
Opis bloga

Prema misljenjima komentatora izgleda da je im je zanimljiv moj zivot.Hvala

Vazni datumi:
-01.11.-Anthony Kiedis
-05.3.-John Frusciante
-25.10-Chad Smith

O meni:
-rodena sam 09.11.1993.g. (meni je to skroz cudan datum,a nemam pojma zasto) u znaku skorpiona
-Zivim u Sibeniku
-idem u 7. razred,OS 'Vidici'(nemam komentara)

-Red Hot Chili Peppersecerek
-glazbu (ne mogu zivit bez nje)
-darkersku glazbu
-mracne strane zivota
-svoj MP3
-kad vidim da imam puno komentarasmijeh

-Tokio Hotel
-mrzim kad izgubim kljuceve,pa ih nadem 3 mjeseca poslije na najjednostavnijem mjestuburninmad
-ljude koji mrze mene
-ponekad i sebe

Moje misli i zelje:
-zelim upoznati Pepperseyes
-mislim da ponekad trebam dobrog psihijatrayes
-mislim da trebam smrsaviti,ali se bojim da se ne pretvorim u kosturano
-moram napraviti piercing na uhu,ali se bojim infekcijaeek
-hocu potamniti kosu,ali bi izgledala kao smrt....brrr...i ovako imam blijedo lice...
-napraviti tetovazu skorpiona,ali bi me stara ubila da to sazna...ipak zelim zivjeti...


I love John

Sto slusam:
-Red Hot Chili Peppers




-My Chemical Romance

-Guns 'n' Roses



-No Doubt

-Linkin Park

Desecration smile

All alone, right by myself
Another girl bad for my health
I've seen it all through someone else
(And I) love a girl bad for my health

A celebrated but undisturbed
And serenaded by the terror verve
It's seldom seen and it's never heard
Serenaded by the terror verve

Never in the wrong time a wrong place
Desecration is the smile on my face
The love I made is the shape of my space
My face my face

Disintegrated by the rising sun
A rolling blackout of oblivion
And I'd like to think that I'm your number one
(A) Rolling blackout into oblivion

I want to leave but I just can't stop
A broken record running low on luck
There's heavy metal coming from your truck
(And a) broken record running low on luck

Never in the wrong time a wrong place
Desecration is the smile on my face
The love I made is the shape of my space
My face my face

We could all go down to Malibu and make some noise
Coca cola does its due just as she enjoys
We could all come up with something new to be destroyed
We could all go down

I love the feeling when it falls apart
I'm slow to finish but I'm quick to start and
Beneath the heather lies a meadowlark
(And I'm) slow to finish but I'm quick to start

Never in the wrong time a wrong place
Desecration is the smile on my face
The love I made is the shape of my space
My face my face

Never in the wrong time a wrong place
Desecration is the smile on my face
The love I made is the shape of my space
My face my face

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Free Hit Counters

Higher ground

Keep on learnin
Keep on warrin
Keep on turnin
Cause it wont be too long.

Keep on lyin,
While your people
Keep on dyin
Keep on turnin,
Cause it wont be too long.


Im so darn glad he let me try it again,
cause my last time on earth I lived a whole world of sin.
Im so glad that I know more than I knew then.
Gonna keep on tryin till I reach the highest ground.

Keep on teachin
Keep on preachin,
World, keep on turnin,
cause it wont be too long.

Oh, no

Keep on lovin
While believers
Keep on believin.
Just stop sleepin
cause it wont be too long.
Oh, no!

I'm so darn glad he let me try it again,
cause my last time on earth I lived a whole world of sin.
Im so glad that I know more than I knew then.
Gonna keep on tryin till I reach the highest ground

(spoken) an stevie knows that, uh, no-bodys gonna bring me down.
Till I reach the highest ground.
(spoken) cause me n stevie, see, were gonna be a sailin on the funky sound
Till I reach the highest ground.
(spoken) bustin out, an Ill break you out, cause Im sailin on.
Till I reach the highest ground
(spoken)just, uh, sailin on sailin on the higher ground
Till I reach the highest ground





Hump de Bump

40 detectives this week
40 detectives strong
Takin' a stroll down Love Street
Strollin' is that so wrong
Can I get my co-defendant

Hump de bump doop bodu
Bump de hump doop bop
Hump de bump doop bodu

Bump de hump doop bodu
Hump de bump doop bop
Bump de hump doop bodu

Bump bump

Listen to me what I said
Try to get it through your head
A little bit of circumstance
A chance to make out

Livin' in a citadel
It's hard enough to be yourself
Waiting for the bell to toll
And I am wide awake now

Workin' the beat as we speak
Working the belle du monde
Believe in the havoc we wreak
Believin', is that so wrong
Can I get my co-dependent

Must have been a hundred miles
Any of a hundred styles
It's not about the smile you wear
But the way we make out

When I was an all aloner
Nothin' but a two-beach comber
Anybody seen the sky?
I'm wide awake now


Psychic spies from China
Try to steal your mind's elation
Little girls from Sweden
Dream of silver screen quotations
And if you want these kind of dreams
It's Californication

It's the edge of the world
And all of western civilization
The sun may rise in the East
At least it settles in the final location
It's understood that Hollywood
sells Californication

Pay your surgeon very well
To break the spell of aging
Celebrity skin is this your chin
Or is that war your waging

First born unicorn
Hard core soft porn
Dream of Californication
Dream of Californication

Marry me girl be my fairy to the world
Be my very own constellation
A teenage bride with a baby inside
Getting high on information
And buy me a star on the boulevard
It's Californication

Space may be the final frontier
But it's made in a Hollywood basement
Cobain can you hear the spheres
Singing songs off station to station
And Alderon's not far away
It's Californication

Born and raised by those who praise
Control of population everybody's been there
I don't mean on vacation

Firstborn unicorn
Hard core soft porn
Dream of Californication
Dream of Californication
Dream of Californication
Dream of Californication

Destruction leads to a very rough road
But it also breeds creation
And earthquakes are to a girl's guitar
They're just another good vibration
And tidal waves couldn't save the world
From Californication

Pay your surgeon very well
To break the spell of aging
Sicker than the rest
There is no test
But this is what you're craving

Firstborn unicorn
Hard core soft porn
Dream of Californication
Dream of Californication
Dream of Californication
Dream of Californication

Especially in Michigan
Life is my friend
Rake it up to take it in
Wrap me in your cinnamon
Especially in Michigan
Well I could be your friend

White clouds I’m in
Admitting for the fisherman
Come on Huckleberry Finn
Show me how to make her grin
Well I’m in Michigan

Cry me a future where the revelations run amuck
Ladies and Gentlemen
Lions and tigers come running just to steal your love

Raining in I’m waning in
Dancing as an Indian
Mating in my tiger’s skin
Especially in Michigan

Double chins and bowling pins
And Holy Presbyterians
Land that’s full of medicine
I’ll find it when I’m slipping in
Aw it’s in Michigan

Cry me a future where the revelations run amuck
Ladies and Gentlemen
Lions and tigers come running just to steal your love
Out on the farm we’ll be swimming with the mother duck
Deep in the middle where
Lions and tigers come running just to steal your love

Life is my friend
Underwater violins
Hold them off from Ho Chi Min
Dorsal and the cousin twins
When I’m in Michigan

Cry me a future where the revelations run amuck
Ladies and Gentlemen
Lions and tigers come running just to steal your love
Out on the farm we’ll be swimming with the mother duck
Deep in the middle where
Lions and tigers come running just to steal your love

Red Hot Chili Peppers', 1984.

'Freaky Styley', 1985.

'The Abbey Road EP', 1988.

'Mother's Milk', 1989.

'Blood Sugar Sex Magik', 1991.

'Greatest Hits', 1994.

'Soul To Squeeze EP', 1994.

'One Hot Minute', 1995.

'Best Of', 1998.

'Californication', 1999.

'By The Way', 2002.

'Greatest Hits', 2003.
'Live in Hyde Park', 2004.

'Stadium Arcadium', 2006.

ponedjeljak, 23.04.2007.


Bok,zovem se Kristina i gđica.Alex,vama poznata kao jade hannibal, mi je dala dopuštenje za pisanje na ovom postu.Pa,gdje da počnem.Upravo smo u knjižnici o kojoj ste mogli sve saznat od Mercedes Abortus(kako je Andrea nazvala Alex,ne pitaj me nšta).Nema apsolutno nikoga,osim onog Eugena Kvaternika koji nonstop gleda prema nama jer mu se smijemo.Mislim da bi trebao ići kod specijalista zbog izrazite nepravilnosti svog nosa...A i sa psihom mu očito nešto nije u redu jer bulji u jednu točku mumljajući nešto sebi u bradu!!!Danas sam išla kod Alex i ono jedan tip zvan Kojot (podsjeća na jednog tipa iz sapunice koji je specifićan u Šibeniku zbog milijun marama koje mijenja svaki dan) bio sa mnom u malom,uskom liftu.Ja sam puknula od smijeha,a on onda mene još pita ŠTA JE SMIŠNO?????Znam da je nepristojno,ali kako se ne smijati čovjeku kojega zovu Kojot i koji nosi maramu na kosturske glave...Ah...partyUsput taj isti tip puši maricu svaki dan isprid škole!smokin

- 17:43 - Komentiraj (25) - ak oš' printaj..... - rehresh

četvrtak, 19.04.2007.

Napokon novi post!!! Danas sam dobila neopravdani u skoli zato sto sam zakasnila 3 minute na nastavu.Ovako: zavrsio je sat vjeronauka i nastavnica mi je rekla da odem kod pedagoginje da je pitam sto imamo u zamjenu umjesto glazbenoga.Otisla sam ali nje nije bilo.Svi smo izasli vani i rasirili se oko skole.Onda je navodno neki osmas dosao i rekao nam da imamo povijest.Ja i Kike nismo tada bile tamo i vidjeli smo da se ostali vracaju u skolu.Otisle smo za njima ali nismo isto bile zadnje.I usle smo u razred i vidim da nas nastavnik zapisuje da smo zakasnile na nastavu! 3 minute!!! Daj molim te stari nam nitko nije rekao da cemo imati prokletu povijest!!! Ali nam nije htio to izbrisati!!!

- 20:18 - Komentiraj (26) - ak oš' printaj..... - rehresh

srijeda, 11.04.2007.


Iskreno,svemir bi bio jedino mjesto gdje bi se covjek mogao odmorit,ali su i njega unakazili u Hollywoodskome podrumu.Cobain i Hillel gledaju nas,budale kako unistavamo Majku Zemlju.Ljudi su rodeni da kontroliraju.I bolesni kineski spijuni kradu nase nadrogirane umove.Ja vjerujem da na Majci Zemlji postoji tocka s kojom ce sve nestati.Prvo istok,pa zapad.Neredi nas vode na krive putovei pritom u nama bude zelju za kreativnoscu.jedino ce me valovi spasiti od ovog ludog svijeta...Zasto bih se skrivala iza oziljaka? Cujemo glasove iz fotoaparata,vjencavamo se za mora,prodajemo svoje duse.....te stvari nece pomutiti moj um! Kad s eto dogodi,ja cu se okrenuti i naci na nekom drugome planetu.Vikat cu na vas i reci vam da niste moji prijatelji!!!!Rasparati cu vas i ponovno cete se roditi...
Kada sjedimo sami tako malo toga znamo i traziti cemo nesto vise.Dok hodamo slusamo svoje skrivene teme...Znam da sam ostavljena u nekoj drugoj zoni i valjda netko zna odakle sam...I nikome necu reci zasto sam bila pokvarena!!!Nitko mi nije mogao pomoci,samo su me gledali kako ponavljam pogreske.Stoje sad poslo krivo?Previse problema?Ljudi mi govore da se skuliram i malo pogledam sebe iznutra...to mi nece pomoci da nadem razloge zasto sam odbacena! I nebo se srusilo,oblaci su padali.sunce se skrivalo,a kisa je zaboravila kako donijeti spas....

- 18:58 - Komentiraj (26) - ak oš' printaj..... - rehresh

utorak, 10.04.2007.

If you want me to stay

If you want me to stay
I'll be around today
To be available for you to see
I'm about to go there
Then you'll know
For me to stay here
I've got to be me
You'll never be in doubt
That's what it's all about
You can't take me for granted and smile
Count the days I'm gone
Forget reachin' me by phone
Cause I promise
I'll be gone for a while
And when you see me again
I hope that you have been
The kind of person
That you really are now
You got to get it straight
How could I ever be late
When you're my woman
Taking up my time
Oh how could I ever allow
I guess I wonder how
I could get out a pocket for fun
When you know that
You're never number two
Number one's gonna be number one

I'll be good
I wish I could
Get this message over to you now

When you see me again
I hope that you have been
The kind of person
That you really are now
I'll be so good
I wish I could
Get this message over to you now

Get this message over to you now
I'll be so good
I wish I could

- 10:11 - Komentiraj (8) - ak oš' printaj..... - rehresh

I'M BACK!!!!!!

Evo ljudi vratila sam se.Zasto neko vrijeme nisam pisala? Naime,Kikulu je zanimalo kako se radi svoj blog i ja joj kao prijateljica isla to pokazati.Ona se sad necega nije mogla sjetiti vezano da napravi svoj blog i ja sam joj onda htjela dati da napise svoj post....e tu sve pocinje....ZABORAVILA SAM LOZINKU!!!! I nisam se mogla sjetiti svoje e-mail adrese.GROZNO!!!!!

- 09:51 - Komentiraj (8) - ak oš' printaj..... - rehresh

četvrtak, 05.04.2007.


Mi smo Mirna i Lara i suradujemo sa Alexandrom na blogu!!!
OBOZAVAMO RED HOT CHILI PEPPERSE!!!!Fiksamo se s Alexandrom iza skole i volimo maricu.smokin
Najveca zelja nam je upoznati Pepperse i danas smo po prvi put putovali liftom.Mrzimo svoje starce i muske iz razreda i dvospolca Edija.
Molimo vas da nam posaljete neki poster od RHCP-a na adresu:

- 15:55 - Komentiraj (12) - ak oš' printaj..... - rehresh

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