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Opis bloga

...o svemu šta mi padne na pamet....nekim zbivanjima u životu-dobrim i lošim...neka moja razmišljanja...



Blogovi koje ja čitam, komentiram:

Pajić ml.
Pajić st.
Mrtva duša

O meni

Zovem se Matea.
Idem u 4. razred u Gimnaziju. Slušam rock, metal i nešto punka. Izlazim u Ziher, nekad River i sl.-di stignemo :).



Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com


System of a down:
Chop Suey!

Wake up,
Grab a brush and put a little (makeup),
Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable

You wanted to,
Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
You wanted to,
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup,
You wanted to,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table,
You wanted to,

I don't think you trust,
In, my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die, Die,

Wake up,
Grab a brush and put a little (makeup),
Hide the scars to fade away,
Hide the scars to fade away the,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable

You wanted to,
Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
You wanted to,
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup,
You wanted to,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table,
You wanted to,

I don't think you trust,
In, my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
In my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die

Father(mother), Father(brother), Father(fuck you), Father(ahhhh),
Father/ Into your hands/I/commend my spirit,
Father, into your hands,

Why have you forsaken me,
In your eyes forsaken me,
In your thoughts forsaken me,
In your heart forsaken, me oh,

Trust in my self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die,
In my self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die.


This is me for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Without an honest heart as compass

This is me for forever
One without a name
These lines the last endeavor
To find the missing lifeline

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I'd give my everything

My flower, withered between
The pages two and three
The once and forever bloom
gone with my sins

Walk the dark path
Sleep with angels
Call the past for help
Touch me with your love
And reveal to me my true name

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I'd give my everything
Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
Oh how I wish to dream again
Once and for all
And all for once
Nemo my name forever more

Nemo sailing home
Nemo letting go

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I`d give my everything
Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
Oh how I wish to dream again
Once and for all
And all for once
Nemo my name forever more
my name forever more

Killing loneliness

Memories, sharp as daggers
Pierce into the flesh of today
Suicide of love took away all that matters
And buried the remains
in an unmarked grave in your heart

With the venomous kiss you gave me
I'm killing loneliness (Killing loneliness)
With the warmth of your arms you saved me,
Oh, I'm killing loneliness with you
I'm killing loneliness
that turned my heart into a tomb
I'm killing loneliness

Nailed to the cross, together
As solitude begs us to stay
Disappear in the lie forever
And denounce the power of death over our souls
and secret words are said to start a war

With the venomous kiss you gave me
I'm killing loneliness (Killing loneliness)
With the warmth of your arms you saved me,
I'm killing loneliness with you
I'm killing loneliness
that turned my heart into a tomb
I'm killing loneliness

Killing loneliness

System of a down:

Hey you, see me, pictures crazy,
All the world I've seen before me passing by,
I've got, nothing, to gain, to lose,
All the world I've seen before me passing by,

You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore.

na nana na na nana na na nana...
na nana na na nana na na nana...

Hey you, are me, not so pretty,
All the world I've seen before me passing by,
Silent my voice, I've got no choice
All the world I've seen before me passing by,

You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore
I don't see, anymore,
I don't hear, anymore,
I don't speak anymore,
I don't feel.

na nana na na nana na na nana...
na nana na na nana na na nana...

Hey you, see me, pictures crazy,
All the world I've seen before me passing by,
I've got, nothing, to gain, to lose,
All the world I've seen before me passing by,

You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore
I don't sleep, anymore,
I don't eat, anymore,
I don't live anymore,
I don't feel.

Dreams come true

Never thought I'd feel again,
feel the darkness fade and see the morning sun arise
Never thought I'd feel alive again,
senses dull and blunt from all the lies...

Now, when I hold your face so close to mine
I see a place where the sun will shine,
with you it is divine...

Looking down into those eyes, I know,
I''l be lost and never found again.
Kiss me once and I will surely melt and die,
Kiss me twice and I will never leave your side...
Dreams come true....

Do I dare to trust this time?
Ooh, the Bells of Fortune, will I ever hear them chime?
Only those who have been burned before truly
know the meaning of Hell's flaming core.

I was the brooding night and you were dawn
Saving me, for I was forlorn,
in your light I am reborn...

Looking down into those eyes, I know,
I'll be lost and never foun again.
Kiss me once and I will surely melt and die,
Kiss me twice and I will never leave your side...
Dreams come true....

Then, when the walls are breakin down on us,
When all we see is misery,
Will you still believe in me?

Lookin down...

utorak, 29.05.2007.

''Zapamti savjet onoga tko te voli, makar ti se i ne svidi tog trenutka.''

...kad sam pročitala ovu izreku odmah sam se sjetila kak se paše uz par stvari. Zato ju poslušajte.

Evo, brža sam s novim postom.
Zadnjih tjedan dana mi je bilo baš fora, prepuno zbivanja. Mogu vam ponosno reć da sam itekako nadoknadila prošli vikend dead party dead!
Bila sam na norijadi, zakon je bilo, išla sam s velikom ekipom – najprije faf uz Koranu, neki su se i kupali (hvala Družaku na pozdravu curama koje su se bacale po travi cool) pa na koncert. Znala sam svaki treći odlomak pjevat, al svejedno je bilo veselo, ne znam kad sam se zadnji put tolko isplesala...

...Da nastavim.... U subotu mi je bilo najNAJnajbolje. Bili na gitarijadi. Vjerujem da je većina vas bila pa nema potrebe za nekim velikim pričama (nije da se ne sjećam cool).
Bilo je par odličnih grupa, svi smo bili dobro raspoloženi, upoznala sam par simpa osoba ... Moram reć da me je nešto jako ugodno iznenadilo (znat će neki)...
....i baš mi je drago što su se neke stvari popravile smijeh.

Prvi razredi imaju sutra i preksutra one ispite tak da tad lijepo nemam prva 3 sata (bar neka korist od te škole)...pa ću lijepo na kavice jutarnje....(ak mi se ne bude spavalo)

To je zasad sve.
Svima sretno u školi, valjda će se preživjeti nekako ovih 2-3 tjedna.

....Capa i ja smo vidjele lika koji nas je baš na ovo podsjetio. Lol. rofl Hihihi...daj pazite:

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