Kaliel:Tears of the Fallen

30.01.2006., ponedjeljak

The Soulmate Principle

ojla! eto mene... *woohoo* *derrr* nisam mogo smislit nista pametno pa odlucih pisat nesto o "Srodnim Dusama".. znam da se mnogima od te teme riga..al meni osobno kad pogledas sa neko (re)inkarnacijskog gledista tema je full zanimljiva..
Neko osnovno rasclanjenje srodnih dusa je na KARMICKE, DHARMICKE i tzv TWIN FLAME! Nisu svi pojmovi o srodnim dusama vezani nuzno uz "savrsenu ljubav"(Agape) ili pak onu koja ukljucuje sexualnu privlacnost (eros), vec cesto ukljucuje onu bratsko/prijateljsku (filio).
Anyaway: Karmicki soulmate-i su najcesce duse sa kojima se zajedno inkarniramo kako bi razrijesili neku barijeru iz proslog zivota ili zajedno postigli neki cilj koji ranije nismo uspijeli..ili pak kako bismo toj srodnoj dusi (ili oni nama) nesto oprostili--i to je btw cijela poanta Karmicke srodne duse..sve se bazira na oprost!!! *phew*
-sa druge strane..Dharmicke su nam srodne duse, oni ljudi s kojima od prve "kliknemo" iz neobjasnjivih razloga i postajemo bliski prijatelji.. To nam je takoreci "soulmate support system"- osobe koje su vam stalni pratioci i podrska..
- a sad da predem na ono sto nas ipak sve najvise zanima srodne duse iz Platonove teorije o istome...a to su TWIN FLAMES! To je onaj tip duse koji obihvaca sve prije navedeno, plus sve ostalo cemu u ljubavi, zivotu i svemiru mozete teziti. Twin flames su Alpha srodne duse. Duse koje u zajednistvu tvore vise bice, i posezu za visim ciljem-tako ispunjavajuci svoju sudbinu. Jednom mi je na tu temu jedno vrlo mudro bice reklo: "Za one koje su Twin flames, kada su zajedno, vrijede sasvim dugacije pravila od onih ustaljenih unutar "granica" kozmosa, zato sto takve dvije duse tvore svoj vlastiti svemir. Mjesto koje nije mjesto, gdje vrijeme nije vrijeme. Gdje se noc i dan pojavljuju samo kako bi se klanjali uzvisenosti jedne takve ljubavi. Jedino sto se ocekuje od takvih Srodnih Dusa je da stuju jedno drugo, kao sto stuju Najvise Bice!"
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M.L.F. Hvala ti na ovom!!! Ac Aisna!
- 17:39 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

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bits corner

"I am locked within the Ebony Tower of my Soul..
where is your love,the garden of Magic-where
I Sleep safe?!"
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"Mor e arroun"
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"Free to Fly,save the nail in my Wing,
Free to act,but there is no will,
Labeled insane by maddened minds,
Finally at the beginning, free
to make my journey's end!"
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"We Love not with our Eyes, but
The Sight in our Hearts.."
-Hierophant of Gaia
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"Come away o human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand
For the world's more full of weeping
than you can understand.."
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"Faith had me believing in one such as you
A vision in white,possesed of an angelic face
Even the faithless crave the kiss of
the face which has eyes only for Heaven
The living monument of love with an unbeating

Beyond the wicked flesh, torn assunder
by my primal cry, for your body of stars.
Always one step apart from my longing touch,
curse my body, damned be my form of clay,
for you are water and I cannot touch!

Avert your eyes & heart towards my burning blood
but what cares ice for fire?
How I wish to melt you with my hellish touch...
What must be done to make an angel mine?
Curse your wing, your form of clouds
For you are air and I cannot touch!

To kiss your distant face I must die,
lie in your bed of lilies and let go.
Catch me as I fall into the night
quench my fear and seal it with a kiss.
Curse all else, damned be their forms of clay,
For we are stardust, and at last with
love in death's embrace..We can touch..."

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"Breath deep and fill
your lungs with stars;
pray to the summer rain,
hope it will erase your scars.."
-Lady of Arcadia
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"...all alone, in a disshelved life,
lies my broken heart.
I tread now on the roads of insanity,
abandoned by the soundness of mind..
I hear not my voice,but the distant whisper
of past mistakes..
I remember nothing, except the
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Words o' the Wise

"The only existing things are atoms and empty space-all else is mere opinion!"
-Democritus of Abdera
"The course of true love never did run smooth!"
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