Sva bogatstva svijeta varljivi su sjaj. Zemlja je početak, zemlja nam je kraj.

subota, 12.08.2006.

Pravedni odmor Justinijana

Primio sam već nekoliko upita od vjernih čitatelja mog bloga, željnih daljnjih postova.

Strpite se.

Justinijan se zasluženo odmara.

Nalazim se u Gorskom Kotaru, u mom omiljenom planinskom zamku.

Dani su prekrasni, noći još ljepše. Pogled na nepreglednu šumu, hladna jezera i planinske vrhove ispunjava dušu smirenošću.

Kada nisam u prirodi, provodim dosta vremena čitajući. Kada poželim, s najvišeg tornja mog zamka promatram ljude poput orla sa hridine. Volim kad moj namršteni pogled rastjera ljude koji se nađu ispred mog zamka.

Kreativnost se ne može naručiti. Strpite se. Imat ćete postove koje tražite.

A vjerujem da će se neki od vas naći prosvijetljeni, potreseni ili povrijeđeni mojim budućim postovima.

Zato i postoji ovaj blog.

Sada me ispričajte. Skupilo se nešto ljudi ispred mog zamka, idem na njih baciti jedan zlokoban pogled.

12.08.2006. u 00:33 • 5 KomentaraPrint#

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U potrazi za smislom života

While the sun hangs in the sky and the desert has sand
While the waves crash in the sea and meet the land
While there's a wind and the stars and the rainbow
Till the mountains crumble into the plain

Oh yes, we'll keep on trying
Tread that fine line
Oh, we'll keep on trying
Just passing our time

While we live according to race, colour or creed
While we rule by blind madness and pure greed
Our lives dictated by tradition, superstition, false religion
Through the eons and on and on

Oh, yes, we'll keep on trying, yeah
We'll tread that fine line
Oh oh we'll keep on trying
Till the end of time
Till the end of time

Through the sorrow all through our splendour
Don't take offence at my innuendo

You can be anything you want to be
Just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be
Be free with your tempo, be free, be free
Surrender your ego - be free, be free to yourself

If there's a God or any kind of justice under the sky
If there's a point, if there's a reason to live or die
Ha, if there's an answer to the questions we feel bound to ask
Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask
Oh yes, we'll keep on trying
Hey, tread that fine line

We'll keep on smiling

And whatever will be - will be
We'll just keep on trying
We'll just keep on trying
Till the end of time

Till the end of time
Till the end of time

(Queen, Innuendo)