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(nije valjda tako teško....

potpiši se u moju
knjigu gostiju...=)

malo promjene... =)
glazba koja sad svira na
mom blogu je:::::::::::::::
Good Charlotte
--> The River<--
Free Music

Free Music

Free Music

x...khm..my favourite links...x
Green Day.com
Green Day.net
the green day authority

TaNja & NaTaLi


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green day:::::

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datum rođenja:17.2.1972.
gitarist i pjevač green day-a
ima ženu Adrienne i 2 sina-Joseph Marciano i Jacob Danger

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pravo ime:Michael Pritchard
datum rođenja:4.5.1972.
basist green day-a
ima kćer-Estelle Desiree

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pravo ime:Frank Edwin Wright III
datum rođenja:9.12.1972.
bubnjar green day-a
ima kćer-Ramona

x...AbOuT Me...x

prezime:ehh..ne znam..lud
datum rođenja:28.09.1993.
grad: Rijeka
-->Blink 182
-->Avril Lavigne
-->Good Charlotte
-->The Ramones
-->Fall Out Boy
naj-pjesme: Working Class Hero,Jesus Of Suburbia,Wake Me Up When September Ends,King For A Day,Good Riddance(Time Of Your Life)......itd...ma sveeee od Green Day-a su mi naaaaajbolje...
Green Day!!!!!!!!cerek
Billie-a Joe-a......!!!!!!
svoj blog
my family
svoju sobu
svoje pse--> 2 maltezera
.....& other shit
ne volim(mrzim):burninmad
školu i sve što je vezano uz tu ludnicu..hihihiburninmadheadbangmadpuknucu
umišljene ljude.....
i hate adrienne armstrong...
....&other shitblabla
naj-boja: crna...!!! crvena,bijela....itd...!
naj-hrana&piće: čokolada..hehe...i coca-cola
moja najveća želja: otići na koncert od green day-a,upoznat ih,i da mi billie joe na koncertu da ruku,kao šta daje fanovima u prvom redu....ahhhhh....i još svašta..a-ha...nitko ne zna šta je moja najveća želja...=)

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hehe...=) sorry vale

petak, 30.03.2007.

sOmEtHiNg VeRy FuNnY fRoM mY fUcKiNg ScHoOl:::it's about VALENTINA VRLIĆ and MATEJ ŽMIRIĆ!!!!!!!!

green day....

danas sam ja žmiriću rekla:di ti je valentina....on rekao da ne zna....ja mu rekla da je dolje u fizici(inače je to učionica tehn.ali mi tamo imamo i tehnički i fiziku)....ali možda i nije....možda je u wc-u....on neš' pričao i smijao se......i ja mu još rekla da ju može vidjet zaglavljenu u wc školjci......smijeh

poslije škole....valentina već krenula kući.....ja se derala:žmiriću,žmiriću...evo ti tamo valentina,trči za njom....on je njoj rekao:ljubavi....mi se svi počeli smijat....i trči vale prema školi...izgledalo je ko da je trčala prema njemu.....i poslije još veći smijeh....vidjeli mi slike od 8.a....-1.razred-1.a....hahahahahahahahahahaha...ja se danas cijeeeeliii dan smijem....i nije to sve....kad smo imali fiziku...ušao kiki bombon...ja se zaderala:joooj,kiki bombon.......blablabla....i nije bilo škalamere....smijehwink vale...sorry,al'ovo je sve istina....

|x..koMeNtiRaJ..x 0| x..PRiNtaJ..bAš Me bRiGa..x| #|

petak, 16.03.2007.

evo,ljudi....ja opet promijenila dizajn....ovaj green day dizajn mi je ljepši nego onaj prije...pa..evo...
btw.danas sam iz kemije-5min.ispit-dobila 4...a 4 je bila najbolja ocjena-nitko nije dobio 5...........

|x..koMeNtiRaJ..x 0| x..PRiNtaJ..bAš Me bRiGa..x| #|

četvrtak, 15.03.2007.

jučer je mojoj sestrični bio rođendan(2.)....bilo je super...a evo vam još i video warning i church on sunday(live),ali warning nije live...



|x..koMeNtiRaJ..x 0| x..PRiNtaJ..bAš Me bRiGa..x| #|

srijeda, 14.03.2007.

my best live videos-green day

tu billie joe nešto prvo govori(i say....)a poslije zabije ruku u hlače,počne se drkat i na kraju kaže:SOMEBODY FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!


AMERICAN IDIOT live-meni najbolji video


HOMECOMING live-obavezno pogledajte,jer negdje 'na početku' pjesme se billie joe raspizdi i počne psovat

tu se billie joe drka OBAVEZNO POGLEDAJTE...

|x..koMeNtiRaJ..x 1| x..PRiNtaJ..bAš Me bRiGa..x| #|

srijeda, 07.03.2007.

tihana:hvala na komentarima.....
green day će biti u filmu ''The Simpsons Movie'' koji će u kinima biti 27.srpnja......
danas u školi nije bilo injacke.....super...
pisali smo ispit iz zemlj.-bio je lagan...............ne da mi se više pisat!!!!!!!party

|x..koMeNtiRaJ..x 1| x..PRiNtaJ..bAš Me bRiGa..x| #|

utorak, 06.03.2007.

školska sranja.....

jučer je u školi bilo strašno...nažalost morali smo imat popodne školu,jer su ujutro bila valjda neka natjecanja...šta ja znam....nije nam bilo razrednice....pa super...
something terrible::::na malom odmoru:::majmuni iz muškog wc-a su prskali nas u ženskom wc-u,ja popizdila....uzela one papire za brisat ruke...i gađala ih,i onda su se i oni počeli gađat.....wc je izgledao strašno!!!!!!
poslije je mene koza ''učiteljicaaaaa karabajiiiić''madmadmadmad poslala da odem to počistit.....puknucupuknucuburninmad
a šta ćeš!!!!headbangpuknucumadburninmad
mi u razredu imamo foru:::::
život je takav
škalamera je dlakav
da dlakaviji ne može bit
injacku ćemo ubit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smijehbang

|x..koMeNtiRaJ..x 10| x..PRiNtaJ..bAš Me bRiGa..x| #|

pa....evo mojih naj-pjesama od green day-a

"Jesus Of Suburbia"

[Part 1]

I'm the son of rage and love
The Jesus of Suburbia
From the bible of none of the above
On a steady diet of soda pop and Ritalin
No one ever died for my sins in hell
As far as I can tell
At least the ones I got away with

And there's nothing wrong with me
This is how I'm supposed to be
In a land of make believe
That don't believe in me

Get my television fix sitting on my crucifix
The living room or my private womb
While the moms and brads are away
To fall in love and fall in debt
To alcohol and cigarettes and Mary Jane
To keep me insane and doing someone else's cocaine

And there's nothing wrong with me
This is how I'm supposed to be
In a land of make believe
That don't believe in me

[Part 2: City Of The Damned]

At the center of the Earth
In the parking lot
Of the 7-11 where I was taught
The motto was just a lie
It says home is where your heart is
But what a shame
Cause everyone's heart
Doesn't beat the same
It's beating out of time

City of the dead
At the end of another lost highway
Signs misleading to nowhere
City of the damned
Lost children with dirty faces today
No one really seems to care

I read the graffiti
In the bathroom stall
Like the holy scriptures of a shopping mall
And so it seemed to confess
It didn't say much
But it only confirmed that
The center of the earth
Is the end of the world
And I could really care less

City of the dead
At the end of another lost highway
Signs misleading to nowhere
City of the damned
Lost children with dirty faces today
No one really seems to careeeeee

[Part 3: I don't care]

I don't care if you don't
I don't care if you don't
I don't care if you don't care

I don't careeeeeeeeee

Everyone is so full of shit
Born and raised by hypocrites
Hearts recycled but never saved
From the cradle to the grave
We are the kids of war and peace
From Anaheim to the middle east
We are the stories and disciples
Of the Jesus of suburbia
Land of make believe
That don't believe in me
Land of make believe
And I don't believe
And I don't care!
I don't care! [x4]

[Part 4: Dearly beloved]

Dearly beloved are you listening?
I can't remember a word that you were saying
Are we demented or am I disturbed?
The space that's in between insane and insecure
Oh therapy, can you please fill the void?
Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed
Nobody's perfect and I stand accused
For lack of a better word, and that's my best excuse

[Part 5: Tales of another broken home]

To live and not to breathe
Is to die In tragedy
To run, to run away
To find what you believe
And I leave behind
This hurricane of fucking lies
I lost my faith to this
This town that don't exist

So I run
I run away
To the light of masochist
And I leave behind
This hurricane of fucking lies
And I walked this line
A million and one fucking times
But not this time

I don't feel any shame
I won't apologize

When there ain't nowhere you can go
Running away from pain
When you've been victimized
Tales from another broken home

You're leaving...
You're leaving...
You're leaving...
Ah you're leaving home...

"St. Jimmy"

St. Jimmy's comin' down across the alleyway
Up on the boulevard like a zip gun on parade
Light of a silhouette
He's insubordinate
Coming at you on the count of 1,2,1,2,3,4!

My name is Jimmy and you better not wear it out
Suicide commando that your momma talked about
King of the forty thieves
And I'm here to represent
The needle in the vein of the establishment

I'm the patron saint of the denial
With an angel face and a taste for suicidal

Cigarettes and ramen and a little bag of dope
I am the son of a bitch and Edgar Allen Poe
Raised in the city under a halo of lights
The product of war and fear that we've been victimized

I'm the patron saint of the denial
With an angel face and a taste for suicidal


I'll give you something to cry about.


My name is St. Jimmy I'm a son of a gun
I'm the one that's from the way outside
I'm a teenage assassin executing some fun
In the cult of the life of crime.

I really hate to say it but I told you so
So shut your mouth before I shoot you down ol' boy
Welcome to the club and give me some blood
And the resident leader at the lost and found

It's comedy and tragedy
It's St. Jimmy
And that's my nameeeeeee... and don't wear it out!

"The Saints Are Coming"

There is a house in New Orleans, they call the Rising Sun
It's been the ruin of many a poor boy, and God, I know I'm one.

I cried to my daddy on the telephone,
how long now?
Until the clouds unroll and you come home,
the line went.
But the shadows still remain since your descent,
your descent.

I cried to my daddy on the telephone,
how long now?
Until the clouds unroll and you come home,
the line went.
But the shadows still remain since your descent,
your descent.

The saints are coming, the saints are coming.
I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply.
The saints are coming, the saints are coming.
I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply.

A drowning sorrow floods the deepest grief,
how long now?
Until the weather change condemns belief,
how long now?
When the night watchman lets in the thief
Whats wrong now?

The saints are coming, the saints are coming
I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply.
The saints are coming, the saints are coming
I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply.
I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply.
I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply.


This is a public service anouncement, this is only a test
Emergency evacuation protest
May Impair your ability to operate machinery
Can't quite tell just what it means to me
Keep out of reach of children, don't you talk to strangers
Get your philosophy from a bumper sticker

Warning. Live without warning
Warning. Live without warning
Without. Alright.

Better homes and safety-sealed communities
Did you remember to pay the utility?
Caution: Police line, you better not cross.
Is it the cop, or am I the one thats really dangerous?
Sanitation, expiration date, question everything.
Or shut up and be a victim of authority

Warning. Live without warning
Warning. Live without warning
Warning. Live without warning
Warning. Live without warning
Without. Alright.

Better homes and safety-sealed communities
Did you remember to pay the utility?
Caution: Police line, you better not cross.
Is it the cop, or am I the one that's really dangerous
Sanitation, expiration date, question everything.
Or shut up and be a victim of authority

Warning. Live without warning
Warning. Live without warning
Warning. Live without warning
Warning. Live without warning
This is a public service anouncement, this is only a test

"Church On Sunday"

Today is the first day of the rest
Of our lives
Tomorrow is too late to pretend
Everything's allright
I'm not getting any younger as long
As you don't get any older
I'm not going to state that yesterday never was

Bloodshot deadbeat and a lack of sleep
Making your mascara bleed
Tears down your face
Leaving traces of my mistakes

(When I say)
If I promise to go to church on Sunday
Will you go with me on Friday night?
If you live with me, I'll die for you
And this compromise

I hereby solemnly swear to tell
The whole truth
And nothing but the truth is what
I'll ever hear from you now
"Trust" is a dirty word that comes
Only from such a liar
But "respect" is something I will earn..
If you have faith

"Basket Case"

Do you have the time
To listen to me whine
About nothing and everything
All at once
I am one of those
Melodramatic fools
Neurotic to the bone
No doubt about it

Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up
Am I just paranoid?
Or I'm just stoned

I went to a shrink
To analyze my dreams
She says it's lack of sex
That's bringing me down
I went to a whore
He said my life's a bore
So quit my whining cause
It's bringing her down

Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up
Am I just paranoid?
Uh, yuh, yuh, ya

Grasping to control
So I better hold on

Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up
Am I just paranoid?
Or I'm just stoned

"Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)"

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth it was worth all the while

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

|x..koMeNtiRaJ..x 0| x..PRiNtaJ..bAš Me bRiGa..x| #|

ponedjeljak, 05.03.2007.

green day!!!!!!

burninmadpunk is the way of my life!!!!!!
ne da mi se sad pisat......ali ipak bar nešto(najbolje)::::::
GREEN DAY is the best punk-rock band on this f*****g world...........!!!!!!
billie joe & mike & tre cool 4ever!!!! green day
don't be an idiotheadbangpuknucumadburninmad

|x..koMeNtiRaJ..x 1| x..PRiNtaJ..bAš Me bRiGa..x| #|

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