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SpongeBob & Patrick - BFF!

Opis bloga:

Uglavnom- my life...
I moje najdraže grupesmijehsmijeh...sportašihrvatska...dragi prijatelji, hehepartyparty ...
Jednostavno SvE i SvAšTa
BLoG Je NaPRaVLjeN: 03.08.2007. (22:30)...=)
Do SaD VaS Je BiLo:

Best Free Hit Counters
MySpace Layouts
MySpace Layouts

Moja starkica..
bas je jedinstvena =)))) heheheh

Jedna od najdražih slika...
awww volim te ljubavi....

Get Your Own Player!

1.) Dire Straits / Romeo and Juliet
2.)Hladno Pivo / Jednim osmijehom
3.)Deep Purple / Knockin at your back door
4.)Guns'n'Roses / Back Off Bitch
5.)Guns'n'Roses/Rocket Queen
6.)Foo Fighters / Pretender
7.)Foo Fighters / Learn to fly
8.)Toy Dolls /Kids in America
9.)Korpiklaani / You Looked Into My Eyes
10.)Finntroll / Trollhammaren
11.)Disturbed / Run
12.)Children of Bodom / Bed of Nails
13.)Children of Bodom / Downfall
14.)Slipknot / All Hope is Gone
15.)CoF - Fear of the dark

Ja.. =)

Nešto o menismokin:
eo ljudi ja sam Iva i živim u Malinskoj (na otoku Krku).smijeh..
Idem za htt u Krku (2.raz.)...imam 16 godina...
Volim nogomet i navijam za DINAMO i Barcu...hrvatskahehhrvatska...I Arsenal...
...volim i glazbu a naj grupe su mi:
-Dirty Rockers <3
-T kao krava x)
-Children Of Bodom
-Drowning pool
-Korpiklaani !!!!!!
-Dimmu Borgir
-Bullet For My Valentine
-Arch Enemy
-Stone Sour
-Ski Row
-Velvet Revolver
-Deep Purple (4 ever)
-Sonata arctica
-amal Mandica
-Fall out boy
-Story of the year
-Three days grace
-Billy Talent
...itd...ugl. ovisi od kakve sam volje...
Uživam u košarci....i gledajući Carmela A., Lebrona, Iversona.....xD
Volim i svoju ekipu (naravnoparty) moja četvorka...Andrea,Nina i Bone i najljepšu vatrenokosu žabicu Helenucerek i ...hehe i super frendove Doru (moju maju sjatkicucerek), Maria i Vedu,...thumbupthumbup..i Nataliju i BeTu i Fanny i Jopu i Nelu..i MSN!!!!rolleyes...volim Malinsku, ljeto, dečke, more, plaže, izlaske, slikat i druge i sebe :p, putovat, izležavat se, ljenčarit, pa onda sport, Ronaldinhacerek,Eduarda, F1, Hamiltona,...mogu ovako u nedogledbang... na prvom mijestu....Lovrica....dečko je preprepredobar i jako mi je drago što ga znam i sada je zauzeo najvise mjesta u mom srcu i nepuštam ga više da se mrda iz njega...joj bebach moi...=))))...V.T.kiss
Treniram kickboxing 10 godsmijehsmijeh...a sve ostalo što vas zanima pitajte me na MSN-u:
I još nešto....OBOŽAVAM jednog lika...Joey JorDisoN...cerekcerekcerek
Awwww..i Corey ima prejebenii glas....jeeaaa...xD....
E i imam još jedan blog...
i oprostite šta su ovi boxevi nabacani..jbt..užas...a znam..huh...uživajte...probajte .....=)

Moj brat i ja:


¤¤¤ Frendovi ¤¤¤
-Hehe moja suučenica x) znamo se od prvog osnovne.. Ona je jedno lijepo smeđokoso i smeđooko djevojče ...slatka cura...ili mali vulkan ... =) glavna kad treba radit feštu !!!
Moe malo zaljubljeno...heh eto počele se družit u 1. srednje u osnovnoj smo bili drugo odjeljenje pa nismo ni pričale :p ..inače i u rodu smo, super cura (a ne onooo) =D ..
Moja pametna sestrična...zabavna, smotana, smješna, naranČasta (ouu jees) ...mala žabica... =)))
...iz osnovne...hehe ...jedna brineta koja je bila i plava i sad je crna..hehe i crna joj je najbolja..ima predobru duuuguuu kosu..(očem ja takvu =( )...voli plesat i prezabavna je i full pametna :p hehe....
...i Taja i Beta i Dora su iz osnovne al smo jedni za druge mislili da su bahati, umisljeni i puni sebe i neznam da glume face i sl....a u srednjoj se ne odvajamo neka neka...:p..cure su super ...
..hehe jos jedan anđelčić...:p pa da...cure je predobra i prelijepa i preslatka stvarno...s najposebnijom kosom na Krku i šire....stvarno je uberkul :P..hehe ...joi joi...
hehe kad njega vidim meni je dan lijepsi xD xD xD xD stvarno lool...=D ...uvijek me nasmije ..:p samom pojavom...
tony :p najjaci pod satovima..hehe...joi...profama bi bilo prelagano da njega nema..prca ih za cijeli razred...

Moe SLATKICE...cerekcerek

1. i najveca slatkica, najbolji,
jedini moi
i samo moi mali frkavi
gitarist kojeg najviše
volim i nikome ga nedam...
(hehe sebicna sam, a?)
joj majiiii vojim te puunoo..!!!





2. Slash..jaao...slatko biće...ufff :
Saul Hudson, poznatiji kao Slash, je bivši gitarist hard rock benda Guns N' Roses.Prepoznatljiv je po svojoj dugoj kovrčavoj kosi, velikom šeširu, njegovoj ljubavi prema Jack Daniel'su, i, naravno, cigareti u ustima.(hmm od kud mi to poznato :p )...Slash posjeduje 250 gitara... :O :O !! Slash je nekada imao crn jezik, i tvrdio je da je uzrok alkohol. !!






3. Alexi :
Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho (Markku Uula Aleksi Laiho), (rođen 8.travanj 1979.) je skladatelj i gitarist melodic death metal grupe Children of Bodom (gdje je također i pjevač, power metal grupe Sinergy i finske punk rock grupe Kylähullut.
Časopis Guitar World ga je smjestio među 50 najbržih gitarista. Aleksi je rođen 8. travnja 1979. u finskom gradu Espoo. Njegov prvi glazbeni instrument bila je violina, koju je počeo svirati sa 5 godina, sve do 11-te godine kada je zavolio heavy metal kojeg je njegova sestra slušala i počeo svirati gitaru.




Nathan Jonas Jordison ...Joey fura bijelu, japansku Kabuki masku, ocrtanu crveno-crnim nazovimo-to-tako "znakovima", koje toj maski daju "tamniji" look.Zbog svoje visine, ili da se bolje izrazim, nizine, voli furat crnu kapuljaču s natpisom "Little people kill people"!!!Za hobije kaže da mu glazba oduzima skoro svo slobodno vrijeme, a ostatak popune video igre, spavanje i seks..Ne drogira se (heheh jako vazno ;) )Najdraži bendovi su mu Black Sabbath i Kiss.





5.Sebastian Bach
Sebastian Bach je bio bad boy rock n rolla,isto kao i njegov uzor i prijatelj AXL ROSE,Stoga je Sebastian uspio da stvori sliku benda Skid Row na svoju sliku,pa je Skid Row odjednom postao zlocesti bend,kojeg su svi zeljeli tajno slusati radi ludackih nastupa,rantova,i super lyricsa.Bach je nekoliko puta bio izazvan od strane fanova,pa je jednom prilikom bio pogoden u glavu slucajno nakon sto je poludijeli fan bacao stvari na stage,Bach je skocio u publiku i tukao fana,a nakraju zavrsio u zatvrou x) ....





Michael Andrew McKagan, poznatiji svijetu kao Duff 'Rose' McKagan (Seattle, Washington , 5. veljače 1964.), američki glazbenik i basist....najpoznatiji kao basist hard rock benda Guns N' Roses u kojem je proveo 13 godina. Duff je visok 191 centimetar, a ima obojanu kosu u plavu (prirodno smeđa) i smeđe oči.Duff je svirao bubnjeve u mnogo bendova, uključujući legendarni Seattle pop-punk bend Fastbacks, kojima se pridružio u 15. godini...
"Kad sam upoznao Slasha i Stevea Adlera prvi puta," kaže, "bilo je čudno, jer nikad prije nisam upoznao nekog poput njih - L.A. lokalne. Izašli smo te noći i napili se, i onda smo imali ovaj bend. To je bio Slashov bend, Road Crew."Duff je ljevak, ali gitaru svira nadesno. Postao je trijezan 1994. nakon što mu je eksplodirala gušterača i zamalo ga ubila zbog prekomjernog konzumiranja droge i alkohola.




7.Vreth (Finntroll)
Da mi je njegova kosa....presladaaaak!!!
Mathias 'Vreth' Lillmans, vokal u finskoj folk metal grupi tek od 2006. godine kada je bivši vokal dobio otkaz zbog opijanja xD...




8.Petri :
Petri 'Pete' Lindroos (Espoo, Finska, 10. siječnja 1980.), gitarist, vokal i osnivač melodic death metal sastava Norther, a od 2005. godine gitarist i vokal folk/viking metal sastava Ensiferum...Gitaru je počeo svirati u razdoblju od 1992. do 1993. godine....Petri je izjavio da za vrhunac svoje muzičke karijere smatra turneju Northera sa Dimmu Borgir i Hypocrisy....




Dimmu Borgir
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preeedobra pjesma....
morate poslušat!
Burn In Hell

Welcome to the abandoned land
Come on in, child;
take my hand
Here there's no work or play
Only one bill to pay
There's just five words to say
As you go down, down,

You're gonna burn in hell
Oh, burn in hell

You can't believe all the things
I've done wrong in my life
Without even trying
I've lived on the edge of a knife
Well, I've played with fire, but
i don't want to get myself burned
To thine own self be true,
so i think that it's time for a turn
Before i burn in hell
Oh, burn in hell
Take a good look in your heart;
tell me what do you see?
It's black and it's dark,
now is that how you want it to be?
It's up to you; what you do will
decide your own fate
Make your choice now for tomorrow
may be far too late

Hear no evil, don't you
See no evil, don't you
Lay no evil down on me
You're gonna burn in hell
Speak no evil, don't you
Think no evil, don't you
Play with evil, 'cause I'm free

[repeat second chorus]
[repeat chorus/fade]

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Najbolja grupa
Children of Bodom
Bullet For My Valentine
Sonata Arctica
System of a Down free polls



....::: M&I :::....-BaRcA
*** Ja&Ina ***
*** Moj BleSavi BraT***
***FaNy.....moja maja Fany...
hehe prejeeebena cura...***

***DoRa i ekipa iz MaLiNsKe
.... najkul ekipa....***

***jebemu život...Nelle ***
*** SlipKnoT fan***
*** spaljena do daske ***
*** Helle-the alemova jebachica ***
***ZAKON CURA - monyynom....***
*** one su pristojne ***
*** neponovljivi- Vedoooo
*** Tomi-frend iz Krka ***
*** tomy ***
*** B.I.T.C.H. ***
*** plavookacura ***
*** Mia ***
*..**anjich i fantasy**..*
Moja ljubav i ja..:


All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart,
And for us to be together, to never be apart.
No one else in the world can even compare,
You're perfect and so is this love that we share.


We have so much more than I ever thought we would,
I love you more than I ever thought I could.
I promise to give you all I have to give,
I'll do anything for you as long as I live.


In your eyes I see our present, our future and past,
By the way you look at me I know we will last.
I hope that one day you'll come to realize,
How perfect you are when seen through my eyes.


I love you more than all the stars in the sky.
I love you more as each moment passes us by.
I love you more with every breath I take.
I love you more with each promise we make.

I need you like a flower needs the rain.
I need you for you can wash away my pain.
I need you more each day
I need you for you are so wonderful, in every single way.

I miss you more than ever now.
I miss you because I really need you somehow.
I miss you and your touch.
I miss you for to me, you mean so much.


You're the first thing I think of
Each morning when I rise.
You're the last thing I think of
Each night when I close my eyes.

You're in each thought I have
And every breath I take.
My feelings are growing stronger
With every move I make.


You make me smile
when I'm having a bad day.
You make me laugh
at everything you say.
You enjoy my company
You smile when you see me.
You're interested in what I have to say
You like me for more than what you see.
You tell me you love me
and that everything is gonna be alright.
You give me so much
more that I could ever give.
I want you in my life forever
for as long as I live.

Hladno Pivo

Jednim osmjehom, ti puniš me
I daješ snage mi da ustanem ujutro
Kada je vani mračan dan
Dan prikovan za prozore
Slika što tjednima se ne miče ujesen
K'o da je ljeto bilo san
Ulaziš mi u svijet kao vatromet
I daješ svemu neki smisao i ime
Strah me da nas ne stigne
Ovaj grad
A ti mi kažeš:»Ma ne brini se,
Navuci zastore, isključi svijet
Barem za nas»
Moramo se maknuti
Ili ćemo usahnuti
A ti me uspravljaš onako kako znaš
Samo ti
Jednim osmjehom, ti puniš me
I daješ snage mi da ustanem ujutro
Kada je vani mračan dan
Dan prikovan za prozore
Slika što tjednima se ne miče ujesen
K'o da je ljeto bilo san
Tad mi se učini da nešto u nama
Prijeti usahnuti od vakuma rutine
Ovaj grad
A ti mi kažeš…….

Pitala si me- Hladno Pivo

Pitala si me zašto tvoje ime
nikad ne provlačim kroz rime
zašto ga nikad ne ukrasim metaforama krasnim
pa da se time hvališ kolegicama s posla?

Ma nema šanse, nema tih para
da mi ikad budeš dio repertoara
pa da tvoje ime pjevuši 'ko stigne
da si sva'ko, tek tako, na brzinu, puni tišinu...

Mislim da bih razbio gitaru
da čujem da te fućkaju na pisuaru
da me jednog dana gledaš poniženo
iz kuta dućana gdje je sve u pola sniženo...

Ova pjesma o tebi, koja si mi sve na svijetu,
ovaj pokušaj da kažem ne izrecivo,
nikad se neće naći na nekom CD-u,
imati naslov, cijenu i barcode...

Zar da radio voditelj, kreštava glasa,
preko naše rime traži vlasnike pasa?
Da se ceraka, kao, dobra je zeka,
u svaki jebeni single ubaciti jingle? ...

Ništa nije sveto,
sve je bruto i neto,
sve je zabava ...

Bitno da nešto svira za žedna uha,
da nikog ne dira, dok pere il' kuha,
da narodu skrati onih osam sati,
i da ljepo stane među dvije reklame...

Ova pjesma o tebi, koja si mi sve na svijetu,
ovaj pokušaj da kažem ne izrecivo,
nikad se neće naći na nekom CD-u,
imati naslov, cijenu i barcode...

Pitala si me zašto tvoje ime
nikad ne provlačim kroz rime?
Zašto ga nikad ne ukrasim metaforama krasnim,
pa da se time hvališ kolegicama s posla?







COB- Red light in my eyes

Red light in my eyes-pt 1

I feel so lost for me inside,
Lost am I, will it never end,
But never am I stained black
Now the end is drawing near,
My hate is growing, can't you hear,
It burns me with my cruelty

(And I'm off!)

Like the fire of pain in the daylight
Full of hate, your hatred gets up doom

Pain... I can't control it anymore,
You'll see the red light more and more
Trapping you in destroying despite
By the red light in my eyes

So, better wake up, drink your blood,
Follow me and be a god
Can't you fucking look into my eyes,
Watch this god arise, yeah

(Come on!)

I feel the last one in this time,
Lost am I, will it never end
But never am I stained black, jet black
Now walk away and flee into Hell,
Take away and bleed my heart
I do my blood-red sigh

I can feel your hate of death,
I'm running on this darkened little path
Take your time, beat me down, sometime, to die (die!)

Pain... I can't control it anymore,
See the red light more and more
Trapping you in destroying despite
By the red light in my eyes

Doesn't matter what is on the top, right, way too down below,
That's how the werewolf burns in me
Oh God, I see the light again,
I'm gonna be getting someone in my grave

Pain... I can't control it anymore,
See the red light more and more
Trapping you in destroying despite
By the red light in my eyes

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Bullet for my valentine :
All these things I hate (revolve around)

Once more I'll say goodbye to you
Things happen, but we don't really know why
If it's supposed to be like this
Why do most of us ignore the chance to miss?
Oh yeah

Torn apart at the seams and my dreams turn to tears
I'm not feeling this situation
Run away try to find that safe place you can hide
The best place to be when you're feeling like

Me! (Me)
Yeah! (Yeah)
All these things I hate revolve around
Me (Me)
Yeah! (Yeah)
Just back off before I snap

Once more you tell those lies to me
Why can't you just be straight up with honesty?
When you say those things in my ear
Why do you always tell me what you wanna hear?
Oh yeah (yeah!)

Wear your heart on your sleeve, make things hard to believe
I'm not feeling this situation
Run away try to find that safe place you can hide
It's the best place to be when you're feeling like

Me! (Me!)
Yeah! (Yeah!)
All these things I hate revolve around
Me! (Me!)
Yeah! (Yeah!)
Just back off before I snap and you'll
See! (Me!)
Me! (Me!)
All these things I hate revolve around
Me! (Me!)
Yeah! (Yeah!)
Just back off before I snap

Torn apart at the seams and my dreams turn to tears
I'm not feeling this situation
Run away try to find that safe place you can hide
It's the best place to be when you're feeling like me
(it's the best place to be when you're!)

Me! (Me!)
Yeah! (Yeah!)
All these things I hate revolve around
Me! (Me!)
Yeah! (Yeah!)
Just back off before I snap and you'll
See! (Me!)
Me! (Me!)
All these things I hate revolve around
Me! (Me!)
Yeah! (Yeah!)
Just back off before I snap

Children of bodom- Bastards Of Bodom

The slaying at Bodom from so long ago
Still carry a secret, of which nobody knows
A seed that was planted as the night turned to dawn
Will now bring me to life as the reaper's spawn
I'm a bastards of Bodom and I walk alon
As I follow the reaper, to lead me back home
My victims shall perish on the shores of this lake
As they look upon me, to stare death in the face

I don't need a reason, and I won't tell you why
I'll just take you to hell by the edge of my scythe!
I was born to end life, I can take any form
A shapeshifting demon, killing for sport
Like father, like son, this is my fate
Taking your lives and breeding the hate!

I don't need a reason, and I won't tell you why
I'll just take you to hell by the edge of my scythe!

Children of bodom-Are You Dead Yet

Don't hear, don't deem. Drown in before you dive.
Don't care, commit to your self destruction drive
I kiss the ground with love beyond forever
Flip off the sky with bleeding fingers till I die

Enemy, take a one good look at me.
Eradicate what you'll always be,
Your tainted flesh, polluted soul through a mirror I behold.
Throw a punch, shards bleed on the floor
Tearing me apart but I don't care anymore.
Should I regret or ask myself
Are You Dead Yet?

Wake up, don't cry. Regenerate to deny the truth,
The fiction you live in blindfold your eyes.
Disclosure, self loathing. This time you've gone too far.
Or could it be, my nemesis that you are me?

Enemy, take a one good look at me.
Eradicate what you'll always be
Your tainted flesh, polluted soul through a mirror I behold.
Throw a punch, shards bleed on the floor
Tearing me apart but I don't care anymore.
Should I regret or ask myself ARE YOU DEAD YET?

Set Me Free lyrics

You operate and motivate on synthetic fuel
You're mother nature and an atom bomb
As long as you're kept full of pretty bodies
Your little secret will be safe with me

Around again
Insane again
It comes again
And sets me free

So set me free, set me free
'Cause I think you need my soul
Set me free, set me free

You're kept alive and polarized with one thing in mind
Metabolize everything that you see
But now and then or a little later
Now I'm gonna take you down with me

Around again
Insane again
She comes again
And sets me free

[Chorus x2]
So set me free, set me free
'Cause I think you need my soul
Set me free, set me free

[Bridge x2]
So take me down
Take me, down, down, down, down
Take me down, take me down

[Chorus x4]
So set me free, set me free
'Cause I think you need my soul
Set me free, set me free

My freedom!

You Could Be Mine

I'm a cold heartbreaker
Fit ta burn and I'll rip
your heart in two
An I'll leave you lyin' on the bed
I'll be out the door before ya wake
It's nuthin' new ta you
'Cause I think we've seen that movie too

'Cause you could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nuthin' done
I said you could be mine

Now holidays come and then they go
It's nothin' new today
Collect another memory
When I come home late at night
Don't ask me where I've been
Just count your stars
I'm home again

'Cause you could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nuthin' done
I said you could be mine

You've gone sketchin' too many times
Why don't ya give it a rest
Must you find
Another reason to cry

While you're breakin' down my back n' I been rackin' out my brain
It don't matter how we make it
'Cause it always ends the same
You can push it for more mileage
But your flaps r' wearin' thin
And I could sleep on it 'til mornin'
But this nightmare never ends
Don't forget to call my lawyers
With ridiculous demands
An you can take the pity so far
But it's more than I can stand
'Cause this couchtrip's gettin' older
Tell me how long has it been
'Cause 5 years is forever
An you haven't grown up yet

You could be mine
But you're way out of line
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nuthin' done
I said you could be mine
You should be
You could be mine


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Before I Forget

Stapled shut, inside an outside world and I'm
Sealed in tight, bizarre but right at home
Claustrophobic, closing in and I'm
Catastrophic, not again
I'm smeared across the page, and doused in gasoline
I wear you like a stain, yet I'm the one who's obscene
Catch me up on all your sordid little insurrections,
I've got no time to lose, and I'm just caught up in all the cattle

Fray the strings
Throw the shapes
Hold your breath

I am a worm before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
I wear you like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to win, I'm just caught up all the battles

Locked in clutch
Pushed in place
Hold your breath

I am a worm before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a worm before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

My end
It justifies my means
All I ever do is delay
My every attempt to evade
The end of the road and my end
It justifies my means
All I ever do is delay
My every attempt to evade

I am a worm before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a worm before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

I am a worm before I am a man
I was a creature before I could stand
I will remember before I forget

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, OH!


My brother, you love her
But don't give up your instincts
Hang onto you know what
They'll be gone fast as you blink
They're trained to seduce you
Suck you dry quick as they can
They tried to reduce you
Now you're barely a man

Oh my God
How can you deny the flood
That's flowing through you

Hey you
You're saying that she's all that you desire
Hey you
You think you can throw water on this fire

It's not wrong to let go
And let the woman ride you
For fuck sake, don't lose touch
With the dog that's inside you
She wanted what you had
You bet she smelt the spore
Don't give up, fuck her up
One more time, slam that door

Oh my God
How can you deny the flood
That's flowing through you

Hey you
You're saying that she's all that you desire
Hey you
You think you can throw water on this fire

Oh my God
How can you deny the flood
That's flowing through you

Hey you
You're saying that she's all that you desire
Hey you
You think you can throw water on this fire

Oh my God
How can you deny the flood
That's flowing through you


Neke čudne slike mene.....
i moje kapuljačerolleyes...

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Host unlimited photos at for FREE!

Host unlimited photos at for FREE!

Moje starkice


folk metal bend...
...prejebeni su....


SlipKnoT 2008 !!!

Drowning Pool !!

Skid Row smokin


Ja vojim Doricu...=)

četvrtak, 08.05.2008.

You better run my darling, it's fear, it's now or never, nothing's real, keep your hands away, it's mine all mine...

Heh....nakon sto godina
sjetila sam se da imam još jednu obavezu u
životu a to je moj blog....heh...da...eo svašta
se izdogađalo neću u detalje jer nebi nikad
završila....eo....DoRA i VeDrAn su prohodali
07.05.2008 xD...hihi na Dorin rođendan....eo
to je najbitnija vijest Dora sretan ti
rođendan i mirno more ovaj,

želim vam sve najbolje da izdržite što duže...i što je
bitnije da to vrijeme oboje uživate i provedete to
vrijeme korisno, u zabavi, ljubavi i najviše moguće
voleci jedno drugo svim srcem...hehe....bas ste mi
strava..!!!....kada bude trebala pomoć...đust kol,
end aj vil bi der (uvjek za vas =)) !!!...

...hmm...ostali svi prekidaju čini mi se....a jbg...
.više sreće drugi put..!!...nisu svi stvoreni tako
dobro ko moja dva anđelića....heh....


Kod mene....ništa novo
po običaju....samo iam problem što mi je natjecanje
17. kada je Dori rođendan.....a neželim propustit njen
rođ....ajoj...a natjecanje je u splitu...tako da neću
nikako stić...osim ako nebudem išla na natjecanje...
al...neznam baš da će mi dat da samo tako pređem
preko Hrvatskog a?!.....ajooj.

...e ljudi stvarno mi se neda pisat...heh.....danas u
školi je Tony predstavio svoj projekt xD....vjesti koje
smo radili za eng....hehe...živa jebaaaa!!! ma TonY
je to super napravio....hehehehe...xD......
dalje o školi mi se neda i neću...jer je fakin boring i
samo loše ocijene...osim iz vjeronauka to iam 5...
ma zamisli...heh....matematika i talijanski me prcaju u mozak...

Sweet...Mario...ajoj legenda....super decko...

...naslov je tek to je
pjesma koju upravo slušam a nisam znala šta da stavim
u naslov pa sam refren vam je : Guano
Apes-Mine All Mine.....strava pjesmuljak.....
e i upoznala sam Slasha i poslo mi je par pjesmica....
koje su zakon...eo npr svidila mi se: GnR- Down On
The Farm...prehebena pjesmaaa....xD
eh da...dečko je strava...smijehsmijehsmijeh.....
oćete msn? a-a, nedam...beeelj....belj.
ne djelim šalim se stvarno dečko je
full me uvjek do sada uspiješno
oraspoloživao kada bi bila u "bedu" dead...ajoj....
čak iam (bolesno al jbg) na jednoj biljeznici napisano
S L A S H al bas lijepo napisana....hihi.....joj joj...
pazite mu poruku molim vas: "kako dijeca iz černobila
broje do 100? na prste!
roflroflroflrofl....omg kako bolesno...jaoo...a što
je najbolje baca na Slasha....ahaaa.....naughtynaughty...
.eh da...baš se zapitam zaš kod nas nema nijednog
Slasha...(osim BeTe)...hehe....
eo vam još par totalno bolesnih
Dođe tata doma i pita sina:

- Sine, zašto ne ideš van igrat nogomet?
- Tata, ali ja sam invalid!
- Znam sine, zajebavao sam se.

eo jos jedan....
kaze Slash:si vidjela crnca kak prelazi preko
ja: da jesam vidila sam
Slash:ja nisam....a nije ni kamion!rofl

to su mu od nekog frenda vicevi...ah s kim si
takav si...nut
...bila mi je stanka u pisanju...sad sam došla
sa štacije...dolje su bili Dora, Moreno, Nina, Klara
i Dorotea....heh malo bzvz išli dolje...heh ...hvala
bogu inače nebih znala da pišemo engleski...faaak
ee....ajoj...mogla bi ponovit...jel je....
ugl....u sub je Crna Ovca...Hladno Pivo jao....heh ne idem...neznam ni sama zašto..valjda mi se
neda...a da..neda mi se....

eo u zadnje vrijeme poslje
škole uvjek u krku skoro ostajem...hehe sada je
full lijepo da to iskoristimo.....heh....
nate sta....meni se nda vise...idem ja....
pozdrav svima...pusam vas svih...Dora, VeDo,
Slash (Lovrosmijeh), Nina, Bebich. Jopa,
Mariosmijeh, Klara, Dorotea, ostali Šabani..
..svi svi svi..!!!
pusa...!!!!kiss...vojim vas..!!lud

Down on the Farm

All I need is some inspiration
Before I do somebody some harm
I feel just like a vegetable
Down here on the farm

Nobody comes to see me
Nobody here to turn me on
I ain't even got a lover
Down here on the farm

They told me to get healthy
They told me to get some sun
But boredom eats me like cancer
Down here on the farm

Drinking lemonade shanty
Ain't no body gonna do me harm
But I'm like a fish out of water
Down here on the farm

I write a thousand letters
'til my fingers all gone numb
But I never see no postman
Down here on the farm

I call my baby on the telephone
I say come down and have some fun
But she knows what the score is
Down here on the farm

I can't fall in love with a wheat field
I can't fall in love with a barn
When everything smells like horse shit
Down here on the farm

Blue skies and swimming pools
Add so much charm
But I'd rather be back in Soho
Than down here on the farm

On the fucking farm!

Are you born in a fucking barn or what?


Hold still

Post by: Iviccchsmokin

- 16:45 - Komentari (24) - Print - ???

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