You were tired!!! No! Vedran, tell the true! You liked took the pictures coze u had very nice models! Do u rememberthat it was u how said it?
    About sking jump (it call Skocnia) I just gave u opportunity and u took it! So... :D
    Have a nice evening


    08.08.2006. (18:57)    -   -   -   -  

  • Vedran

    i didn't said i was tired...i said i tried (to try) :P eh eh Ira...learn learn learn...but definitly i liked taking those pics with nice models in front of me....don't get big headed now pls :D and thanks for challening us :)))) don't stop...


    14.08.2006. (12:21)    -   -   -   -  
