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17.04.2006., ponedjeljak

O mojoj njadražoj grupi

Image Hosted by The Dirty Dozen (D12) are 6 emcees from Detroit, Michigan. These emcees are Eminem, Proof, Bizarre, Swift, Kuniva and the Kon Artis. Each one of them has an alter ego, making 12 members or a dozen (D12). According to Bizarre, it was Proof who came up with the concept while they were in a car together driving back from New York. Proof said he had an idea for a rap group in which each member had an alter ego. Both, Eminem and Kon Artis are producers, but Eminem mainly raps and Kon Artis mainly produces.

Eminem had already established himself as a hip-hop star with two multi platinum albums ('The Slim Shady LP' and 'The Marshall mathers LP'). Before Bizarre signed to Shady Records, he had an EP released on Federation Records called 'Attack Of The Weirdos'.
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Bizarre and Eminem are also part of the New Jersey's 'The Outsidaz'. Other members of 'The Outsidaz' are Pacewon and Young Zee. Kon Artis has produced some of the tracks on the 'Infinite' album (Eminem's first album) and on records of other Detroit Underground artists. Kuniva and Kon Artis are in a group called 'Da Brigade'. 'Da Brigade' has an unreleased EP out. Proof has been in a group called '5 Ela' and appears on their unreleased EP. 'Thyme, another member of '5 Ela' also appears on Eminem's 'Infinite' on a track called, 'Open Mic'. Swift joined D12 in 1999 after Bugz died R.I.P. Swift was in a group called 'Rabeez With Baredda'.

After the Dirty Dozen came together they were recording eight-tracks in Eminem's basment. The Dirty Dozen have an EP out that everybody calls 'The Underground EP'. The album features 10 tracks.

They were signed with 'Re-Al Entertainment' but stopped the contract to sign to Eminem's records label 'Shady Records', (part of Intrescope Records). Apparently Re-Al has the unreleased D12 tracks locked up in their vaults and plans to release them in the near future from the D12 record on 'Shady Records'.

The line-up wasn't always the same. Members that left are Eye-Kyu (IQ) and Undetaka amongst others. Eye-Kyu has also been in a group called SLS. Some sources say Fuzz was also a D12 member in the past.

Bugz R.I.P, was one of the group founders. He was killed on May 21 in 1999 and just turned 21, he was involved in a fight and was shot twice and run over. To read an article on this click here.

D12 have now currently finished their debut album which will be released on June 18th and June 19th. The album features 18 tracks, in which Dr Dre has produced 4 of them. The album also features a bonus disc, albums sold outside of the US all feature this disc, the US do not get the disc.Image Hosted by
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Me,me and me: Nick mi je Silva (skraćena verzija mog imena), živim u Slobi (Novi Zagreb) ,Sloba je jedan od najboljih kvartova. Idem (ak prođem popravni u 2.c razred 1. TEH. ŠKOLE NIKOLA TESLA). Prije sam trenirao karate, košarku i nogomet sad više ne. Od mjuze slušam Rap i Grunge (2PAC, Onyx, Wu-Tang, Nirvana, Snoop Dogg (uglavno west side osim Wu-Tanga i Onyxa). Ljudi bez kojih nebi mogao postojati: Slave( jedan od best frendova, bet njega nebi mogao), Kyle ( isto ko i Slave) , Nino (metalac, super frend) , Stipan(aboriđin, mali gangsta, volim istu mjuzu), Borna(best frend iz razreda), Zvonko( uvijek ima para za posudit), Ftčja( gadne provale), Kvrga( best sale's man), a od cura: Ltonija( ljupka mlada cura iz kvarta, super frendica), Bouca( hot young lady), Daphne( uvijek ti da), Šiprakica( naša mala Šakira), Baša( best frendica koju nisam vidio od kraja godine, fakat mi fali)....( kog nisam spomenu, sorry don't be mad). Volim: nogomet, rap, grunge, guns, dobbie, alkohol, cure, izležavanje, izlaske van, pomoć nekome, a posebno volim PIVU al to spada pod alkohol. Ne volim: umišljene ljude, pop, narodnjake, ljude koji izigravaju face, drogu, kad mi neko sere a ja znam da sam u pravu i još dosta toga al mi se nade pisat. Najdraži film mi je 8Mile i Mrs. and Mr. Smith, Najdraže tri pjesme su mi: Ghost od 2PACA, Drain You od Nirvane i Blitzkrieg Bop od Ramonesa). Najdraže jelo su mi čevapi, a piće naravno piva.

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