body Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true body

.Danas kada padaju zvijezde šaljem ti posljednji zbogom.

Nekada kad mislim da sve znam, shvatim da ustvari ništa ne znam.
I kada mislim da neka veza još postoji, uvjerim se kako sam u krivu.
Kada mi kažu, ne vjerujem.
I bolje... Ionako je sve nestalo. Nema ničega.
Svaka riječ je postala tišina, a svaki pogled se zamaglio.
Kada šetam kvartom gdje sam sa tobom šetala, sve mi se čini daleko.
Sve i je daleko.
Ostaje glazba...

This is the end you know
Lady, the plans we had went all wrong
We ain't nothing but fight and shout and tears

Puno toga se promjenilo.
Mi smo se promjenili.
Više nismo oni isti ljudi koji su nekada savršeno funkcionirali, kao jedno.
Ti si se promjenio, ja sam se promjenila.
I sve što smo imali, više ne postoji.

We got to a point I can't stand
I've had it to the limit; I can't be your man
I ain't more than a minute away from walking

Sve se promjenilo.

Mene usrećuje šalica jutarnjeg kapučina i cigareta.

Zar me moraš kazniti zbog 5 minuta koje sam provela baš onako kako sam željela?

We can't cry the pain away
We can't find a need to stay
I slowly realized there's nothing on our side

Slažući si kockice u glavi, nisam mogla shvatit iz kojeg razloga sve završava tako. Čemu to ponašanje.
Sve se nekako razdvaja.
Iskreno, više me nije biga za ništa što ima veze sa tobom.

Out of my life, Out of my mind
Out of the tears tha we can?t deny
We need to swallow all our pride
And leave this mess behind
Out of my head, Out of my bed
Out of the dreams we had, they're bad
Tell them it's me who made you sad
Tell them the fairytale gone bad

Od sada smo stranci.
Udajeniji no ikada.
Dvoje ljudi koji se nikada nisu ni upoznali.

Another night and I bleed
They all make mistakes and so did we
But we did something we can never turn back right

Između nas je ništa.
Ni muk, ni zvuk.
Samo tišina.

Find a new one to fool
Leave and don't look back. I won't follow
We have nothing left. It's the end of our time

Neka tako i ostane.
To je najbolje za sve.
I to je ono što iskreno želim.

We can't cry the pain away
We can't find a need to stay
There's no more rabbits in my hat to make things right

Kada me vidiš na ulici okreni glavu.
Nemoj mi uputiti niti jednu riječ.
Samo nestani u mraku.
Kao da te nikada nije ni bilo.

Out of my life, Out of my mind
Out of the tears we can?t deny
We need to swallow all our pride
And leave *THIS mess behind
Out of my head, Out of my bed
Out of the dreams we had, they're bad

Izbrisati sjećanja?
Uspomene baciti u vjetar?

Tell them it's me who made you sad
Tell them the fairytale gone bad

Ovo je valjda moje zbogom tebi.

Ovo je ono što želim, ali ne osjećam.

Trudim se...

17.12.2007. | 19:04 | | 10 | Komentiraj

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dizajn :
patka dizajn

Treba nam jedna minuta
da primjetimo posebnu
osobu,jedan sat da ju
zavolimo,jedan dan da
se zaljubimo u nju a
poslije nam treba cijeli
jedan život
da ju zaboravimo.

Odlučio sam da te volim,
nadam se da ovo nije pjesma.
Odlučio sam da te volim i pustim prašinu
da živi dok je ne zaprosi vjetar i prenese preko praga,
od sada…

Da, sada gledam kroz tvoje oči ,
ti si nišan na licu moga anđela.

Oprosti mi što odlazim,
ja nikada ne ostajem.

Odlučio sam da te volim i onim čega se najviše bojim
– abortusom i atomskom bombom.

Ti i ja smo taoci visina,
sve dok se zemlja ne oduži oblacima,
bez imalo sebe …

Da, sada gledam kroz tvoje oči,
ti si nišan na licu moga anđela.
Oprosti i što odlazim,
ja nikad ne ostajem.

Ja znam... Da ćeš zauvijek biti samo pojava...

Jednom kad noć
Ukrade nebu
Sve što si voljela na njemu
Bit će ti žao, bit će ti žao
Što nisi tu,
Ruke pamte samo ljubav najbolju.

Jednom kad usne
Ne bude htjele
U stranicu utjehu tražiti,
Suze će srcu šapnuti da je pogriješilo
Gdje je jedno voljelo.

Kada tuga jednom
Na vrata dođe,
A samoća zaboli,
Hoćeš li moći ime moje
Sa usana svojih skloniti?

Bili smo jednom najbolji,
O nama su priče pričali.
I sada kad se sjetiš
Htjela bi vrijeme vratiti,
Poslije mene su ti lađe slomile
Bure i vjetrovi.

.maylin voli.
svoje prijatelje.spavati.životinje.
filmove.ex.kapučino od vanilije.
boje.starke.rozu boju.
čips od paprike.sunce.
smijati se.svoju obitelj.
biti djete.prugice.točkice.
čitati.svoje cimerice.sladoled.

.maylin ne voli.
biti u svađi sa nekim.
primitivne ljude.rano se buditi.
kad je gužva u tamvaju.presrasude.
nestanak božićnog duha.
kraš ekspres.kazne.kad joj starci seru.

.maylin bi željela.
biti nadarena.znati crtati.
svirat gitaru.pričat tečno strane jezike.
ne odrasti.ostati svoja.
proputovat svijet.bolji odnos sa starcima.
pomagati ljudima i životinjama.

.moji izbori.

>One tree hill
The O.C
Uvod u anatomijiu

The butterfly efeckt
Sivi kamion crvene boje
Zgodna žena
Mrtav ladan

Mi djeca sa kolodvora Zoo
Dnevnik jedne narkomanke
Princezini dnevnici

"People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain."
Jim Morrison

"Things aren`t that simple... I have reached the end of your book and there are so many questions that I need to ask you. Sometimes I am afraid of what you might tell me. Sometimes I am afraid this is not a work of fiction. I can only hope that the answers will come to me in my sleep. I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sign of relief, because there will be so much to look foward to... DONNIE DARKO.."


Were`re going to see the wizard, the wonderfull wizard of Oz...

…Some place where there isn`t any trouble. Do you suppose there is such a place, Toto? There must be. It`s not a place where you can get to by a boat or a train. It`s far, far away. Behind the moon. Beyond the rain…

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true

Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?
Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?

aRhIvA-sTaRi bLoG
CrNa DjEvOjČiCa
Za UpLoAd SlIkA

"Svi tvrde da postoji jedan svijet...
Ja tvrdim da postoje dva...
Jedan je moj,
a drugi dijelite kako hoćete..."

Jim Morrison

Rijetko se smiješ
i samo hladno govoriš
dal' nešto kriješ
od čega želiš pobjeći

ako čekaš ružnu riječ
od mene je nećeš dobiti
znam da ima načina
shvatit ću,samo reci mi

Da li me voliš,il' samo me razumiješ

Nervozno lupaš prstima
sve ti je na vrh jezika
skupi malo hrabrosti
reci i ja ću nestati

al' ako čekaš ružnu riječ
pa da pukneš kao grom
od mene je nećeš dobiti
shvatit ću,samo reci mi

Da li me voliš, il' samo me razumiješ
Gužva u 16-Ercu-Voljenje

K'o vrabac kišu predosetim
sapliće život da me podseti
da skoro će kraj da je šareni zmaj
jaci od konca mog srecnog detinjstva.

I ne bih nikad rekao frka
u praznom džepu kad zbuni se ruka
samo ti trepni kao da me razumeš
i cela priča imaće smisla.

Ne boli me kad se drugi nasmeju
šta oni znaju sem da laju i puze
ali me boli kad nemaš ideju
šta da mi sapnes kada naviru suze.

Boli me zulj u čizmi ludih skitnica
boli me muk svih onih napuštenih ružnih ulica
bole me rane koje samom sebi napravim
al' nekako najviše me boliš ti.

U gradu što se nikad neće zvati mojim
previše mislim, dakle jedva da postojim
makar me slaži da me stvarno razumeš
kad dirnem zvekir na grudima tvojim.

Ne boli me ni kad se drugi nasmeju
šta oni znaju sem da laju i puze
ali me boli kad nemaš ideju
šta da mi kazeš kada naviru suze.

Boli me žulj u čizmi ludih skitnica
boli me muk svih onih napuštenih ružnih ulica
bole me rane koje samom sebi napravim
al' nekako najviše me boliš ti.
Six Pack-Nekako najviše me boliš ti

Srebrni, srebrni snijeg
je zasuo ulicu
tragove, tragove odnose
vjetrovi zauvijek

Hladno je, zagrij mi ruke
sakrij me, da me ne vide
nedostaješ mi, mada te mrzim
voljet' htjela bih

Ponekad sanjam da
tu si kraj mene
i opet sam sama
ja ne zaslužujem strah

Ponekad vidim te kad
zaklopim oči i zamislim te
želim da bježim al'
na tebe podsjeća me

I prvi pu kao da zaista znam
da postoji sutra
da postoji dan kad
ćes doći i reći mi
ao, da ćeš doći i reći mi

Srebrni, srebrni snijeg
je zasuo ulicu
nedostaješ mi, mada te mrzim
voljet' htjela bih

Kad srce radi bim-a-bam
Sve drugo je manje važno
Ne želim pjevati, ne želim plesati
Kad srce radi bim-a-bam
Sve drugo je manje važno
Svaka fontana sreće premala za mene

Samo želim da si sa mnom ti
Svaki dan i svaki tren

Sjedim ispred Kino Zagreba
Svjetlo sja iz izloga
Trombociti u žilama
A tebe još nema
Znoje mi se dlanovi
Oko mene hrpa čikova
Gledam niz ulicu
Još nema te

Bim-a-bam za tebe
Hej, hej

Za tebe
Kud Idijoti-Za tebe

I couldn't tell you
why she felt that way
She felt it everyday
And I couldn't help her
I just watched her make
the same mistakes again

What's wrong, what's wrong now
Too many, too many problems
Dont know where she belongs
where she belongs.

She wants to go home
but nobody's home
Thats where she lies
broken inside
With no place to go
no place to go
to dry her eyes
Broken inside

Open your eyes
and look outside
Find the reason why
You've been rejected
and now you can't find
what you left behind

Be strong, be strong now
Too many, too many problems
Dont know where she belongs
where she belongs.

She wants to go home
but nobody's home
thats where she lies
broken inside
With no place to go
no place to go
to dry her eyes
Broken inside

Her feelings she hides
Her dreams she can't find
She's losing her mind
She's falling behind
She can't find her place
She's losing her faith
She's falling from grace
She's all over the place yeah

She wants to go home
but nobody's home
Thats where she lies
broken inside
With no place to go
no place to go to
dry her eyes
Broken inside

She's lost inside lost inside
She's lost inside lost inside
Nobody's home

Još jedan tužan dan
i sve podseća na san,
nek probudi me neko
ovo stvarno boli,
al nema nikoga
osim hladnog odjeka
i čudnog mirisa
u mojoj sobi.

I niko nije kriv
dali kriv sam sto sam živ
voleo bi samo da smo jednaki pred Bogom
u ljubav verujem,
možda i preterujem
možda trebalo je ranije da popričam sa tobom.

Da zajurim i strah
kako uplašiti mrak
moje oružje su olovke izlomljenog srca,
a prevarit ću sve
kad stavim cvikere
u grudima mi bomba sporije kuca.

Oči ko u psa
to sam kao novi ja
tužan bezvezan i veran svojim željama,
ali ne dodiruj dno
pazi bit će prekasno
ako čekanje me pretvori u nekog drugog.
Six Pack-Olovke izlomljenog srca

Gledao sam te sinoć. U snu. Tužnu. Mrtvu.
U dvorani kobnoj, u idili cvijeća,
Na visokom odru, u agoniji svijeća,
Gotov da ti predam život kao žrtvu.

Nisam plako. Nisam. Zapanjen sam stao
U dvorani kobnoj, punoj smrti krasne,
Sumnjajući da su tamne oči jasne
Odakle mi nekad bolji život sjao.

Sve baš, sve je mrtvo: oči, dah i ruke,
Sve što očajanjem htjedoh da oživim
U slijepoj stravi i u strasti muke,

U dvorani kobnoj, mislima u sivim.
Samo kosa tvoja još je bila živa,
Pa mi reče: Miruj! U smrti se sniva.
Hladno Pivo-Utjeha kose (tekst-A.G Matoš)

Čuvam te ispod kreveta, u kutiji od cipela
Izbušio sam rupu čak, da se ne bi ugušila
Da nam nitko ne zasmeta, okrenuh ključ i drugi put
Skidoh tiho poklopac i pozvah te na rendezvous.

Kad ti život udahnem
Kad se stvoriš pokraj mene
Primaš me u naručje
Poput prave žene.

Kad ti život udahnem
Kad se stvoriš pokraj mene
Ja sretan i kompletan
U san padam nasmješen
Kad ti život udahnem.

Divno slušat umiješ svojim krupnim očima
Nećujno razumiješ što ne shvačam ni sam
Nemaš nikada migrene niti jezik otrovni
Niti bilo kakve želje osim da me usrećiš

Obla si i podatna, ljubim tvoj glatki PVC
Sretna si, to osjećam dobar sam ljubavnik, zar ne?
Ispustit ću ti dušu i smotat pažljivo
Prije neg' što sunce dan oboji u sivo
Hladno pivo-Kad ti život udahnem

Srušilo se sve
Pored mene nema te
Kao da se bijes
Spustio u grad
Srušio se sad
Srušilo se sve
Ljuljaju se ulice
Kao da je bijes
Kao zadnji ples
Kao da je zemljotres
Srušilo se sve

Bye bye bye, baby, bye
Možda i zvijezde gube sjaj
Možda je raj
Prevara za kraj (baby, bye)
Možda je najbolje
Godinama iza nas
Srušilo se sve

Srušilo se sve
Ljuljaju se ulice
Kao da je bijes
Kao zadnji ples
Kao da je zemljotres
Srušilo se sve

Bye bye bye, baby, bye
Možda i zvijezde gube sjaj
Možda je raj
Prevara za kraj (baby, bye)
Možda je najbolje
Godinama iza nas
Srušilo se sve
Jinx-Bye bye bye, baby, bye

Pogledom pratim let dvije muhe – igraju se.
Dok sjedim sam i čekam vrijeme da se vrati,
a negdje tamo iz daljine probija se – čuješ li je?
Mala truba traži put za njene riječi.
Sad je dobro mala truba svira dalje
Sad je dobro ona misli još na mene
I puštam novčiće iz ruku , neka padnu neka zvone,
Sve je bolje od tišine koja grize.
Urban-Mala truba

Stvari se polako vraćaju na mjesto
Ovako nešto se ne događa često
Premda, priznajem ponekad pretjeram
I nekud otplovim sam

I tad slike izblijede sve
I tad zatvaram se u sebe
I tad nisi mi potrebna

Kazaljke i dalje krugove crtaju
Umjesto zvijezda kišne kapi na grad padaju
Prazno mjesto u mom krevetu sjeća me
Bila si tu

Tko zna, kuda si otišla
Tko zna, zbog čega se ne vraćaš
Tko zna, sve piše u zvijezdama

Još jučer poljupcima mi smo se borili
I dodirom smo jedno drugom tajne otkrivali
Što se dogodilo gdje je ta kap što je
Prelila čašu, što te natjerala da odneseš
Sve što sam volio , a tebe sam volio
Sve što sam sanjao, a tebe sam sanjao
Ma zar sam pogriješio što sam se smijao
Kad su mi govorili da sve su žene kurve

Kad bi zauvijek zaspao ovaj grad
Kao u bajci prekriven trnjem i travama
Sve dok se ti ne vratiš, a vratit ćeš se znam
I sve dok tvoja ruka ne dotakne moj dlan
Do me ne zagrliš
Dok me ne poljubiš
Dok me ne zagrije tvoj dah!
Daleka obala-Kurve

She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I'd stare too long
I'd probably break down and cry

Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine

She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by

Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine

Where do we go
Where do we go now
Where do we go
Sweet child o' mine
Guns N' roses-Sweet child o' mine

When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain
We've been through this such a long long time
Just tryin' to kill the pain
But lovers always come and lovers always go
An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
Walking away
If we could take the time to lay it on the line
I could rest my head
Just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me
then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
In the cold November rain

Do you need some time...on your own
Do you need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone
I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you

Sometimes I need some time...on my
own Sometimes I need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone

And when your fears subside
And shadows still remain, ohhh yeahhh
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness
We still can find a way
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
Even cold November rain

Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one
Guns N' roses-November rain

It was long ago
Seems like a dream
The day I sucked the air
From a bottle of whipped cream
And I got real high
And things got real slow
“I started talking like this”
What’s goin on, I don’t know
And then I sold my car
For Grateful Dead tickets
My dad yelled at me
He grounded me
He said I was a dick
It was the worst day of my life

And I’ll never forget
That the very next day I was doin bong hits
In the back of my friends Chevette
So don’t tell me we’re winning the war on drugs
Cause drugs are like a big old can of RAID
And your all little bugs
And don’t tell me to not get high
Cause I’m as low as I can get without kissin your ass
And blowin you at the same time

Man don’t tell me about love and peace
When one of the Jones’ has a handgun pointed at me
Don’t tell me to “Just say no”
I’m an addict, I say no to lettin it go
What ever happened to Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll
Now we just have AIDS, crack, and Techno

So they busted me for selling dope
And I went to jail and I wasn’t forgiven
Like that little fucker who shot the pope
They said I had the right to remain silent
But they couldn’t explain
I didn’t resist, no I wasn’t violent
Cause all I’ve ever wanted was the right to remain

They questioned me, and they asked my “Why”
I said, I don’t think I should be shot for sellin pot
It’s just my little way of saying “Hi”
I’m not allowed to vote
And two times a week they make me piss in a cup
But what I wanna do is piss down their throats

Man don’t tell me about love and peace
When one of the Jones’ has a handgun pointed at me
Don’t tell me to “Just say no”
I’m an addict, I say no to lettin it go
What ever happened to Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll
Now we just have AIDS, crack, and Techno

They told me that times had changed
That our parents had Hendrix, Janis and Jim
But what about River Phoenix and Curt Cobain
And they told me to praise the lord
But I’ve been waitin for so long for him to call me back
I think I’m gonna go pray at Betty Ford

And they told me that life is fair
But I can smoke a plant that was made by God
But I can kill my wife if I’m a football player
And they told me to just ignore
But I’d rather smoke crack out of Nancy Reagan’s skull
While getting a blow job from Tipper Gore

Man don’t tell me about love and peace
When one of the Jones’ has a handgun pointed at me
Don’t tell me to “Just say no”
I’m an addict, I say no to lettin it go
What ever happened to Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll
Now we just have AIDS, crack, and Techno
Guns N' roses-Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll

Why do you look at me when you hate me
Why should I look at you when you
make me hate you too
I sense a smell of retribution in the air
I don't even understand why the fuck
you even care
And I don't need your jealousy yeah
Why drag me down in your misery
And when you stare don't you think I feel it
But I'm gonna deal it back to you in spades
When I'm havin' fun ya know I can't conceal it
'Cause I know you'd never cut it in my game
Oh no
And when you're talkin' about a vasectomy
I'll be writin' down your obituary

You got your bitches with
the silicone injections
Crystal meth and yeast infections
Bleached blond hair, collagen lip projections
Who are you to criticize my intentions
Got your subtle manipulative devices
Just like you I got my vices
I got a thought that would be nice
I'd like to crush your head tight in my vice

And that goes for all you punks in the press
That want to start shit by printin' lies
Instead of the things we said
That means you
Andy Secher at Hit Parader
Circus Magazine
Mick Wall at Kerrang
Bob Guccione Jr. at Spin,
What you pissed off cuz your dad gets more
pussy than you?
Fuck you
Suck my fuckin' dick

You be rippin' off the fuckin' kids
While they be payin' their hard earned
money to read about the bands
They want to know about
Printin' lies startin' controversy
You wanta antagonize me
Antagonize me motherfucker
Get in the ring motherfucker
And I'll kick your bitchy little ass

I don't like you, I just hate you
I gonna kick your ass, oh yeah! oh yeah!

You may not like our integrity yeah
We built a world out of anarchy oh yeah!

And in this corner weighin in at 850 pounds,
Guns N' Roses

Get in the ring

Yeah this song is dedicated to All the Guns n' fuckin' Roses fans
Who stuck with us through all the
Fucking shit
And to all those opposed...
Guns N' roses-Get in the ring

Another head hangs lowly,
Child is slowly taken.
And the violence caused such silence,
Who are we mistaken?

But you see, it's not me, it's not my family.
In your head, in your head they are fighting,
With their tanks and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are crying...

In your head, in your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie,
Hey, hey, hey. What's in your head,
In your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, dou, dou, dou, dou, dou...

Another mother's breakin',
Heart is taking over.
When the vi'lence causes silence,
We must be mistaken.

It's the same old theme since nineteen-sixteen.
In your head, in your head they're still fighting,
With their tanks and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are dying...

In your head, in your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie,
Hey, hey, hey. What's in your head,
In your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, hey, oh, ya, ya-a...
Cranberries - Zombie

Baby join me in death
Baby join me in death
Baby join me in death

We are so young
our lives have just begun
but already we're considering
escape from this world

and we've waited for so long
for this moment to come
was so anxious to be together
together in death

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

This world is a cruel place
and we're here only to lose
so before live tears us apart let
death bless me with you

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

this live ain't worth living
this live ain't worth living
this live ain't worth living

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

Baby join me in death
Him - Join Me In Death

Let me wake up in your arms
Hear you say it's not alright
Let me be so dead so gone
So far away from life
just Close my eyes
Hold me tight
And bury me deep inside your heart

All I ever wanted was you, my love
You...all I ever wanted is you, my love
Your're all I ever wanted, just you

Let me never see the sun
And never see your smile
Let us be so dead and so gone
So far away from life
Just close my eyes
Hold me tight
And bury me deep inside your heart

All I ever wanted was you, my love
You...all I ever wanted is you, my love
You're all I ever wanted, you, oh my love
You're all I ever wanted, you, my love

That's the way it's always been
My heart stops beating only for you Baby
Only for your loving

All I ever wanted was you, my love
You...all I ever wanted is you, my love
You're all I ever wanted, you, my love
You're all I ever wanted, you, my love
Him - Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart